Has anyone ever had any therapies done to... - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone ever had any therapies done to help with severe endo pain? E.g. acupuncture, aromatherapy, Chinese or western herbs, massarges?

summerglow profile image
5 Replies

Is there anything anyone can reccomend? This pain is taking over my life. Thanks ladies x

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summerglow profile image
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5 Replies
vkjames04 profile image

Hi summerglow, sorry that you're in such bad pain :-( I have tried acupuncture and I would say it worked to some extent. It didn't get rid of all the pain but it certainly helped reduce the pain to a manageable level. I first went for acupuncture when I'd been off work ill and was admitted to hospital with the pain for a while and I was becoming increasingly down/depressed with the constant pain. The acupuncture really lifted my spirits, made me feel human again and I really did feel like a weight had been lifted. I definitely think it's worth a try, after all, we've got nothing to lose when we are in constant pain!! Good luck I hope you manage to find a way to ease your pain xx

Stella-Monica profile image

Hi there. I have also tried acupuncture and my thoughts are the same as vkjames04. I have been doing it for 3 months now and while I still get pain, it is much, much, much less than before but the most welcome change has been the improvement in my mood as I was very close to being depressed (battling endo all my life and now have been trying for a baby for three years and after 2 IVF the conclusion is that I won't be able to have my own baby because my eggs are not good enough -suspecting that endo has everything to do with it).

Just as vkjames says...there is nothing to lose so I would definitely say that it's worth trying acupuncture.

Aquitaine profile image

I've also had good experiences with acupuncture. I also found that some very gentle yoga (breathing exercises etc) helped me cope better with the pain. I don't think it takes the pain away, but it definitely helped me deal with it. Good luck!

Brownlow profile image

Hi Summerglow,

I get acupuncture and it helps. Make sure you see a properly licensed acupuncturist. Mine costs £36 for an hour for a private session. First session usually costs a bit more to take med history. acupuncture.org.uk/componen...

I'm going to book reflexology too.

Be careful letting anyone massage your abdomen. Rest of the body for relaxation is ok.

I bought some calendula carrier oil last week just before my period. Some studies have shown that Calendula oil has proven to be effective in relieving pain associated with Endometriosis. The oil is applied topically and has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy. It has analgesic properties. I added a few drops of essential oils - eucalupyptus radiata, frankincense, cypress, sweet basil, clary sage, lavender, rosemary and geranium - and rubbed gently on my pelvic area in a clockwise direction (looking down at your tummy). I did this each day of my period after a hot bath with magnesium chloride salts added (helps reduce cramping) and before going to bed. Not sure if it helped with pain but it felt very nice.

I also spray magnesium oil on my body every day after a shower. The skin absorbs the magnesium into the bloodstream. Many of us endo girls have low magnesium which contributes to cramping.

Trying chinese herbs at the moment but might switch to western herbs. Always make sure of a practitioner's credentials and also use your instincts when you meet the person. If something doesn't feel right for you try someone else.

Many people on the forum use a TENS machine and they report good results. I have one but not tried it yet.

Hot water bottles help a lot, also heating pads of any kind or microwaveable wheat bags.

Do speak to your doctor first too if you decide on any of the practitioners. Some things might interfere with any meds you are taking.

Stephanie1987 profile image

Hi summerglow, as you no endometriousis is an incurable disease it can only be managed. I tryed everthing years ago when i was diagnosed and nothing worked to stop the crippling pain i had to face facts that an oparation was the way to go, after that i was pain free for 5yrs no problems atal but i have just found out that it has obviously returned, the hospital have now put the coil in instead of oparating again which i was not happy about to begin with as my side affects were bad, but iv just gone though my first period since with no pain 'YES' hopefully this will carry on. So i advise you either have an op or ask for the coil.

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