What causes Insulin resistance? Is it Insul... - Diabetes India

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What causes Insulin resistance? Is it Insulin injections, Diabetes tablets or Diabetes itself?

ShooterGeorge profile image
43 Replies

Recently a patient who is on Insulin injections for long time got his Serum Insulin tested on my instruction. He as well as me were surprised (rather shocked) to see that the result was more than 200 when the reference range is only (2.6 - 24.9).

I was diabetic from 2006 to 2009 & no more diabetic afterwards. During Jan 2010 I made a poster presentation (Day 1: picasaweb.google.com/115840... , Day 2: picasaweb.google.com/115840... , Day 3: picasaweb.google.com/115840... ) on my diabetes experience at the backyards of Indian Science Congress at the University Campus & one of the visitors who had Doctorate in bio-chemistry remarked that only with a Serum Insulin test one can confirm that the Pancreas is back to normal working condition & that HbA1c/OGTT tests do not suffice. Hence I got my Serum Insulin tested on 25.03.2011 along with my quarterly Cardiology check-up. The result was "Ser. Ins: 10.03 micro U/ml" with "Ref. range(2.6 - 24.9)".

I have heard many experts talking about Insulin resistance; have read in web articles as well. I had & have never used Diabetes tablets or Insulin injections. Hence arose the above question in my mind "IS IT THE INJECTED INSULIN OR THE SWALLOWED TABLETS OR THE ILLNESS (or syndrome according to the modern medicine) DIABETES ITSELF THAT CAUSES THE INSULIN RESISTANCE IN DIABETES PATIENTS?".

More over if the high value of Serum Insulin in my friend/patient is not due to Insulin resistance, what else could be the cause?

I very earnestly solicit the opinion of every one, especially the numerous experts on this forum.

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ShooterGeorge profile image
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43 Replies
JoyChan profile image

share your mobile number that will be helpful for me. i am from kollam.


Interesting reading at below in the attachment.


Unfortunately, Healthunlocked does not allow attachments in post. Otherwise would have posted the PDF along with the above link as well.


ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to

Hi Recyan,

Unfortunately it could not be accessed because logging-in is a precondition there (like here); I am fed up of log-ins. :-)

in reply to ShooterGeorge


Sorry. I had clicked on the link & found it to open without any log-in. Had not checked clicking on the pdf attachment link at that time. Now on trying, found that the article attachment needs log-in.

Will try & find the web path for the article & post.it asap.


in reply to ShooterGeorge


The link below :



madhusudananp profile image

very interesting, thanks for the information

patliputra profile image

For me it is not surprising. Hyperinsulinemia precedes by many years before development of diabetes. As a matter of fact hyperinsulinemia is supposed to cause many chronic diseases.

syerrams profile image
syerrams in reply to patliputra

exactly @patliputra

ShooterGeorge profile image

I was trying to find out the reason for an abnormality. What the science or scientists have accepted/recognised till this day is not what matters to me, but what appears logical & convincing to me is what matters to me. Human society, science & scientists have passed through centuries or millenniums accepting that Earth is STATIONARY & Earth is A FLAT DISK.

But we know now that their acceptance or firm belief did not make earth neither stationary nor flat; earth was spherical, rotating on its imaginary axis & revolving around the Sun. Please correct me if I am wrong or ignorant.

mapalli profile image

Analtycal errors are different. Insulin measurements is non linear,i.e. It is not like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Estimationof insulin by immunoassay (ELISA)is always on log scales, like1,10,100,1000 10,000 . Hence the analyist must be carefull to actually note extact colour and plot in logathimic scale. There are graph sheets which are semi logarthimic and also log log scale. Any error would lead to, not double of values but differ by magnitude of logarthimic exponents. Thus 20 can easily read as200.

This is the reason that I emphsising qualified bochemical analyist should supervise the lab before releasing results.


Molecular Endocrinologist

My fasting insulin level is 4.04uU/ml, what does it mean to me? (reference rang 2.6-24.90).

4.04 micro units/Milli liter.( Reference range 2.6-24.9). Thanks.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Before putting forward any explanation, it is pertinent to know whether you are on Insulin therapy?

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

If your FBS is normal then you are not insulin resistant.

Method USED IS C.L.I.A.

patliputra profile image

It is neither external insulin or hypoglycemics tabs which causes Diabetes. Diabetes is not the cause of insulin resistance rather insulin resistance leads to diabetes.

No i am not on Insulin Therapy.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Rksk, body always needs some insulin circulating in the blood,otherwise the liver will go on dumping glucose in the circulation,whether you eat or not. Circulating insulin should never be zero. But some times it does happen in untreated type 1 diabetes.

ShooterGeorge profile image

Hi indiacratus,

You are very much (or completely) right in telling that all of us have to die; but the problem is that we have to live till that & as far as possible comfortably, peacefully etc.

mapalli profile image

True I am medical scicentist.

There are very many details which is beyond the scope of this blog. Like I pointed out about measurement technique of insulin. We teach lots of students on analytical errors.

Regarding insulin resistance there is basic agreement on the definition of insulin resistance.It is simply stated that" inability of insulin to push glucose into targeted tissue."

But what casuses is question that is being addressed by many.

For better understanding of the molecular basis of glucose clearance.you should know the kinetics of glucose absorption,insulin release,mechanism of action of insulin action,insulin receptors, signal transduction, types of glucose transpoters. Insulin sensitization,insulinogogues, ketosis dangers etc

I am ot computer expert to document all details.But if you find good endocrinolgy book or website please go through and educate others.

I wish to educate , but too tired after extensive teaching for the five decades.


Molecular Endocrinologist.

mapalli profile image

Kindly go through glucose wikipedia on the isomers indetails it is very exhaustive

patliputra profile image

You both are forgetting the fact that the patient who tested 200, was on insulin medication. So I think one should stop speculating about the number. Molecular endocrinologist should know better .

patliputra profile image

Yes insulin has multi dimensional role as far as metabolic functions are concerned. Each aspect of insulin can be discussed,but I don't think we should do it because it gets too technical and will not serve any purpose. We should confine ourself to basics and try to educate people to understand diabetes and related issues in simple non technical language. In the past we have done this and let us start afresh again.

patliputra profile image

Sorry for delayed reply. My net was down.

Before coming to main topic, I must confess that I am unaware of your diabetes history. So I will try to Clear your dilemma based on the information contained in the mail.

Diabetes is a very complicated and human body is much more complicated than the most advance and sophisticated computer. Having said that let us review the available facts .(1) no record of serum insulin estimation prior to 25/3/11. (2) Duration of diabetes unknown (3) diabetes cured,as per your own version since August/September 2009.

It is well known that Diabetes manifests clinically long after certain changes have occurred in the body relating to glucose homeostasis. One of the earliest change is development of insulin resistance,which over a variable period of time leads to hyperinsulinemia. If bs is brought back to within normal or non diabetic range,without any medication,and maintained for a variable period of time,it can easily be inferred that there is no more insulin resistance and hence no hyperinsulinemia.

Your case perfectly fits.


ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to patliputra

Thank you @patliputra for the explanation :-) .

patliputra profile image

You are absolutely right.

patliputra profile image

why basal insulin levels remain high ? A very complicated issue.Different explanations are given by different researchers and involves a lot of very technical details,not fit to be discussed here.But crux of the matter is that there is no unanimity on the issue,so can be safely said that it is still very poorly understood.

Obesity is cause or effect of this phenomenon , it is still being debated.

ShooterGeorge profile image

Hope the statements will remain invariable,for ever.

Good luck to you too.

ShooterGeorge profile image

Hi indiacratus sir,

I have checked with the patient again. Blood sample is drawn in Fasting condition.

The lab is the same where I get my blood tested for Cardiology reviews every quarterly for nearly a decade now.

The lab has NABL & ACHSI accreditation & the attaching hospital has NABH accreditation.

The lab as well as the hospital are fully computerised.

Hence I do not see any possibility for a human error.

Any how I have requested him to verify with the lab, keeping a copy of the printout with him.

The report says:

Serum Insulin (ECLIA) 262.7 micro U/ml

Ref: 2.60 - 24.90

ShooterGeorge profile image

Okay, thank you.

ShooterGeorge profile image

@cscon, yes.

ShooterGeorge profile image

Investigating people say that there will be the signature of God on something remaining at the crime site that will lead the way to the culprit.

Niranjan_Kanna profile image

Dear SG, I am following LW roti made it grinded powder and made roti since 5 months i am having but skipped sometimes for week and continued again . Will this hinder the cure. I am looking for cure not control bs

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to Niranjan_Kanna

Hi Niranjan_Kanna,

Occasional skipping of LWM may not hinder the cure, but the items that you take instead of it (LW based) MAY - if those are fruits, root vegetables, sweets, liquor, bakery products etc.

Be systematic; you will hit cure for sure - if the dry-heating/static-charge accumulation do not spoil the curative ability of LW.

Dishant profile image
Dishant in reply to ShooterGeorge

Hello sir,

Hope u are doing good.

What if a person fasting insulin count is 11, and hba1c is 5.9, will he be a prediabetic or he will be considered as normal person.

Please reply!

DRH-sangli profile image
DRH-sangliStar in reply to Dishant

@Dishant... I don’t think it’s pre diabetic condition.. control on fruits intake and exercise would reduce IR...and hence would improve pancreatic function ...

Dishant profile image
Dishant in reply to DRH-sangli

Thank you so very much for your reply! I was really very worried about my self !

It is due to dysfunctional pituitary gland .

nyonyo profile image

I dont' think insulin shots cause IR, i've been using basal insulin for a year, 18 units at 9 pm, and when i had my fasting insulin tested at 7 am the next morning, the result was 7.42, still lower than yours, who had never been on insulin nor tablets

syerrams profile image
syerrams in reply to nyonyo

your body might be adopted for insulin injection

gangadharan_nair profile image

Inactivity and unhealthy diet appear to be the root cause of insulin resistance.

Most people sit on the chair during their entire life. They sit on the chair for consuming food. They sit on the chair while travelling in the car. They sit on the chair while watching TV or reading books.

Inactivity leads to obesity which in turn leads to insulin resistance.



It is the endocrine system which is responsible for the secretion of hormones . Hypothalamus controls the metabolism . Hypothalamus stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones which regulate the body's mechanism . Physiological , environmental , pharmacological factors influence insulin resistance. Urbanisation , industrialisation , globalisation are all the contributing factors . Changes in the physical activity , diet , work , socialisation , sleep patterns -- all caused the syndrome of diabetes . Insulin resistance is an interplay of many hormones . Insulin is secreted when food is seen or smelt or ingested or even thought of in some extraordinary cases . Many peptide hormones influence the insulin secretion . Insulin resistance is associated with obesity , diabetic disorder , Alzheimer's and many more disorders . A major source of information to the doctors is pharma companies .Large money is generated from insulin and diabetic drugs . They are not interested in any further research . Insulin does not regulate fasting blood sugars . Neither insulin injections nor diabetic drugs solve the problem . On the other hand they create more insulin resistance . As the doctors are sold to vested interests they refuse to see the point . Well balanced , controlled food intake with moderation in every thing in life is the only solution for all the autoimmune diseases .But this suggestion is like breaking the head on the wall .

Aajkal profile image

Diabetic person is having insulin resistance & if you take insulin, it will further increase the level of insulin. What is required is diet which consists of more protein & less carbs along with exercise. Medicines play a very limited role as it is evident from the fact that diabetics are on medicines till the end of their life. Medicines only can’t cure/reverse the diabetes.

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