Good news for people suffering from Diabetes and its after effects, emotional and physical challenges you face. The following practices followed will certainly give relief and improve the health.
Check your Sugar level Fasting and Post fasting, once determined, make sure you have medicine regularly, and for the first one month follow a strict diet.
Consume Cinamon powder at least half to 1 teaspoon every day. Half early morning on Empty stomach and half before going to bed. You can also sprinkle the powder in your food, to get extra benefit.
Walk for at least 30 minutes not necessary brisk walking to start with. If you don't have any physical restrictions perform 5 sets of Surya Namaskaar Exercise every day and and check your sugar levels after a month.
Now a days lots of Ayurvedic medicines have been introduced which are very effective in bringing down sugar levels in a fortnight.
So if you are suffering from diabetes dont despair, just a little change in lifestyle will make you feel better.