hi I am 64 and just been told I have type 2 and I have to start taking tabs what sine's do I look for and what do I need to do to combat this
just starting : hi I am 64 and just... - Diabetes Research...
just starting

Welcome. Firstly you need to take a breath and relax. Then you need to get control of your blood sugars. To do this you need to look at what you are eating and with the use of a meter determine which foods will cause your figures to go high. This is a long process of elimination. But it is an individual thing and nit always the same foods will effect everyone. But there are foods that will. So you start usually by cutting down on carbohydrates. These will turn to sugar when digested. So reduce them or eliminate them from your diet. Bread , rice, pasta, potatoes etc. Read up on Low carb diets. Beware of some internet sites as they will have you doing all sorts of dietary tricks and potions. Diabetes.co.uk us a good place to start. Good luck. Stay in touch and give us more info. Like what are your figures and weight and what exercise you do, Lifestyle and so on.
thanks will try but am a hgv driver so only eat once a day
To bring your sugars to a regular level you are better eating more regularly. You must have to stop during your driving. So find time to eat something but make it healthy and good for eating as a diabetic.
Diabetes is more important to control than anything else you do. Its easy to find excuses but when you find a way make it stick. Its a lifestyle change not something you fit in around your job.
If you are taking ' Metformin' take also vitamin B12, metformin is known to deplete this very important vitamin that provides nutients to the brain, check out all the info' on the web it's all there , the whole world will tell you, so go for it, right now,.....good another winner
Hi there,like you I've just been told I'm on the boarder line of developing type 2. I think it's good you've joined here,as I've learnt quite abit since joining.good luck with your searching of advice that can help your needs. Caz.

Please check out the Diabetes Research and Wellness website. They have some information leaflets for you to read or download. The website is: drwf.org.uk/diabetes-leaflets
I hope this helps.
Welcome to the group!