Love the Davita recipes and now my family has several of them on their list of requests. I can relate to almost all of your posts. I am 69 and was told last November that I had stage 3 CKD. Of course I panicked and Googled like crazy. I am happy I did. I got my GFR up and potassium, protein, phospherus and calcium okay currently. Chloride was down to 95. That was a new one for me. The past 18 months I have gained and lost weight. I want to maintain my current weight because I feel better. I do have pain around my left hip but it was diagnosed as a QL(Quadratus lumborum) muscle strain. Going to PT for balance issues. A few years back I had a sonogram and was told that there was a 3cm cyst on my left kidney. Online I found that this is considered non-worrisome to doctors. I have mentioned it to my GP but so far nothing has happened. My diet is mostly kidney friendly but it is not a strict one. I do miss my potatoes and avocados but they are not out of my meals completely. Maybe once a week I eat oatmeal. I just realized that I probably should cut back on tomatoes. I need to remember to drink more water since I was addicted to sweet tea which I advise anyone else in my boat to limit it NOW. Exercise is not my favorite thing to do but PT is helping and the treadmill. I do take Bystolic and Welchol, VitD, Magnesium and an occasional stool softener.
Many thanks to all of you and what you have written. I have found my support group!