Hello everyone. Here's the weekly update dealing with the DEXCOM.
The sensor had lasted for the entire 7 days! It's a good thing that it was able to do that since I had been woken up today earlier than usual because the DEXCOM alarmed saying that I was 80 mg/dl and below. I had done a test around 5:30 am and the number on the Breeze2 said I was 115 mg/dl. I had recalibrated and then went to get breakfast after having a protein drink. Once I went to get breakfast, I had two hard boiled eggs and a Greek yogurt. I never had done a shot for breakfast because the numbers were still lower than normal and I had to do babysitting for most of the morning here at home (it was a sleepover with my Nephew and Niece). Doing no shot was a good idea since I had to replace the old sensor and recalibrate twice to get the new sensor up and running. So far, the new sensor is doing great. I hadn't needed to do any shots at lunch since the number was again lower than normal.
As I'm typing this, the DEXCOM says that I'm 199 ->. Interesting! Usually, when I have cottage cheese with fruit and mixed nuts, my numbers go really high. Wonder what's going on....