I was diagnosed with extensive endo in January however have had symptoms since I was 13 (I am 20 now). The reason it took so long to diagnose was because my symptoms were similar to bladder and kidney infections.
I was in and out of hospital having multiple ultrasound scans which showed that nothing was wrong with my kidneys or bladder.
I always (at least once a week) had burning when I went to the loo and for a while after and was also urinating a lot more than a normal person! However since my laparoscopy in January the burning is getting a lot worse and every single day at some point I will get agonising burning which feels like it is inside of my vagina (sorry for the detail). It cripples me and the only thing I can do relieve it for a few hours is to drink pint after pint of water and then go to the toilet around once every minute for a couple of hours which helps the pain.
I have had urine samples done A LOT! And it only shows a slight bladder infection in around 1 or 10 samples.
I am left clueless about what could be causing this horrible, horrible pain as it was bad before my diagnosis but never this bad.
I also have nights where I go to the toilet around 15 - 20 times a night and sometimes it is so bad that I just give up going back to bed and sit on the loo for an hour!
Does anyone else suffer with this as a result of endometriosis or is it something else?
Thank you ladies! X