I stopped taking Meloxicam a couple of weeks ago. From searching the web, I read that some doctors prescribe ACE inhibitors (lisopril, quinapril, etc) for CKD. I used a drug interaction checker and it is recommended to not take an ACE Inhibitor along with a Cox 2 Inhibitor (Meloxicam, Celebrex, etc.) Just a heads up.
ACE Inhibitors can cause a decrease in k... - Early CKD Support
ACE Inhibitors can cause a decrease in kidney function with Cox 2 Inhibitors

I caution about looking up interactions on the internet. First and foremost you will see that almost every website will have a footnote which is to consult your doctor. Here is a great example. Go to an interaction checker. Enter aspirin, then lisinopril. Two of the most common "medications" in the United States. It will say do not take this combination because it "MAY" reduce renal function. Yet what is a most common drug given to improve renal functions? Lisinopril. Why does a person take an aspirin a day? To avoid cardiovascular problems. And ultimate if a person passes away from renal disease the most common cause of death of cardiovascular related caused by renal disease. You see when it says there is an interaction it does NOT mean it is always the case, or that the interaction is necessary something that for you health condition is harmful. A doctor (with you) can determine exactly what is the possible interaction. For example an interaction may be it causes a headache, or a rash, or fatigue, etc. However the benefits of taking the combination, for your particular health condition, far outweighs any "harmful" possible interaction. When someone gets their prescription for any medication from a pharmacy you are given all kinds of leaflets about the drug you are getting. Few of us (myself included) take the time to read it. However every single one will list all possible side effects. I wonder sometimes if there is a drug made that does not have possible side effects. Yet your doctor prescribes it. Why? Again, because the benefits far outweigh possible side effects.
Hello LorrieC. Reading RickHow's reply I think he has given a very good summary of the dilemma that we all face when we need to take multiple medications namely that we have to carefully manage their benefits with their potential side effects. Have you discussed your concerns about Meloxicam with your doctor and maybe any possible alternative pain relief? Take care
Do you have the link to the drug interaction checker? I'd love to have it please
This is the one I use: webmd.com/interaction-check...
This is the one that said taking the two together could reduce kidney function, especially the elderly or volume depleted individuals.
Meloxicam is an NSAID and all NSAIDS are bad on the kidneys. Unfortunately! I miss ibuprofen for hip pain for sure.