Hi just wondered if endo returns after a hysterectomy, after years of suffering with endo I had a hysterectomy vertical cut cause it was complex op endo was everywhere with lots of adhesions too right ovarie cleared of endo then left in so I can avoid Hrt not had a follow up and just wanted some advice pls x
Does endo go after hysterectamy ? - Endometriosis UK
Does endo go after hysterectamy ?

Hiya...I have stage 4 endo and had a hysterectomy 6yrs ago....they removed my womb,cervix,tubes and right ovary so was only left with my left ovary.....unfortunately for me it has returned and genuinely believed it was gone.....a hysterectomy does not cure endo but each and every one of us is different...have decided to go with my consultants advice and have the right ovary removed as have another haemorrhaging cyst and an 8cm endometrioma....been having injections to bring the menopause on as well as hrt and its not as bad as I thought and having the op done in August.....if I were you I would have a chat with your doctor as well as your consultant regarding your anxieties and take it from there....Best of luck x
Me too. Had hyst in 2012 and endo back last December. I'm not convinced any was removed in my hyst though- that was when it was diagnosed. It only took them 32 years! I'm 47 now and waiting to have endometrioma removed. I'm aiming to keep remaining ovary though- probably would be better to get rid as my endo not showing signs of giving up! Still- I'm rather attached to my bits and bobs and would like something left in there. A hysterectomy can only get rid of endo if the endo is only on the uterus I think. The ovaries continue producing oestrogen which feeds the remaining endo implants.
The only thing that gets better with a hysto is adeno. Endo can spread and so taking out just the womb might not work for all women as it may be on other organs that cannot be removed. Adeno on the other hand grows just inside the uterus so getting a hysto gets rid of it completely. I have both so my pain would get better with a hysto but wouldn't completely go as I still have Endo on other organs. The best thing to do is to in hindsight to have a lap to find out where the Endo is and if its only on the womb then its worth the hysto, if not then the pain will still be there and could get worse with it growing on the scars so it would've helped that way. Sorry I wasn't of much help, there isn't a cure for Endo so nothing takes it away entirely unfortunately good luck in the future though xxx