I have insulin resistance. I'm constantly hungry no matter what I eat. I'm overweight and on the pathway for bariatric surgery. To get the surgery I need to lose some weight mainly to demonstrate I'm committed. It's almost impossible to loose weight while feeling this hungry. I get shakey and struggle to concentrate, it's not that I just fancy eating.
I have an underactive thyroid and take an ssri so I think these things don't help with weight management for me.
I previously took metformin and it helped lots. I moved house and had to change GP and unfortunately they will not give me metformin. I've looked at the nice guidelines and they do say if a patient is unable to address their insulin resistance with diet and exercise. (which I'm not) metformin can be used.
So I feel like my GP is being needlessly difficult on this and not supporting me with what I know has worked. Especially as I'm not looking to take this for life I want to take it because I know it can help me lose weight (as I'll not be starving). I just wondered if anyone else had experience of taking metformin for insulin resistance or their GP being reluctant to prescribe it.