I had a major op nearly 3 weeks ago, in the last few days the post-op pain and discomfort has started to ease off a bit thankfully however this morning I felt a bit off and then started getting the worst stabbing pains I've ever had in between 2 of my wounds an high up on my right side. After trying a variety of painkillers (tramadol, codiene and diclofenac) and resting to no effect and now literally not being able to move without catching my breath, screaming and swearing I phoned the on call doctor. He thinks its an infection and has prescribed some antibiotics and then review if they don't help. I'm just a bit surprised as I didn't think I had any signs of infection and its come on so suddenly, but at the same time I know I haven't overdone things as have been taking things really slow which is why I was concerned enough to call the doctor. Anyone else ever had anything similar? x