Hi guys im new here. So the last few days i have been feeling like rubbish, dizzieness, tiredness and preasure around my eyes as well as pins and needles any how the night before i fell unwel i went to a party and had a few glasses of pepsi as i dont drink anyway after a few days i feel a bit better but now i notice that anything i have with sugar it makes me lightheaded and ringing in my right ear anyone have any ideas what this could be?
Hi im new here: Hi guys im new here. So... - Diabetes Research...
Hi im new here

Welcome to the group, Hidden . Please feel free to continue posting/commenting/asking questions, read/reply to the other members of the group and their postings/comments, take a look at the Topics/Events/Poll sections for ideas and suggestions. Everyone here is very friendly and helpful. We will try to help and answer your questions to the best of our abilities.ππ
Have you talked with your doctor about the dizziness? Have you been tested for any food allergies?
Thanks for your reply. I have not been to the doctors yet. I have booked an appointment for next week tho i find it strange that im feeling like this now tho.
Sometimes, food/drinks weβve eaten for many years can start making us not feel good. I personally had to stop eating anything made with wheat or wheat products because I started having massive cramps 4 years ago. I have a gluten intolerance and have been eating a gluten free diet ever since along with a low carb high protein diet to control my weight and blood sugars. Iβm type 1.
Please let us know what you find out from your appointment with your doctor.ππ
How did you get diagnosed? What symptoms did you have? I need to go for blood test but i hate them didnt go the last time. I will let you know what happens. Certain foods like fatty foods and junk food is a no no for me it upsets my stomach.
I had surgery when I was 2 weeks old as an infant because my pancreas was putting out too much insulin and most of it had to be removed. Sometimes, what is left wakes up and then my blood sugars start dropping for no reason. Iβm on 2 types of insulin pens and I use a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring System). The CGM has helped me in the middle of the night and has woken me up when my blood sugars were under 80mg/dl.
What happens if the insulin is to high or to low? Sorry for all the questions.
No sorry necessary! You can always ask anything you want to know.ππ
If youβre using an insulin dose and itβs too high, you may have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). If the dose is too low, you can have hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).
When i use to smoke i use to have hypos, where i use to start shaking if i didnt eat much. Had to have something with sugar to stop me from shaking but that hasnt happened since.
Has a doctor said that you have to eat snacks during the day?
Nope i havent really paid much attention until now.
When was your last appointment?
2011 was the last time when i had blood tests done
Done with my snack. Will do the note now for you. Do you eat meat?
Do you count carbs.? Would you like to have me send a sample/fake menu by private message? Iβm okay with doing that if you want me to.ππ
What do you mean by count carbs? I dont mind
Adding up what the total carbs. you ate in a meal/snack. I will explain everything in my message.ππ Give me some time since I have to do my test, shot and snack soon tonight before bedtime.ππ
Ok no probs
Have you been keeping HYDRATED. Dehydration does strange things t the body. Clean fresh water gets rid of all the nasties. Good luck & welcome Jbamford

I will be in touch with you soon. Thank you for the reply.ππ

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