Being admitted to hospital and having diabetes can sometimes complicate things, but this does not have to be the case. We have just posted a new poll on the site, would love to see your replies and there is an article on our website all about a stay in hospital written by Dr Mayank Patel, Consultant Physician in Diabetes at the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Diabetes care in hospital: Being... - Diabetes Research...
Diabetes care in hospital

In my experience my diabetes is never treated by hospital staff whenever I am admitted to hospital for reasons other than diabetes and I have never had a diabetic doctor approach me at all.
I don't have diabetes but my mother does.
Unfortunately her health has been extremely complicated over the last year and her cognitive abilities have been affected with the result that she no longer administers her own insulin.
During the summer she had to have a hysterectomy, with the plan to admit her on the morning of the operation. At the pre-assessment interview it was made quite clear that, given that she had to be at the hospital at 7am she would not have received her insulin, so it was very frustrating to find out that she had been sent home because her blood sugar levels were high on admission ... and then just be given another date for a morning admission. Fortunately her GP was able to contact the hospital and explain the glaring obvious - that admitting her on the morning of the operation wasn't going to work and she needed to be admitted the night before.
Sorry, not entirely relevant to the survey but it is frustrating that treatment is so silo-ed.
Hi I need an advice to help my mother she is diabetic and she has an irritating cough and chest pain,which doctor can help her plz

You can call 111 for more advice