Anyone want to talk about experiences that I can't PM XX
anyone with or had endo want to chat ? Fe... - Endometriosis UK
anyone with or had endo want to chat ? Feeling down :(
I feel the same way right now 😟
And me hot lethargic keep getting down lately
Hi, football is on so I'm free to chat! What's getting you down most?x
The constant pain instantly makes me depressed. The thought it could me making me infertile makes me feel worse. Hopefully will get reffered on my next doc appt everything else has been ruled out. I'm scared.
Constant hip and leg pain it's every day some things only slightly take the edge of it 😡
Feeling down too, on prostap, but got endo pain on both left and right ovary! Surely something is not right??? also stomach is so swollen.
What is prostap ? Have u had a lap ?
I'm feeling down too, in so much pain. I have Endo inside my bladder.
Has anyone noticed that after eating anything solid the pains get worse? My pains in my bladder, bowels get worse and my stomach feels bloated. I'm fine when I stick to a liquid diet.
My GP told me that the adhesions are strangling my bowels causing pains when I eat anything.
I don't get that problem as such. Have u had a lap ? At least if it's on ur bladder would that affect fertility ? My pains are general low back pain, twinges, sharp pains in groin hip area. N shooting pains down legs.

I've had numerous ops, I had Endo inside my bowels, ovaries, bladder, all my insides were all stuck together. I had a lap last year to remove Endo I was fine and pain free for 6 months but my Endo came back again and back inside my bladder again.
I was very lucky to have my children before the Endo got worse. Your lucky you don't have it in your bladder because the pains are unbelievable. I get pains everywhere, bladder, lower, upper back, bowels, stomach, ribs, hips, ovaries, my pains don't stop at all.
Oh gosh that sounds terrible. Xx

Yes it is, at the moment I'm wearing morphine patches to help with the pains, I'm hoping the patches do work as I've had no luck with any other pain killers.
Yes, I've had two laps. First one was exploratory, and they said they found 'nothing'. I was suffering from back pain n messed up periods at the time. However 2years later was diagnosed with Chocolate cysts on a routine scan, hence had second lap to remove cyst. Cyst is back but they refusing to do anything other than give me prostap monthly 😬
Feeling down after stopping TTC and going back on the pill to try and alleviate the symptoms until I see the gynae, not helped by my (pregnant) friend saying 'I would have just coped with it and not gone back on the pill, don't you want to be pregnant?'
People without endo don't realise how bad it is, its not just a few cramps!
I agree with you dbelle, people who don't have Endo don't understand how we live on a daily basis. At first my mum didn't believe me she told me to suck up the pain, stop being a whimp, and it's all in my head.
Now after a few years and making my mum come with me to my appointments she believes me, I even made her a book about Endo. She's trying to understand and help me now.