Stress and Loss in kidney function - Early CKD Support

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Stress and Loss in kidney function

Drakula profile image
11 Replies

Last 8-9 month's were very hard for me. I lost half of my life time savings in a bad investment . This stressed me a lot. I cant take my mind out of it.

And in the end, stress took heavy toll on my health. I slumped to stage 4 egfr 25 from stage 3 egfr 34.

Suggestions needed. What should I do?

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Drakula profile image
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11 Replies
orangecity41 profile image

Sorry to hear of your stressful situation. Stress can affect your overall health and kidneys. Here is link to NKF about stress and kidneys and some tips to assist you.

Kimmilemo profile image

Keep putting one foot in front of the other as the whole world is seeing now everybody is in the same boat with money worries. You can’t go back only forward and many people loose money for all kinds of reasons , the people that care about you don’t care how much money you have. It will be ok, God gave you today , enjoy it and reach out and research your ways to meditate and breath!

Sammi_n_Munk profile image
Sammi_n_Munk in reply to Kimmilemo

Those are words to live by and such a beautiful thought. Thank you for that reminder Kimmilemo! 😊👍🙏

Ritzy_Jewels profile image

I too went through a VERY stressful situation that lasted for 2 1/2 years. I am getting my footing back now, thankfully. My gfr also tanked from 34 to 26. Since January it has risen to 28. I am determined to get it back up to the previous level and even higher if possible. I have been greatly encouraged by following James advice from He has posted 60 + videos that are packed with exactly what to do to help yourself. Here is one to get you started.

I wish you all the best!! Warm regards,


rabbit01 profile image

Hello, sorry to hear about your situation. I am convinced that stress had a very real impact on my health and certainly contributed to my kidney decline. I think that if you just draw a line under the financial loss and try and move on. I myself lost many thousands of dollars invested in bank stocks just as the credit crunch hit in 2007. For a long while I fretted about it and kept thinking “if only I had of…” but that is not going to bring the money back. Once I had made the decision to stop beating myself up and just move on then I felt a lot better.

Sammi_n_Munk profile image

Hello Drakula. Wow. I can certainly identify with what you’re going through. I’ve also lost money on a business deal gone wrong. It wasn’t half of my life savings, but it did leave me with quite a knot in my stomach (still today it hurts me to think about it). This happened back in late 2008, and in 2009, my kidneys began failing me. So I am completely with you on the stress level having affected your health in a negative way.

Not sure if this will be helpful because it seems to be advice you’ve probably heard a million times before, but perhaps talking to someone, even a close family member may help ease a little of the frustration you must be feeling right now. I know for the first few years after my experience with this, I would bark out my story to anyone and everyone who just glanced in my direction. If someone said “Hello” to me at a bus stop, they would be suddenly bombarded with my money loss issues. Lol!

Also, (and this is almost a stupid question) but, have you consulted with a lawyer and / or financial advisor on the possibility that you may be able to recoup some of your lost funds? If not, it may be worth a try. I know that it’s a very defeating feeling to go through this sort of thing. It’s actually traumatic. At least it was for me.

You can also try perhaps, an online counselling program, if it’s available. I would imagine now, with the crisis going on, it would be difficult to reach out to an in-person counselling program.

Either choice you make, and as difficult as it may be, I would still suggest that you listen now to what your body is needing from you. Frustration can be dealt with in many different and constructive ways, it’s really just a matter of finding what works for you without causing further harm to your system. Try taking it out on a punching bag. Try going into a room or a basement and just scream for a few minutes (works for me! Lol!) You have every right to be angry and sad when something like this happens, but just try not to let it consume you to the point of self-destruction. Don’t allow what’s happened here to get you to lose yourself.

You can go easy on yourself by continuing to stick to all of the “renal journey rules” and try to improve your levels. It would be the best way to regain your well-being. Believe me. And remember we’re always here to help you. Here, we share a common ground, and in that, we can offer great support to each other. I hope what I’ve shared will be helpful to you in some way. Do stay well and keep us posted. I wish you all my best. You’re in my prayers. God bless. 🙏😊👍

Drakula profile image
Drakula in reply to Sammi_n_Munk

Hello Sammi

It feels good when u find someone who identify with what you’re going through.

So, you agree that your kidney function also deteriorated because of the stress related to the financial loss.

What was your GFR at the time of diagnosis?

What is the reason of your kidney disease as per your doctor's opinion ?

Sammi_n_Munk profile image
Sammi_n_Munk in reply to Drakula

Hi again Drakula! Unfortunately, my doctors back then didn’t share the results and actual numbers with me, and truthfully (and I’m ashamed to admit this), it never occurred to me to ask them. But, they believed at the time, that my kidney issues were a result of diabetes, high blood pressure and damage caused by advanced sleep apnea. At the time, also due to all of those issues, I had suffered from congestive heart failure as well. I was in a pretty bad state, but thankfully, my medical team did some fancy work readjusting my medications, diet and exercise regimen, and I recovered (somewhat).

My poor medical history really began with type 2 diabetes when I was 14, and that came about due to obesity. It’s shameful, I know. Lol! It’s been many years since then and quite frankly, through a medical perspective, I’m a mess! Lol! I try not to let it get me down, so I kid about it now and then, but on some days, I could cry, really. In fact, I do sometimes, honestly. But fortunately, I know more now about how to take better care of my health, therefore, I still feel as though I’m in a healthier position than ever before.

Someone once said that, “Knowledge is your best friend”, and I believe that. If I had known years ago that snoring and whimpering in my sleep was something I should have been tending to, my kidneys may not have failed me that early on. It still saddens me sometimes to this day, but as I say, I know better now, and that’s better than never knowing at all. At least now I know how to slow the progression.

Can someone pass me a tissue? Excuse me while I sob away. Lol! It’s good to get that off my chest. Do you mind if I ask how your kidney issues also came about?

newyork8 profile image

Focus on your health and nutrition and exercise. Also get competent financial advice...a professional with advanced designations and always diversify. At the most 5% in any 1 investmemt. get 2nd and 3rd opinions on your investments. We all make regretful financial moves. We try and learn from mistakes. You can recover but dont use emotion. I don't mean to preach. I've made plenty of bad choices too. Don't beat yourself up! I know its harder done then said.

Bassetmommer profile image

When ever we suffer a loss, there is a grieving period. No matter what the situation and what was lost, you will grieve. But there is a true sense of loss of control, anger and frustration when you are in a situation that goes bad. We can do a couple of things. We can stay angry and frustrated, or we can choose to find something to learn and gain control back. The most important part is gain control back.

There may be nothing you can do to get the money back. But you can choose to focus on your health and not let that go down with the loss of the money. You are already seeing the impact of that. So..... and I know it is hard, focus on your health.

Do what you can to get control of that. Control is what you need right now to get your confidence back. Do what ever you can to be in charge of your life right now. Make sure you are eating correctly. Do what ever exercise you did before and do it religiously. Find activities that boost your energy and give you pleasure and do them often. See yourself winning this part of your life.

Back in 2008, when my husband and I were truly struggling financially, we lost a ton of money in our life savings. We were in our 50's and that was part of our saving for retirement. We sought out an financial planner who put our money is a special account. I was very scared because it tied up our retirement funds completely for 15 years. Couldn't touch it. But time went faster than I thought and now we are retired. And because of the account it was, we recouped our losses and gained and have a nice income from it. Even now, the money is untouchable by the market, thank G. Because so many people have lost money this past month. So seek out someone who can help you.

Time is a healer. And I believe Karma is a b***ch. Whatever happened, let it go.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Bassetmommer

So true about grieving and relation to stress. Can relate to that. Yes time heals our wounds. Thanks for sharing.

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