Can endometrial ablation fail? Had it don... - Endometriosis UK

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Can endometrial ablation fail? Had it done in May 2013...womb lining has grown back?!?!

Edsmom profile image
18 Replies

I have stage iv endo, I had ablation and removal of endo done. Pain started returning after 2-3 months so went onto mini-pill. Had scan to check for ovarian cysts and it shows my womb lining has thickened again. Am I doomed? Help

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Edsmom profile image
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18 Replies
Bokkie profile image

Hi Edsmom, when I had my endometrial ablation done my consultant told me that sometimes bits of lining are missed unfortunately (I had the microwave 'upside down umbrella shape' method) and they will continue to grow. He said I could go back for another ablation to zap the rest if this happened. The ablation didn't stop my periods and I continued to have them but they were very light "normal" ones compared to before. After about 6 months, my periods started to get heavier again but I have not had a 2nd ablation done because I was then diagnosed with stage 4 Endo and I am on Depo-Provera now which has stopped my periods. I know that if I come off the Depo (which I think I may have to soon) my heavy bleeding will return with a vengeance!!!! I plan to look into alternatives such as a hysterectomy now...XXXXXX

Edsmom profile image
Edsmom in reply to Bokkie

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me, it's always nice to know you're not alone.

Yes it can grow back and at a much quicker rate. I had 3 ablations in all throughout the past 18years, each more painful than the last and it has resulted in me being informed that my womb being too thin to be able to hold a child in it when I went to start IVF treatment last November. I am now currently 10days post-op from having to have total hysterectomy, cervix and part bowel removal because the endo had spread at such a fierce rate. If I had my time over again I would NOT have any ablations and just go straight for IVF treatment. x

Bokkie profile image
Bokkie in reply to

I am absolutely flabbergasted that you have had 3 ablations even though you were wanting children!!!! I was told by my doctor that they only offer ablations to ladies who have finished having their children or do not want or cannot have any, because you do not have any or enough endometrium left to be able to sustain a pregnancy once you have had the procedure done! I know what I was told and I think it is shocking that you have been left unable to have children! I think you should seriously ask some questions about this!!!!! XXX

in reply to Bokkie

I have had 3 separate Gynae Consultants throughout the past 18 years and none of them have said anything of what you have just told me. I am going to investigate this further, thank you for letting me know this, I really appreciate it xx

minchy profile image
minchy in reply to

I can't believe you weren't told the facts about pregnancy after ablation . My 2 ablations were only done because I have 2 cchildren and didn't want more . You really do need questions answered . Hope you get help you need x

rescuechic976 profile image
rescuechic976 in reply to

the first thing my doctor told me was that once you have an endometrial ablation done your chances of ever carrying a child is down by over 75% and if you do conceive then your chances of carrying it to term are dramatically lowered, most women don't make it past the first trimester before they miscarry. I am surprised that your doctor's never told you this. I have had 8 pregnancies 4 that I carried to full term and delivered and 4 that I lost in the 2nd trimester. I had the ablation done after my last child.

BlackSoul86 profile image
BlackSoul86 in reply to Bokkie

I was told the same thing when I had my procedure done in August 2013. Imagine MY surprise when I had my first period since start 3 days ago!!! I called my OBGYN's office, and the new doctor who replaced mine that retired informed me that if I do not want anymore children (DD is 6, DS 9), that I may want to consider contraception or having the procedure done again. He also offered a full removal. I am 33 and have always regretted having the procedure done. I'm on the fence about how I want to handle this. I have an ultrasound scheduled to check the thickness and to see how much of my lining has returned.

Greyhound_Sound profile image

Im absolutely astounded by what you have said Bokkie, ive had 3 ablations done, under 3 different consultants and 3 different hospitals and ive never been told that!!

Bokkie profile image
Bokkie in reply to Greyhound_Sound

I am so glad that Mama1 was told the same as me because I was beginning to think I was the only one! I had a microwave ablation which burns the lining off completely so to me that speaks for itself really. Maybe it depends of the type of ablation done, but to my understanding once removed, the lining rarely grows back. I would ask questions if I was you. I hope for some obscure reason it will be different for you, I really do. X

Heartgirlus profile image
Heartgirlus in reply to Bokkie

Ok all. I know these are old posts but it seems important to clear up the confusion so those seeing them now will know the difference. What everyone here doesn't realize is that you're talking about two TOTALLY DIFFERENT procedures! To ablate means to remove or destroy tissue. The issue is WHERE that tissue is. Because endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus for those of us with endometriosis we can have endometrial tissue ablated anywhere it is found. Destroying it OUTSIDE of the uterus helps PRESERVE or RESTORE fertility and is a treatment for endometriosis pain or infertility. But having the entire endometrial lining ablated from INSIDE the uterus makes a pregnancy IMPOSSIBLE or DANGEROUS. It is done to treat heavy bleeding and ONLY AFTER a woman is finished childbearing.

I've had both procedures. The first is an abdominal surgery almost always done with a few scopes, rarely by opening the abdomen. The second is done via the vagina, occasionally also using a scope through the bellybutton.

I hope this helps clear up the confusion.

mama1 profile image

I had an ablation done in September, and was told under no circumstances was I to get pregnant, as my womb would not be able to hold the baby and it would be dangerous for the baby.

I was told all this before I made the decision to go ahead, infact the registrar on the morning of my op also told me this, and checked that I knew.

Bokkie profile image
Bokkie in reply to mama1

Thanks for your comment mama1, I now know I am not the only one to be told this! X

Annetta25 profile image

I was totally unaware of this. I have been told I have mild endometriosis an have had one operation in 2009 an a am having another this year but I do want to try for another baby so what do you think I should do in my circumstances I am 25

Bokkie profile image
Bokkie in reply to Annetta25

Hi Annetta. I would ask about it if it was an ablation you had, before you have anything else done this year. XXXX

Annetta25 profile image
Annetta25 in reply to Bokkie

Yes I had an ablation in 2009 and my symptoms disappeared for 2 years but since 2013 it has been a nightmare. I have been in hospital 3 times this week n medicated by 2 paramedics at home. I'm now in agony as I write this an I'm considering going back in to hospital today. I've taken pr diclofenic n tramodol behave a hot water bottle n I'm in total agony right now

Bokkie profile image

Has the heavy bleeding returned too? Have you ever been on Tranexamic Acid tabs for your bleeding and pain? I was on them for 10 years!!!! An ablation does not treat Endo in other areas of the pelvis though only the womb. Tranexamic tablets only help lessen the heavy bleeding. When I was offered an ablation it was for for Menorrhagia (heavy bleeding and pain) NOT Endo. I was the perfect candidate apparently; finished my family and no way of getting pregnant has my husband has had a vasectomy. I was only diagnosed with Endo 18 months after my ablation. If your pain is from other areas of your pelvis, an ablation will not help that. A laparoscopy will tell your Doctor where your Endo is if it is outside the womb. Was it a lap that diagnosed your mild Endo ( I was diagnosed with severe stage 4). Maybe some of your endometrium was not ablated and that has continued to grow Endo which is why you have some heavy bleeding (if you do!) and pain. Maybe you should look at other hormone treatment options rather than another ablation? If you have already exhausted them then I really do not know what to suggest but your best bet to discuss with your Doctor. I hope your pain improves soon...XXXXXX

Edsmom profile image
Edsmom in reply to Bokkie

Hi, thanks for your reply. I also have stage 4 endo, I had it diagnosed over 2 yrs ago by lap. Some endo was removed during the lap to diagnose, then I went onto a 6mth course of zoladex treatment to reduce and shrink the endo so I could have further surgery - which I had last May 2013 - ablation and extensive endo removal. I still had periods after surgery, although they were much lighter and less painful....a few months later pain had returned so GP put me on mini-pill to suppress ovulation. Pain back again, but no periods, and latest scan shows womb lining has thickened. I'm 40yrs old, am lucky to have 2 children and husband has had vasectomy. Phew! That's pretty much my story!

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