Well, this has been a very interesting week with the sensor that had to be removed last night before going to bed. In the early beginning of the week, I had been woken up twice two days in a row because the numbers were either way under 100 mg/dl or was dropping very fast at 3 mg/dl every 3 seconds. This started between 5:15-5:30 am the first day. The second day was around 6 am, but I was still tired. The alarms went off both days.
When I wanted to recalibrate last night because the two numbers on the receiver and my monitor didn't stay with in range of each other (the receiver was much lower than what my blood sugar had really been at 9:30 pm before my snack), the receiver refused to accept the first calibration that I gave it. This means that I had to retest again in 15 minutes to try to recalibrate, again. Unfortunately, that calibration wasn't allowed, either and I ended up calling to get a Rep. to tell me what to do so I could have readings showing up, again after the alert for Calibration Error was at the top of the screen on the receiver. So, I was told to stop the sensor and insert the one that I had been using now. When I removed the old sensor, I had some issues with it. It turns out, the sticky backing and needle were bent and hurt on the way to getting it off. There was some blood that was there after removal, but I got the alcohol swab and made sure it stopped the bleeding. I don't know why the needle bent since it was already under the skin since the first day of use/insertion. I will be getting a free sensor in the next few days from last night.
As for this new sensor, it's doing okay so far. No worries that I can see, but we'll see what happens after this week ends and we start the next one coming up. Watch this page for updates.
Stay safe, happy and healthy!