I had my HGV licence revoked due to me being on insulin, due to the medication I was on it turned out to be the medicine that caused my diabetes I know don’t take said medicine and as a result I’m no longer on insulin and my bloods have been at a normal level when I was taking the medicine it was around 20-30, the dvla want evidence of this but my doctor said dvla will write to him so I’m really stuck as nobody wants to take responsibility. The fact it’s my livelihood on the table doesn’t seem to bother anybody apart from me. Can anybody relate to this or advice thanks.
Dvla : I had my HGV licence revoked due... - Diabetes Research...
Could your Dr not give you copies of everything you need for the DVLA? It seems ridiculous that you have to wait as places never seem to rush with things. Please take care Lynne
It dose seem ridiculous, originally I was on insulin but that’s not the case now, I’m fed up with waiting I could ask the doctor for notes and see if that will do, you take care also thanks
Thank you and you are very welcome. Take care Lynne
You are legally entitled to copies of your medical records so you could speak to the practice and ask for copies. I would suggest that you write to the GP and point out that it is your livelihood that is in question and you want this to be sorted out sooner rather than later. Would also suggest contacting the DVLA to ask them if they have written to your GP yet, and if so what the delay is - you would probably be entitled, under the GDPR to a copy of the correspondence that has gone to the GP.
You might also want to contact Citizen's Advice ... and your union if you are a member of a union as they may be able to help with legal/practical support whilst this is being sorted out.
Wow, I don't really know what to say, but I am really sorry you are going through this. Is there any way a doctor can show that you are no longer diabetic and no longer on insulin, and clear that up so that you can go back to work? Maybe another doctor? I would definitely look for another doctor to clear you of this, I'd get the blood-work and show you don't need insulin anymore. I really hope you get some news soon and don't have to go through this anymore. Good luck to you!