We have a new poll related to Nocturnal Hypoglycemia ( low blood sugars while asleep) and what symptoms a person may have at the time. Please click on the link and leave a comment on the poll's Comments Section if you have any symptoms of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia, but the choice(s)/symptoms aren't listed.
New Poll: Nocturnal Hypoglycemia and ... - Diabetes Research...
New Poll: Nocturnal Hypoglycemia and Symptoms

Lots of sweating, confusion/panic, thirsty, possibly the appearance of being drunk - speaking from experience.
Some people in my family had the appearance of being drunk, too when they were having low blood sugar.
It is one of the symptoms. Sometimes you can smell alcohol on their breath as well. Try explaining that you are not drunk then!
Do you tell the doctor/emergency team about the drunk/alcohol smell when you have an appointment?
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you today.
This is common symptoms in general and not about me Leah, sorry for the confusion. π€©
It's okay. Thanks for the explanation. I appreciate that very much. Are you feeling okay?
I am fed up of being in pain. Occupational health at work has put me on sick leave until the end of July.
I can understand that. No one likes being in pain/having certain health issues. What did you tell the doctor? Did he give you anything? What was the A1c recently? Sometimes, when the blood sugars are high for a period of time, they can cause side effects to start showing up.
That is true Leah but also, certain conditions cause the HBA1C to rise. For example, I am recovering from an ulcer on my toe, being treated by a Podiatrist. The ulcer on my toe is affecting my daily sugar levels. My left foot keeps swelling up and turning purple. I am frightened to see anyone.
I am seeing my podiatrist on Wednesday, if it gets worse, I shall seek medical advice before.
Okay. Please let us know what you find out and try to get some rest. Are you taking any medication for the pain?
I am taking loads of meds Leah, some of which are for pain relief.
Tiredness mainly. I go to bed exhausted, Wake up feeling tired, and tired throughout the day. I do have Fibromyalgia and chronic pain as well.
It's the same as it has been for a few years now.
Are you on the lowest dosage of the medication or can they lower it so it may not make you tired more often/all day?
That is a good question but to lower them increases the pain, swings and roundabouts.
Sorry if you have just eaten!
I called their emergency number this morning and they called me back 3 hours later! The lady said that she was glad that I have an appointment for tomorrow. Probably best to go to that one, if it gets worse, visit A&E
Did you explain to the emergency line woman that you also have other medical issues and the swelling/pain is causing the other conditions to have problems?
No, I didn't. She seemed in a hurry to get off the phone.
Some people in offices/on the phone can be that way, unfortunately. When I call the doctor to reschedule/change appointment days/times, I tell them that I have Diabetes and sometimes I canβt wait for the original time/day to be seen/talked to.ππ
There was no explaining to her. Went to podiatry this morning and she said there was nothing wrong. The woman on the phone suggested sepsis! I have a phone call booked in for tomorrow with my GP. We shall see.
Please let us know what the GP says after the appointment. What time is the appointment scheduled for?
Between 14.30-16.30 BST
Okay. Thank you for letting me know. I hope everything goes well.
Thank you. It's getting frustrating.
I know it is. Try to put the feet and legs up and see if that will help some of the swelling until tomorrow's appointment. Do you have a pillow to put underneath the legs/feet?
I am thank you.
Blood tests, BP and weight.
What did they say about the weight and blood pressure? What were the blood tests?
I have lost weight and my blood pressure is normal. My doctor is writing me a sick note, as requested by occupational health. One less thing to worry about.
That's good if you're able to have a doctor write a note for you. I had to have my doctor do that a few times dealing with jobs and health issues. Was very helpful.
I used to be so nervous asking because I felt like a fraud. I am starting to come to terms with how my body is. I am not dwelling on what I can't do but focussing on what I am able to do. We have 3 healthy granddaughters plus your activity quizzes keeping me busy and a lovely wife. We have 5 children and I am so blessed.
That's wonderful to hear about your family and focusing on the positive. I'm really glad the BRAINWORKS also helps keep your mind off of other things. They also help with keeping your mind active.
There's no reason to feel like a fraud with your health. Sometimes, things go a certain way and we just have to find a way to work with the situations that come up now and then.
True. When I had an accident in 1993 (I was a nursing assistant at a long stay hospital), my life direction changed completely. I had to reinvent myself and was receiving lots of therapy and treatment. I went back to college when my GP said I needed to change my line of work. So I trained in admin, having never used a computer ever before. It isn't something I have enjoyed but it pays the bills. Well, looks like I am going to retrain myself into retirement possibly. As a Christian, God made us adaptable, in an ever changing world, we have to be. Hope I won't get told off about my faith again.
Computer work/training and a new job can sometimes be a good thing if you find the right type of career/hobby/job that's right for you. It took me a while to find what I wanted to do over the years and eventually, I got my dream job. My dream job let's me do what I'm trained to do at my job, understands about my medical issues and also still allows me to be a Volunteer Admin. on HU.