I have my first one tomorrow morning, just looking at what to expect. I had been sitting at 10.0 - 10.1 hgb and 30.4 ish hct for over a year - but today I was at 9.6hgb and 28.8 hct - so they sent my iron levels off, and if they come back good (which they should, I finished iron infusions not too long ago) then I will get that injection in the morning. Thanks for any advice!
Have any of you done the Aranesp Injecti... - Early CKD Support
Have any of you done the Aranesp Injections?

My husband had them 7 years ago eventually helped bring his iron stores up takes a while though he used an epi pen they are quick & easy to use x
Hi swimchic i have been having Aranesp injections for the last 8 months at a rate of 1 per month and my consultant is well pleased because they have worked a treat.I take them to my surgery and the nurse checks my blood pressure and if ok she gives me the injection in my stomach.No fuss no hassle nothing to worry about.Hope this helps.
Thank you both for the feedback I hope they work well for me too!
Yes, a couple of Aranesp injections, I'm one of the rare cases that reacts badly, headaches, trouble breathing.
I take NeoRecormon without too much hassle

Oh no! I just had mine a couple hours ago ... nothing yet so hopefully I'm gonna do well on them Glad you have something else that works for you at least!