I'm weeing five times a night? Why? - Endometriosis UK

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I'm weeing five times a night? Why?

Charliechocolate profile image
14 Replies

It's driving me crazy and keeping me awake. Does anyone know what I should be doing or if this is connected with edo? X

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Charliechocolate profile image
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14 Replies
Impatient profile image

you need to visit your GP with a pee pot (sample of midstream pee).

1st the GP can do a dip test there and then to determine the contents of the pee, whether there are signs of infection, or protein in the pee or anything else that can indicate any other illness. The pee sample if it shows infection can be sent to a lap to identify the specific bug.

Not all urinary tract infections caus burning or stinging side effects - some are not painful at all - just have you going to the loo a lot.

That is the most common reason and the first one to get checked out asap.

If there is no sign of infection then you need to be scanned to see if ther is any tumor or cyst growing next to the bladder and putting pressure on it so it cannot fully expand before you need to rush to the loo.

Endo cyst and normal ovarian cysts cn impact bladder function very quickly once they get growing if they happen to be at an awkward angle. This is something more likely to give you different pee problems between you standing up or sitting upright and lying down and would certainly be capable of causing you to be rushing to the loo through the night.

It might give your relief to be lying on the other side of you, or on your front rather than on your back, or even try sleeping in sitting position on the sofa or lying down with your bum elevated above the kidneys by cushions.

none of these are ideal and are not for the long term - but may give you some relief till you get the situation resolved.

Ther are lots of tablets that can be taken for various bladder problems too, and it may be that if there is no cyst or no infection it could simply be that your bladder muscles are having spasms and the electrical impulses that normally make every work properly are misfiring (you wont feel bladder muscle spasms - but you will have bladder ctivity and control disrupted.)

Also look at any medication that you are on presently - check the side effects list as they can sometimes mess up normal peeing too. again this might explin why it only happens at night, if you have just taken an evening dose of something.

i had 17 months of bladder spasms after gynae surgery - and had very little control over my pee till i got on meds that helped a lot. i tried several before finding one that seemed to suit me more than others. So i have a lot of sympathy for anyone with continence issues and not getting a full nights sleep and hving too many accidents and near accidents. it is soul destroying tht every minute or the day and night you are thinking so much about the loo you have little time for anything else and planning to go out anywhere is a military exercise - making sure there are loos, you know where they are and so on.

first things first - please take some pee in pot to your GP. it doesn't have to be a clinical sample pot (though you can ask the chemists or any Nhs drop in centre, or even your GP surgery to give you one or two for free.) You can use any small glass pot or jar with a secure lid - make sure it is thoroughly cleaned out and sterilised with boiling water and dried out before using it for a pee sample.

if no sign of any infections are present and the levels of proteins are normal and there is no sign of bleeding (pink pee) then next step is to start on drugs to see if they can relieve your symptoms.

And also try sleeping at different angles too...which is something you can try for yourself.

Very Best of Luck getting it sorted out asap.

Charliechocolate profile image
Charliechocolate in reply to Impatient

Omg! Thank you so so much for all this info - u r so kind to take the effort and it has made me feel so much better - I took up yr tip last night with raised bum and it was good! It saved a few trips! Xxx

minty12 profile image
minty12 in reply to Impatient

Hi i saw this post and i am hoping that someone where could help me i have been peeing none stop for couple of months now i have two small kids this peeing every minute is destroying my life my sleep and time with my kids ...i went to the doctors they gived me pills saying i have bladder infection i took the pills that didn't work ...1 month later i woke up with bad back pains had to rush myself to the hospital couldn't stand up probably they said you could have a kindney infection i took those pills still nothing it didn't work... soo couple of days ago i peeied my bed i am very embarrassed about this but i need help i dont know whats wrong i keep leaking

Jenna0606 profile image

Hi, can only speak for myself.

I myself had/have the same problem - I get up 4/5 times a night on a good night, sometimes more!!! I found that once I had my lap they found endo on my urethra which was making me wee loads - endo on the urethra acts like a compressed hose for the bladder that you can't get it all out when you see the first few times. I also had the sensation that I needed to wee when it was only a dribble, again because endo was found on my bladder.

After my surgery for the first few months I was able to sleep straight through the night without waking up. It's now started again, so I try not to have anything to drink after 7pm.

I'd follow the advice from impatient and see your GP first and get some tests done.

All the best xx

Lilly83 profile image

I have bladder endo and was the same, my bladder always felt heavy and I had to plain trips round where there were toilets, as when I needed to go I needed to go! I also had it blocking my ureters too x

Charliechocolate profile image
Charliechocolate in reply to Lilly83

Thanx it helps to know that you all understand how terrible all this is x

nikkijane1967 profile image

I've got a bladder prolapse and endometriosis, fybroids etc. So I'm waiting for hysterectomy, blazer lift, ovary removal.

Charliechocolate profile image
Charliechocolate in reply to nikkijane1967

Might be the way forward for me too - good luck and thinking about u x

madtabby profile image

Ditto , im the same. Up at least 4 times a nite weeing. Wen im due on the stream goes to a agonizing trickle n i swear when im on a loose blood from my urethra as i can actually feel it flow out !!

Endo gets every where n effects everything. I havnt found alot that helps other than to avoid fizzy drinks and take strong anti immflammatories . I tryed not drinking after a certain time & it actually made me worse !!!

Charliechocolate profile image
Charliechocolate in reply to madtabby

Thanks for these tips xx

Jembee profile image

I said about this a few days ago it's driving me round the bend! No infection my wee been tested and got an appointment with endo specialist so hopefully they will give me some light to this

Charliechocolate profile image

Oh god nightmare - I have gone into early menopause too! So I was wondering if this might be a connection?

Lilly83 profile image
Lilly83 in reply to Charliechocolate

So have I! I'm 30 x

Reborn12 profile image

What's endo

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