Here’s my update on how the old sensor was doing for the week. The picture was taken this morning before getting ready to go to my job. It was a little stressful this morning since the sensor was working on and off at times (see the attached picture).
At work, the sensor did work, but I was keeping a very close eye on it. This seems to be the way it is the day the sensor needs to be changed. It’s not good, but I’m not going to complain since it turned off on its own at the time it officially was supposed to be done for the week. I’m waiting for the time to do the calibrations to start the new sensor very soon. It’s not ready, yet. Can’t wait to see what happens soon!😀👍
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6 Replies
Wow these systems sure do continue to cause you problems☹️. Do you know anyone else who has one and if yes do they have all the problems you have?
Some people who have the same type of receivers that I use now and then have to get free sensors to replace the disfunctioning ones. The sensors are handmade.
The sensor is inserted under the skin for reading blood sugars every 5 minutes. It’s a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system so I don’t go too low with my blood sugars. I don’t feel lows.
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