Hey! I am Anna. I am recently diagnosed with diabetes and I'm under medication. A couple of days ago, I noticed that my left eyesight is getting worse each day. My left eye is always itching and I rub them often and I experience severe eye and head pain. When I close my right eye, I can see only blurred images using my left eyes. I am scared that I will lose my left eyesight and also worried that it affects my right eye also. I consulted a nearby eye clinic. The ophthalmologist said that my left eye is diagnosed with astigmatism and he suggested undergoing laser eye surgery. I am planning to undergo this surgery. Does this surgery have side effects? How long does it take to recover from this surgery? Is there anything to be noted before undergoing this surgery? Kindly share your views. Any advice is highly appreciated.
Is it safe for a diabetic patient to ... - Diabetes Research...
Is it safe for a diabetic patient to undergo laser eye surgery?

How much WATER do you drink ? What is your bg like ? Do you keep to a Low carb diet ? Are you T1 ?
I wouldn’t do it. Basically your surgeon is going to burn off the surface of your eyeball. There are other alternatives - for example why don’t you have your astigmatism fixed by wearing glasses or contact lenses or even lens replacement surgery.
As well as the points Hobbieone has made have you got dry eyes? If that’s the case then try using preservative free artificial tears frequently throughout the day and get yourself an eyebag that you can heat in the microwave then put over your eyes for a while.

Hi Anna, if you are recently diagnosed you may find it affects your eyesight. Please speak to your GP and/or Diabetes Specialist Nurse who will explain how Diabetes can affect your eyes before you have any treatment. There is also a useful leaflet on the DRWF website drwf.org.uk/sites/default/f...
Am in the same situation as Anna. Was freaking out re eye surgery. Got it postponed number re utter panic. Now, It got pushed back and am on waiting list to next July. Have been diagnosed with T2 almost 18 months ago.
Thanks for answerongoing so promptly. Will do so as fast as soon as I come bck to Vancouver. Am in London until mid-January.
Happy new year! !!