Is diabetes permanently curable or not??
About diabetes: Is diabetes permanently... - Diabetes Research...
About diabetes

Hi Rishitha ,
Welcome to the group. Please feel free to keep writing and commenting on postings, asking questions, meeting the other members, taking the polls, etc..
Please check out the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation and go to the website. It is:
For the free leaflets, you can either download and read, or you can listen to the information.
Are you type 1 or 2? What has your Endocrinologist said at your last appointment?
Iv managed recently to get my hbaIc down to 39 from 45.6 by keeping carbohydrate intake to bare minimum and as gluten free as possible. That's over 6 months so what the next 6 months brings I don't know. I have under active thyroid as well. There's 10% of patients with u/a thyroid seem to be prone to diabetes (as was my father). (And vis versa). as a thyroid patient I had heard that going gluten free helped and somehow it has helped my diabetic diagnosis fade into the background. As my dear dad ended up with thyroid cancer I was determined to try anything to avoid this senario for myself
When I got diagnosed as prediabetic I read as much as possible and was v interested in what was going on in Newcastle about this, which (whilst not following their criteria) did prompt me to try something such as going gluten free as a starter. I already have enough diseases and didn't want the complication of a diabetic diagnosis overshadowing the rest. However, going gluten free might not suit everyone and I'm not sure how long I can keep it going. It's day by day.
To a certain extent my main goal is to avoid thyroid cancer. Avoiding diabetes so far is a welcome byproduct of that.
Have you read or listened to the free leaflets, linda96 ? There's a leaflet called A Healthy Diet and Diabetes. Please go to:
Hope this helps.
Hi, Activity2004 , thank you so much for all the references, Iv had a quick look at the diet and I'm more or less (by accident has to be said) following it. I only have stevia as Iv seen some adverse info about aspartame, don't drink any alcohol at all, love all veg, but do have red meat more than you recommend. I have lupus (amongst others) and (also cfs) have found that meat protein helps a lot.
I keep fruit to a minimum, use coconut milk in drinks; and avoid hydrogenated fats.
I used to have a v sweet tooth but since I changed diet 6 months ago haven't touched any at all. Iv had a 90% cocoa solids bar of chocolate for 4 weeks and still got half left!
Again thank you for the info, I'll print off and see if I can find any improvements to what I'm currently eating.