Can only the rich and celebrities win diabe... - Diabetes India

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Can only the rich and celebrities win diabetes..............................!!!!!!

Soosan profile image
16 Replies

This is truly my experience , once i had heard one of the famous diabetic research doctor tell the patience at a meeting about some celebrities survival of juvenile diabetes. That time i asked him sir how can an average earning man experience or have all the facilities of these patients whom u spoke , so why dont u point and expose some ordinary people who are living good or much better , when compared to the facilities available to them than the rich.

from that time i used to think how can i share my life experience to the coming generation to fight diabetes and be cool. I was a student of standard seven when i was diagnosed as a diabetic. the first symptoms was tiredness,sleepy ,frequent urination, mouth dryness ,thirst hunger and loss of weight. I was carrying these symptoms for nearly an year . later i dropped down in my studies i started forgetting all my works and my school authorities told my mom that something was happening to me. At those dys there was no small children to be seen at our place with this illness. And can anyone guess what was my sugar when my first urine and blood was checked / my urine colour was brick red and my sugar was 625mg.

Soon i was referred to kottayam medical college cos there was the diabetic research doctor Gee varghese. I was in a comma could not walk ,skinny and with severe tonsillitis.

I was admitted there for nearly one and half months with lots of injections etc ,etc. My doctor made me take my own injection. Then i was discharged and my sugar was 225 at that time. I was told that if took care the sickness would be completely cured. later it was difficult to travel fom kollam my native to kottayam so i started my life at Holycross hospital at Kollam. My doctor was Dr. Kurien Mapillachery and Dr. Varghese Kurien. But i started visiting the medical library and found the truth that my illness was up to my grave. So naturally i was disappointed, and my parents too thought my life is short lived and did never encourage me for my better future cos they felt i may fall sick. But as time passed i lost my diet was careless took sweets , and normal diet with insulin. i was not given classes or advises by none how to survive this. And i lost my career too i was not able to do my higher studies or make my dreams, still i was living as anyone normal. later my brother too became a victim of this but he was only 5 years of age.

So my family got used we were three and two of us diabetic and in between us our sister no problems. we had nothing only insulin and sure good food . nothing more could be provided by our parents in their financial background. And i started earning my money from the age of 17 after my pre degree as a teacher cos i had to take care of myself and my family. So that might have helped me unknowingly to maintain my diabetes through my physical strain which was a blessing for my sickness. And i was married , better saying is my parents were saved when my husband came forward to marry me without any demands knowing i am a diabetic. So , i really consider him a real man cos at those days parents of diabetic daughters used to hide the sickness if at all one was suffering to get them married and they had to give a huge sum ,the money for the lifelong treatment. but her in my case a man came forward and blessed my life,without aay demands completely free ha.

At the age of 20 i got married , my next phase of life with my first experiment will a diabetic give birth? K ,friends its time to sleep my next blog will a diabetic give birth to healthy kids wait k......see u tomorrow gud night and take care.

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Soosan profile image
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16 Replies
barnes profile image

Dear Soosas thank you for this story - I look forward to the next episode.

Soosan profile image

may be if they r type 2 diabetes no type one can quit insulin for sure . but all diabetes people should be aware that if the dr has advised to take insulin , its very very dangerous to quit them. one who has starting of type one diabetes can do the above said for some period with exercises and diet but not for long. be aware

sweetgirl profile image
sweetgirl in reply to Soosan

I agree with you Soosan, No Type 1 can live without Insulin.

Soosan profile image

tx for that , it can be there tomorrow if god blesses........:)

dontworry profile image
dontworry in reply to Soosan

Dear Sister ,

Do not loose heart. Tomorrow is there for every body who believes in that and not there any body who is skeptic whether diabetic or not..Though I am not a diabetic

at the age of eight I had a neighbor boy of my age who was diabetic.He used to refuse any sweets and was allowed only Chocolates..We lost him early but not due to diabetes.There are many people living with it whether of type i or 2 but with restriction on diet.. Diet control is not restricted to Diabetes but for many other ailments.So do not worry enjoy the day as we are blessed. I am writing this because I am touched by your concern about people who can not afford costly drugs. My Sanskrit teacher taught us one good thing when we were in the 5th class and we firmly believe it."WHAT CANNOT BE CURED MUST BE ENDURED" .It applies to so many things in life including certain health problems.

God Bless you!

Your Dear Brother ,


Soosan profile image
Soosan in reply to dontworry

Dear Brother,

what ever one notes here is each ones experience or trusts in life. i am happy to see ur reply and do agree to your quote that ur teacher has said, thats life . and i am never a woman who worries about tomorrow cos every next moment is the gift from the creator and one who can try to live . Its mt time i am afraid that if i can continue cos i hardly keep spare time , tx and God bless u too.Take care.

AMEEN profile image

Being a person who crossed 60 a couple of years back I could say that there is no discrimination between the rich and the poor to have DM. I know several patients in the low income group who are really suffering due to lack of enough funds to continue treatment. No doubt, the Physicians should take care of the present symptoms as well as the future complications. As we all know, Diabetic patients would have complications in kidney,eye,heart and nerve as Secondary infections. Let us hope for the best.... EAT LESS AND DO PROPER EXCERCISE AT LEAST FOR HALF-AN HOUR.


Soosan profile image

Good evening Sir,

Its not only hoping for best its living the best as u said with proper diet and exercise. Thank u.

sailendraprasad profile image

fight against diabetes conquer it live happy... i am praying to god to bless all diabetic patient to be cure very soon...or reduce sugar label to survive in the world in peace

SenthilNathan profile image

Wow. This is so inspiring Soosan. I have felt many a times to the level of feeling cursed. But the way you are living this life, i am too impressed to hear. Will surely wait for your blogs..

Hats off mam...

Soosan profile image
Soosan in reply to SenthilNathan

Thanks Senthil,and hoping that i may be able to help some by this...

sugarfree profile image

Hello sir I am 58 and have diabetes for many years I am having to take more and more medicines still i cannot get normal sugar levels. I am on strict diet and also exercise. Will you please tell me how you were able to get your sugar so low.

suganyas profile image
suganyas in reply to sugarfree

Take Bios Slim to control your sugar levels

seelakari profile image

your story of diabetic struggle is something like my 34 years juvenile diabetic life with more different experience and many things to explain.well done mam, you may be senior to me.

sita profile image

I have been recently diagnosed with diabetes and my age is 39.All these days I was feeling so bad about all this.I could not accept my problem n used to ask God Why Me???

But your story has made me realise that I am lucky,at least I could live a carefree life for past 38 years.I also believe in what brother Murlidharan said

'what cannot be cured must be endured.'

mohan123 profile image

You are not sick-You are thirsty. This is a statement of Dr Batmangheldij, M.D.--student of Dr Alexander Flemming--who discovered penicilin.

Pls read his book--Body's many cries for Water--order through Flipkart--it costs around Rs 700/- After you read the book--your outlook will change

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