Just got a date for my lap..... Help - Endometriosis UK

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Just got a date for my lap..... Help

Law27_pop profile image
7 Replies

I have just been given a date for 2 weeks time!! I have been waiting for so long I never thought it would happen!! But what do I do now? I'm worried about recovery ( with2 children and a husband who works away) also what to expect pain wise after my opp? Does it go or is it easier? Sorry for all the questions!! X

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7 Replies
Barbara82 profile image

Everyone is different and it also depends what they find when they do the lap, I had my first one just over 2 years ago had extensive endo found and removed and also a cyst removed, was done through NHS at private hospital and for me I was in quite a bit of pain after for about a week, couldn't stand up straight, pain going to the toilet but I think mine was quite extensive and was endo was removed from round my bladder so I think that's why the pain was bad. I had my endo pain (sharp shooting pains round ovulation) back within 4 months. I had my second lap in February just gone (exactly 2 years after the first) I had endo removed again, no cyst and it was no where near as bad, was only in light pain for the a couple of days but you need to be really careful afterwards, no heavy lifting and try to relax, if possible I would see if you can have someone stay with you for at least a day or two after surgery just to be on the safe side. I unfortunately started getting endo pain again in June (4months after 2nd lap). I have heard other stories though where people can go years without getting any pain. It really is different for everyone. I hope that you get some relief from your pain and it's a positive outcome for you. x

bonygirl1 profile image

Hi there, first of all good luck with your lap in a couple of weeks and as Barbara82 said everyone recovers differently. After my first lap where some endo lasered but not all as too extensive for my hospital to deal with I recovered quickly, but I did rest and not do anything around the house for a couple of weeks. My second lap was on 14th June this year where they removed a lot of endo and bowel, bladder, ovaries and tubes were stuck and a cyst removed from left ovary. Unfortunately this recovery hasnt been too good, I'm in more pain than ever and the support from the hospital has not been good. Thank god my doctors are fab. This doesn't mean you will be like this, most people feel good after they have recovered from their lap.

So my advice is to ask as many questions about recovery, if they have someone you can contact to talk about how you are feeling even if its weeks after your lap, is it common to be in more pain after lap, if so when will this start to improve, ask them about bowel movements and how long you should wait before seeking medical advice if you haven't been, write them down and any more you can think of or get advised to ask. Remember it's your body and you have the right to know all the answers.

You will defo need some help for a bit if your husbands not going to be home because you feel tired and tend to fall asleep duringt the day at first, thats the affects of the drugs. And listen to your body don't try to do things too quick, I did this time and I made my recovery longer. Rest, put your feet up and buy lots of magazines or just write to us here! Take care, I will be thinking of you in a couple of weeks X.

Lilly83 profile image

Hello, just wanted to share my experience....first lap diagnostic and cyst removal, out next day and off work 5 days, was able to cook day after getting out and do light cleaning, no pain really.

Second lap was 6 hours! extensive excision of endo, tube and ovary removal, excision from bladder and bowel too, catheter for a few days, 4 days in hospital back at work after 9, severe pain first 48 hours whilst in hospital then just tender for a few weeks

Don't let the horror stories put you off everyone's different, I'm not one for sitting around the house so I'm always back at work quick

Good luck!

Lilly x

bonygirl1 profile image
bonygirl1 in reply to Lilly83

I have hated not been able to do the things I used to pre op and sitting around the house is a no no for me, I'm an out doors person and love keeping fit, but unfortunately my recovery hasnt been good. My job is not one where I can sit at a desk. I didnt want this to happen to me, I wanted to be pain free for a while and enjoy my life X.

Lilly83 profile image
Lilly83 in reply to bonygirl1

I do sympathise with you I wasn't in any way implying some people didnt have bad recoveries, just wanted to reassure OP that some people do bounce back really quick, leading up to my lap I kept seeing posts saying how people were off work for 6 weeks, bed rest for 2 weeks etc, it really worried me, luckily the reality was very different for me, you just don't often see posts about the easy recoveries so always good to know I think. My job isn't a desk job either unfortunately.

I think my severe pain at the hospital was due to having been on a ton of meds for the year leading up to it, including 8 Tramadol and liquid morphine every day so the pain meds didn't really touch me

Hope things get better for you Bonygirl x

Law27_pop profile image

Thank you everyone!!! It's so good to hear everyone's story as like you have all said everyone is different! I think I will be getting mum to stay over for a few days and then see how it goes! I think the main thing for me is to plan for the worst and hope for the best! Thank you again for sharing and I hope we all get some pain free time soon!!! Also I think you are all strong women for all you have been through!!! I hope I can be as strong!!! Xxx

Catness profile image


That's great if your mum does come over for a few days. I'm 23 and a gym bunny so I thought (wrongly) this would mean that recovery for me would be plain sailing. I had a lap, diathermy to endometriosis and a rigid cystoscopy to bladder and bladder dystension and I couldn't do very much by myself for 2 weeks afterwards.

My best advice though (sorry to be crude!) is that you may find having a bowel movement impossible for a few days afterwards so don't eat anything too bulky as this really helped as I didn't feel too uncomfortable. I didn't eat any bread or pasta and kept to veggie sausages (as I'm

veggie) and soft vegetables. I also had fresh apple juice and pineapple as this helps to keep you regular.

The other thing is to keep up with the pain meds. I tried to come off them after two days as I don't like them but this wasn't a good idea and had to go back on them.

Just listen to your body and even if you are recovering quickly be gentle with yourself :)

Best of luck and let us know how you get on :) xxxx

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