Just been told my kidney function has droppd from 90 percent to 60 percent in last 12 months. They have not done anymore tests yet as they also think I may have prostate cancer so doing test for this first
Loss of kidney function: Just been told my... - Early CKD Support
Loss of kidney function

Hi Peterbatly,
Welcome to the group. I'm sorry to hear about your news. If they didn't do blood tests, I'm wondering how they know your kidney function dropped. If you do have some sort of other underlying disease or infection, it can cause you GFR or kidney function to drop. Certain Medications high amounts of protein in your diet, high blood pressure and diabetes can also cause kidney disease.
Please keep us posted as this forum has wonderful support.
Sending healing thoughts your way.
Peterbatley, sorry to hear of your situation and preliminary diagnosis of cancer. A prostate biopsy procedure should determine if pre-cancer or cancer. I had many biopsies due to PSA levels. I have progressive BPH and Urologist told me was damaging my kidneys, and prescribed a prostate medicine. A year later was diagnosed with CKD level 3b by my Primary Doctor and under treatment plan of diet and exercise. I hope that all goes well with your tests.
Hi, Peter -- Since you mentioned your prostate. . . Find out if you have BPH (an enlarged prostate), if you don't know already. The urethra runs through the middle of the prostate; when the prostate is enlarged, various urinary problems can occur.One of them is "urine reflux", where the urine "backs up", from the prostate back to the bladder, and eventually to the kidneys (which make the urine), where it starts scarring them, infecting them, etc. I had my GFR drop from 90 to 60, in a year, due to urine reflux -- without any doctor flagging it (because 60 is still in the "normal" range). And then it dropped to 20 in the next 3 months, due to the continued scarring of the kidneys from the backed up urine. That caused the doctors in the emergency room to take notice! (as did my blood pressure of 200+ over 100+, also due to the kidneys being under attack -- the kidneys regulate the blood pressure). They guessed what was going on, stuck a catheter in to open up the urinary tract and let out the backed up urine, and my GFR started climbing again! (now that my kidneys were no longer under attack from backed up urine.) Shortly after I had TURP surgery, which cuts out a "hole" in the middle of the prostate, to keep it from constricting the urinary tract. (And to keep me from having to use a catheter permanently!)
Abdominal ultrasound can help detect urine reflux. So can a voiding cystourethrogram (an X-ray of the bladder with a catheter inserted). Most urologists also have a bladder scanner, which uses ultrasound to quickly measure how much urine is retained in your bladder: the PVR ("post-void residual"). A PVR greater than 100 is abnormal, but generally not dangerous. But a PVR greater than 300 is when you really suspect potential kidney damage due to urine reflux.
Stay strong and hang in there!
Lets hope that this is not cancer and yet one more inconvenience.
You are not alone here as we all support you and await your results!