Exercise in Diabetes: Part 3: Precaution... - Diabetes India

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Exercise in Diabetes: Part 3

StopDiabetes profile image
StopDiabetesDiabetes India
25 Replies

Precaution should be taken before initiating exercise program in a diabetic person

Find out which activities will be safe for you. Preparing the individual with diabetes for a safe and enjoyable exercise program is as important as exercise itself. The young individual in good metabolic control can safely participate in most activities. The middle-aged and older individual with diabetes should be encouraged to be physically active. The aging process leads to a degeneration of muscles, ligaments, bones, and joints, and disuse and diabetes may exacerbate the problem. Before beginning any exercise program, the individual with diabetes should be screened thoroughly for any underlying complications. So get a check up first! The diabetics can exercise like a healthy person. However, exercise in a haphazard manner may harm you. If you start the exercise after the age of 40 years, your complete physical check up is essential. Many people start exercise immediately if they develop high blood sugar to reduce it. It may harm. You must exercise after the blood sugar becomes normal. The checkup will help ensure that your exercise program will not increase your risk for diabetes complication.For example diabetic eye disease could become more severe by exercise that involves jumping or jogging. So heart, blood pressure, kidney disease and retina tests must be performed. The blood circulation in legs must be checked as well.

Aerobic exercise should be recommended, but taking precautionary measures for exercise involving the feet is essential for many patients with diabetes. Many people with diabetes have problems with the nerves in their feet and legs, sometimes without even knowing it. So it's important that you wear shoes that fit well and have plenty of room when you exercise. Otherwise you could develop blisters or other sores on your feet that can lead to infection and other problems. The use of silica gel or air midsoles as well as polyester or blend (cotton-polyester) socks to prevent blisters and keep the feet dry is important for minimizing trauma to the feet. Proper footwear is essential and must be emphasized for individuals with peripheral neuropathy. Check your feet for blisters or sores before and after exercising. If you have wound, cut, numbness in legs, get them cured and then start the exercise.

When you're exercising, your body uses more fluid to keep you cool. By the time you feel thirsty, you may already be getting dehydrated. Proper hydration is also essential, as dehydration can effect blood glucose levels and heart function adversely. Exercise in heat requires special attention to maintaining hydration. Adequate hydration prior to exercise is recommended (e.g., 17 ounces of fluid consumed 2 h before exercise). During exercise, fluid should be taken early and frequently in an amount sufficient to compensate for losses in sweat reflected in body weight loss, or the maximal amount of fluid tolerated. Precautions should be taken when exercising in extremely hot or cold environments.

Talk to your health care team about which activities will be safe for you. Your health care provider’s advice will depend on the condition of your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, feet, and nervous system. They may recommend that you have an exercise stress test to see how your heart reacts to exercise. If the tests show signs of disease, ask what physical activities will help you without making your conditions worse.

Check your blood sugar level before and after exercising.

Carbohydrate-based foods should be readily available during and after exercise.

Avoid exercise if fasting glucose levels are >250 mg/dl and ketosis is present, and use caution if glucose levels are >300 mg/dl and no ketosis is present.

Ingest added carbohydrate if glucose levels are <100 mg/dl.

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StopDiabetes profile image
Diabetes India
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25 Replies

Very informative and useful write up.Hope you will give some specific advise to people above 70 and not very active because of low back pain or joint pains.You can also advise people with physical challenges like acute arthritis and polio.

What the blogger means by suggesting to keep carbohydrate based food ready during and after the exercise is perhaps to guard against hypoglycemia.I think by and large all of us believe that minimizing carbohydrates intake is essential.

csjhawar profile image
csjhawar in reply to

Pranayam is most suitable to your age. Some yogasan particularly Mandookasan and pawanmuktasan are very useful. Some warm-up Aerobic exercise can be done easily.

bangaru profile image

brisk walking for one hour or cycling for halhanhour is most suitble for the persons above 50 yeras

JIT1240 profile image
JIT1240 in reply to bangaru


omvir profile image

I m above 56 but stil run half marathon feel good

vikingent profile image
vikingent in reply to omvir

thats fantastic wonder how you do it am 56 and walk for 30 mins

pcraovemuri profile image

brisk walking for 45 minutes will be fine for a diabetic control along with medication pcrao vemuri

kripa profile image

Thank u sir, for giving your valuable suggestion. Please also advise whether tea can be taken before exercise.

xxxy2j profile image
xxxy2j in reply to kripa

I wake up at 6:30 am every morning. After this fresh my self and have a glass of lukewarm water. After 5-10 min I make tea and have my tea with some snacks like peanuts or grains. After all this I go to gym and spend 1-1:30 hrs in the gym. Feels good what abot you?

vikingent profile image

45 mins of brisk walking followed by 10 mins of light yoga is the best swimming is also a very good exercise

The blogger did not say consume the carbohydrate based food.He only said keep readily available,obviously to guard against hypoglycemia.Please trust others.

kanchandhar profile image

I'm 80 & mildly diabetic(type 2) since mid 2012. I'm keeping my blood sugar somewhat under control by dieting and regular morning walking(about 3 km).I shall be grateful if any gentleman advise me what else should I do to keep my diabetics under control.

JIT1240 profile image
JIT1240 in reply to kanchandhar

Reduce eating Rice & Potatos.

kunabalasingam profile image
kunabalasingam in reply to kanchandhar

I think we need to be watching our food intake and their type? and quantity?

If rice and curry, we need to be maintaining appropriate quantity in line with our state.

Pasumathy rice are recommended by most doctors or which ever possible but to see that the starch? elements.?

sahdevtyagi profile image

vrry benificial suggestions are about exercise

Abdulla profile image

I have been a regularly doing exercise like brisk walking, bit of lifting light weights, yoga etc up till the age of 50. Due to the busy business schedule I have not been able to keep up the old excercise schedule for the last 6 years. My sugar level and BP has gone up lightly of late. Now I have problems with my knees and the doctor says it is due to aging and really hearts when I do some hard excercise. So I have concentrated on doing some brisk walking for about 45 minutes a day. Sugar level is still keeping high. I am very good in eating. My food intake is more and I like sweets and fruits very much. Can somebody guide me to control my sugar level and how to go about doing excercise without hurting my knees.

JIT1240 profile image
JIT1240 in reply to Abdulla

For Knee problem & to control sugar you should sock 1 tea spoon of FENU GREEK seed (Mehte) available at provision/kirana store, in a glass of water for over night. Next morning empty stomach drink the water & chew the seeds. After 10/15 minutes take your tea/coffee or anything you like.

sampang profile image

sounds a bit absurd and obscene but my 35yrs personal experience (now am 63yrs) endorses a good sexercise with your partner which benefits both keeping fit and glowing ,no sign of aging . Believe it not in my entire life of 65yrs never visited any doctor and spent not more than Rs.10 that,too, some ointment for cuts and bruises .But now am bit worrying as the regularity of my libido first time once in a while fails to match with past tempo. So first time recently checked up with Dr. and pathologist for routine analysis of organs which are found in excellent conditions and only problem is a bit high BP which I am confident to manage as its very hereditary . My experience speaks forget about all ills and diseases should your tentacle obeys your command at moment's notice and if not then all wrong set in your system which Dr. could patch up here and there but cann't do more than that.

ramesh63 profile image

to all

persons who are full knowledge with sufficient proof must tell their opinion and experience

i request all of you are telling their opinion as they like there by misleading others .for example one person says he wants to control the diabetes but he is used to take lot of sweets(carbs). pls make sure diab cannot be controlled inspite of taking more sweets

Nomanlal profile image

My fasting BS level is generally 160 and after taking 5km walk (50 minutes), I normally find by BS level rises upto 225. What can be the reason. Also, most of the times, I develop headache after 3-4 hrs of exercising i.e somewhere near 11AM - 2PM. What is the reason for this and how can I avoid it.

JIT1240 profile image
JIT1240 in reply to Nomanlal

Your statement is bit confusing. After walk your BS level is 160 or 225. As far your headache you should consult a good experience HOMEOPATHY DOCTOR.

kunabalasingam profile image

This is a brief but very effectively covered most of important points of which most of - people of our nature would not have come across. This essay enlighten most readers perhaps mid age and elderly with type two diabetic.

Even though, some of the advice given may not possible but it does highlight the danger of such neglect?

On the whole the brief explanations given certainly an eye opener, and does gives to be alert. where possible.

So grateful and thank you.

shirishmuzumdar profile image

What I remember now is the administer of Chirayta/ with combination of Dhaniya decox will give results in correcting B.P., Diabetes, control of body fat and control of helminthes in the intestine.

Other benefits of this decox is used to stimulate the appetite and relieve acidity, biliousness and nausea and is highly valued as a tonic in debility and convalescence and for liver disorders. It is also an alterative, laxative, vermifuge and sedative and has been used in asthma, cough, bronchitis and malaria.

grs1452 profile image

good informative

Denor profile image


I am 63 have type 2, my sugar level in the morning ranges between 110 and 140 it always fluctuates, I go for jogging in the evening for one hr non stop. I rarely check my blood sugar PP because I first want to achieve control BS during morning. I maintain food timings but food is the culprit I think. Morning break fast idli, poor or upma(different items on different dasys, lunch have a bowl of rice with dal, curry and curd and night I take papaya fruit. Request you to Suggest changes in my routine to gain control of BS. Thanks

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