Diagnosed with pre diabetes. Soles of feet hot/sore. Lower legs fatigued. No meds. Not really overweight. Drink a bit! Don't do sugar/sweets, etc. Does full diabetes' follow on'? Advice please
Pre diabetes: Diagnosed with pre... - Diabetes Research...
Pre diabetes

Hi Champ, no Diabetes doesn’t necessarily follow, have you the opportunity to talk to a Diabetes nurse/dietician for some advice?
nothing given by Doc other than a leaflet explaining what it is (vague!)
Were you told to count carbs. for each meal and snack? Did your doctor explain how to do carb. counting?
You would hope they would but... I didn’t get anything but a few leaflets either even when I was diagnosed with full diabetes. But I am talking 30 odd years ago!
Now though, as I have said before, there is an NHS “sponsored” course - in the UK - which they will or can send you on called XPert Diabetes. It is fantastic, 15 hours over 6 weeks, which I see no reason why someone like champ696, even with pre-diabetes - shouldn’t go on. From the NHS point of view it will not only help her but could save the NHS £000ks in the long run.
Hi champ 👍
Please see my response to. Activity2004 above. Sorry - I should have addressed it to you!!
Good luck. You could perhaps ask about the course. It’s free and you get a great handbook A4 sized so you don’t lose it unlike all those little leaflets - yuk!
Believe it or not you are in an excellent place IF YOU DO something. My friend was T2 & with some advice got OFF his drink & T2 pills. Good luck.
thanks all. What I find strange is the pins and needles feeling in the feet
Hi champ696 - Ive just been diagnosed with prediabetes too. The thing which made me go to the GP was a weird creeping feeling in the skin from the knees down, sometimes just feet so it varies. And there it was - prediabetes. Good luck with finding out about your needs with this.
Oh yes, I have that too and occasionally my hands. The doctor arranged blood tests after my visit to the surgery with something called restless legs. It's awful and keeps me awake at night. Apparently it's all linked to Diabetes or prediabetes which I am at the moment. I sm trying to find decent recipes with low carbs. I am going to get a good book to use to help me .Do you know what the tingling is? Maybe someone here can help. .
Hi SC - in saying 6 - 8 teaspoons of sugar, do you mean literally, or not having carbs which would break down to that amount of sugar? Im finding this all so confusing especially as my PD is steroid induced, partly at least as I have taken so much in the last 20 years. Dont drink, always eat whole grain food, just one or two slices of whole grain rye sourdough, olive oil and coconut oil. And due to inflated lungs I cant fit much in my stomach so have to eat much more often than you say to keep sufficiently nourished.
It would be nice to think the itching etc Im getting might abate with correct eating.