Do you have Nocturnal Hypoglycemia an... - Diabetes Research...
Do you have Nocturnal Hypoglycemia and what symptoms are they? Multiple choice.
Please select all that apply:
For myself, it's difficult to say definitely what I'm experiencing. Many of the same things are the same symptoms of PTSD...
Feel very hungry.
I was getting high readings in the morning for no apparent reason so my diabetic nurse asked me to test at 3am for a week so that's what I did and every night I tested I got readings of 2.5mmol to 3.0mmol every night I told my nurse she asked me if I had symptoms I said no I weren't getting any symptoms so she said I must be sleeping through hypoglycemia so now I test every night at 3am then treat my hypos
None of the above generally I sometimes wake up with sweats but usually I have no symptoms other than unexplained high morning BG readings.
What are your blood sugars before going to bed? What are they before you eat breakfast the next morning?
A recent example - Bedtime 11.6, Morning reading 22.4 (the day before it was 11.4 > 8.2 hard to fathom!)
I have sometimes unexplained lower/closer to normal morning readings whereas other times as super high without a big difference to what I eat the evening before..
Do you have a bedtime snack each night?
I'm not the only one then!
I find it very frustrating that my body doesn’t react to a consistent way based on what I eat… even medication doesn’t give me a consistent outcome anymore….
Possibly I have to see the endocrinologist and/or the dietician.
I haven’t measured my BG at 2 or 3 am for ages!!! I’ll try that too and start keeping better records.
I'm the same, inconsistent, even when counting carbs, eating the same food and same level of activity
I have been up now 2 mornings in a row this week so far because I needed a test done and a snack of juice and a protein shake. After those, the numbers are going up slightly. My number before bed last night was 176 mg/dl. I had a 30 gram protein bar with a Greek yogurt as a bedtime snack.
I was 140 last night before bed, 1 oat biscuit and 105 this morning (7.2 and 5.8 mmol/l), back to normal today!
How many carbs. are in a biscuit?
9.2 grams
How much protein is in one?
Would you be able to have either 20-30 grams of protein and 25-27 carbs. for a snack?
Possibly 2 protein bars
What I do is, if my number is under 300, but it’s not too close to 200, then I will have a 20 gram protein bar and a Greek yogurt. 100-200– 30 gram protein bar and Greek yogurt before bedtime.
Sounds good but you still have unexplained 'highs' on some mornings?
It depends on if I had to have a snack before breakfast or not. Today, I had a snack and my number at 5:15 was 70 before eating both snack and my breakfast. My number right now after both on my receiver is 209->. Much more different than yesterday, but still may need a snack later this morning before lunch depending on if it drops to the low 100's by 12 noon.
I have never experienced a hypo during the night/while asleep.
Do you have a bedtime snack every night before bedtime?
Not every night…. Sometimes I’ll have a little bit of dark chocolate (85% or 90% cocoa) with a few almonds and Brazil nuts.
If my dinner was on the light side, like salad or roast vegetables with chicken or fish then I might be naughty and have a little bit of dark chocolate ice cream 😕😞