I had diabetes about 10 years now and i am medication. i don't know the type of food i should eat. and i am losing weight every day and have a problem having sex to i need you assistant.
Diabetes: I had diabetes about 10 years... - Diabetes Research...

Please check out the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation's website and go to the resources section. The website is: drwf.org.uk/
Have you seen your Endrocrinologist? What did he/she say?
you are on medication for 10 years. I am sure your doctors has given you sound advice on all aspects of living with diabetes. What have they told you?

It sounds like you definitely need to speak with your doctor or diabetes nurse for some advice. I would also ask to speak with the diabetes specialist dietitian for some help with food choices and diet, as you clearly need some guidance in that area. Don't be scared to ask them for help, that's what they are there for. What kind of medication are you on? What diet and food choices are you already aware of? Have you had any resources or cookery books etc. suggested before? Regarding the issue of sexual dysfunction, have you spoken with your doctor about this? It's a not-often discussed complication of diabetes, but a very common one. Your doctor will be able to help and will possibly make you an appointment to speak with a urology nurse. I hope that helps.
I'm on metformin and i' don't see any improvement weight has reduce since. In terms of food and diet i have don't any book on diet and i eat anything that comes my way. With regard to sexual dysfunction i did talk one doctor about and he promised to prescribe medicin for me but unfortunate he was transferred within that week. with all that i need your and knowlegable people like and others your for advice.

As Activity2004 has suggested, DRWF have some helpful leaflets on Diabetes and Diet and also Diabetes and Sexual Dysfunction for men and woman. You can download the leaflets as PDF's or listen to them as audio files.

The weight loss may be from the blood sugars. What has your blood sugars been lately (100-300 mgdl)? If your numbers are high constantly, some people can start to loose weight and the food doesn't work correctly. Has your doctor spoken to you about this?
Good morning and how are doing, i am doing well. unfortunate i have been to the hospital for about three weeks now. i promised to do that this week and get you information you just asked but the fact is i wish there is any medicine which can let maintain my weight. we will be charting in other to get more assistant from you. i have go back work and God bless you.