I do not understand the significance of glucose readings. For instance, what does readings over 6.1 mean and what if a reading was in the late teens?
Diabetes Query: I do not understand the... - Diabetes Research...
Diabetes Query
I don't understand them either. My doctor gave me a reading of 66 a few months ago,but the diabetes nurse gave me another reading with a decimal point in. Two different ways of giving blood sugars information in the same medical practice,neither of which I understand!
The lower reading obtained from a handheld monitor measures blood sugar and anything under 6.5% is considered non diabetic. Medics tend to react to readings over 6.5%. Any reading in double figures suggests the blood sugar may be out of control.
The higher number is the Hb1ac reading obtained from a full blood lab analysis. This is a more accurate long term (3month) reading and measures in terms of mmol/l and the equivalent number for non diabetes is 48.
A reading of 66 mmol/l equates to approx 8.2% on a personal monitor.