Here’s the picture I have taken last night before dinner. The sensor kept going on and off. This was very stressful since I wasn’t sure when it would go back on before/during the night. When it did go back on, sometimes, I would get a very high result (HIGH with an arrow sideways or two arrows up and down). Of course, the results were not right.
This morning, I didn’t have to do a shot at breakfast since I was 132 and 142-> and then I went down after eating. The sensor thought I was 98 angeling down. Hard to believe that since I ate the same breakfast I always have every day. We’ll have to see what happens soon.
Inserted the new sensor this afternoon. Still in the warm up period, now.😀👍
More to come soon.
How’s everyone doing this week?
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2 Replies
Hi Leah, what a pallarva as this sounds very stressful it's a shame that you can't have something more permanent so you're not always swapping the sensors.
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