Does anyone know what causes what I think might be white floaters in my eye after eating? I have been tested for Diabetes and was negative. It’s like a white bright bubble that floats up my left eye after eating?? Any ideas what could be causing this?
Visual disturbance after eating? - Diabetes Research...
Visual disturbance after eating?

How long has this been happening? Have you been tested for irregular eye shape/cornea issues?
Hi it is at least 1 year now but it’s daily. Initially I didn’t notice the link to food but it’s definitely after I eat and mainly in the evenings which is odd? I have my main meal in the evenings. Sometimes I don’t eat until the evening. Left eye. I also get left nostril nose bleeds. Plus have a pituitary adenoma which is micro and benign. I have literally had every eye test going at Kings & they couldn’t find the reason. It’s very odd. It’s bright, white, appears round & floats up my eye from the corner. It’s goes on for a few minutes after I have eaten..
How many hours do you wait to eat? Sometimes, when a person waits/delays meals, they may start having hypoglycemic symptoms/vision issues. What did your doctor say about food/vision?
Hi so most days I get up around 7am and have a cup of tea or hot lemon water & then I can go all day right up to around 6pm before I eat. Today I had salmon & brown rice for dinner with asparagus. I just get caught up with work! This is handy to know as will speak to my gp about it. Thanks
I just googled the symptoms and I can identify with most of them if not all. Recently I have noticed my neck under my chin is sweating / wet in the evenings. Plus, my urine has an odd turnip smell & my mouth seems dry. Much thirstier at night. Can’t say I’m peeing more often though?
Thirstier than usual? What was your A1c for testing blood sugars for the last 3 months?
Yes I guess I am. I usually drink like a gnat, but recently I have had to take water to my bed as I feel thirsty at night. Plus I am sooooo fatigued 😳
But my GP has tested me for diabetes and my blood results came back in the normal range so I figured it must be something else, unless the tests are not entirely reliable hence checking out my symptoms here?
Sometimes, tests/blood samples are left too long and can be wrong. See if you can get a test done by finger stick.
November -30 mmol/mol and in January -29mmol/mol. Normal range 20-42
522 mg/dl is very high. Please let your doctor’s office know that you are going to be coming for an appointment this week to get you some help with getting your blood sugars down. Ask for a home test kit.

Dinner time here now. Back later when I get done. Promise.😀
I have just come back from seeing the Optomologist at the RUH in Bath. He told me the only time to get an emergency appointment is when you see a cluster of floaters that block out the light and you cant see anything and when your eye sees complete darkness. These are emergencies to get into the A&E Department and to see the Optomologist as an Emergency.
I can't stipulate that enough.