they keep telling me I shouldn't have any symptoms at this stage but I feel constantly fatigued my musles are getting weaker and I have a bitter taste in my mouth. Does anyone else have these symptoms at this stage (gfr 32)
Hi everyone I have stage 3b ckd one of m... - Early CKD Support
Hi everyone I have stage 3b ckd one of my kidneys has died the drs don't know why I have ckd.

I really don't understand why Doctors and so called specialists insist on telling people that there are no symptoms at any of the stages other than 5!! Please don't come away from the doctors thinking you are imagining it. If you say you don't feel well, then you don't. How do they know how you feel, or even how any of us feel if they haven't been through it xx
Found this, hope it helps:
thanks you have made me feel much better sometimes I feel that its a waste of time going to the specialists because they just wait for my kidneys to get worse. once again thanks
I agree with googie, I had symptoms at stage 3 as well. When I get the matalic taste in my mouth it normally is one of the symptoms of a kidney infection along with also being more fatigue than normal. May I suggest that you go to your gp for some anibiotics (I normally have Ciprofloxacin for 7 days as Amoxaciln doesn't do anything). Oh and a urine sample doesn't always grow anything because the infection is higher.
I know its hard I am in disupute with one of my specialist at the moment as he stated I had no sypmtoms..... yeah right come live my day and tell me I have no sypmtoms!
Good luck
Hi boycie, I can only agree. The people who insist that stage 3 has no symptoms have obviously never experienced it! It seems logical to me that if something in your body is not working properly, you will feel some effects. Best wishes to you xx
yes my husband had all these symptoms at stage 3 & even at end stage he had a rash all over his torso & the consultant said it looked like acne! we found out since (through internet blog) that they were phosphate spots! as he had high phosphates! since taking phosphate binders they have more or less disappeared! apparently its unusual, i don't think they really know as they hav'nt suffered renal failure themselves, so don't be fobbed off!
thanks everyone it helps so much to have support through this web site without you all it would be a darker place