6 months ago I had a blood test which came back saying I had a gfr of 65 and my creatinine was 1.5.
I saw a nephrologist who said I should do a 24hour creatinine clearance test.....this came back normal.....actually clearing the creatinine at the higher end of the test.
The nephrologist has now said that I don't need to see him again and that I do not have kidney disease saying my high creatinine levels are due to being muscular.
I am 5 10, lean build and 12 stone; so not overly muscular in my eyes.
I have accepted what the nephrologist has said but I m still concerned he maybe missing something.
I m a 50 year old male with an underactive thyroid gland with normal kidneys in size, however one is a duplex kidney.
Just wondering if I should just accept the nephrologist's professional opinion or seek a second opinion.
Would really appreciate people's thoughts and advice.