Hello everyone... I'm a 45 yrs old female from Indonesia, I found out that I have CKD stage 3a about 2 months ago. I will share my latest lab result and renal usg (done in november) hoping you can advice me what to do, what food to avoid/limit to stop or at least slowing down this CKD progression...
Renal usg result:
Bilateral simple kidney cysts
Right: 6.20cm x 3.66cm
Left: 3.87cm x 3.93cm
*Lab result* (base on type written on paper)
- Hematology (all normal range, I only share Hgb since it seems important for CKD patients)
Hemoglobin 12.8
- Blood chemistry test:
Creatinine 1.4
Gfr 45.4
Albumin 4.45
Protein 8.2
Cholesterol HDL 70, LDL 106, Trygliceride 56, Total 197
- Electrolite
Potassium 2.7
Sodium 138
Chloride 95.9
Inorganic phosphorus: 2.8
Calcium 9.3
Magnesium 1.91
- Urine analysis
Albumin: Negative
Glucose: Negative
Chrystal: Negative
pH 6.0
Blood 2+
Thank you so much!