Is diabetes curable or controllable only? - Diabetes India

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Is diabetes curable or controllable only?

alwaysoptimistic profile image
139 Replies

Dear all,

There are many sites on the internet on which people are claiming various methods for curing (not for controlling only) diabetes.Such an example is the following site:

I am a diabetic and I have no much idea of diabetes.Please discuss this issue with open mind and heart for the benefit of all of us!

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alwaysoptimistic profile image
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139 Replies
klgksharma profile image

This looks similar to LWMDR

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toklgksharma

Dear klgksharma,thank you very much for your comment!What looks to you similar to LWMDR?

klgksharma profile image
klgksharma in reply toalwaysoptimistic

In the link provided, the method suggested is to cook Rye meal( whole wheat grain with bran and germ) looked similar to Shooter George's LWMDR

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toklgksharma

OK.I got it!

homeopathy tries to cure any disease by attending to the causAtive factors

When once the causative factor is removed there should not be a disease .. requires much dedication , patience and expertise on the part of patient as well as doctor . Unfortunately however that gwenre is absent now a days . Everything is going for quick fix solutions .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Dear bhaswathy,thanks a lot for sharing some knowledge about homeopathy!Please discuss in details!

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

The diabetic medication is a multi dollar industry , going by the fact that one in five is suffering with that problem . We have to fight with the greed of the people wanting to make money on the pain of others on a war footing .The main cause of the disease is wrong eating habits , wrong sleeping and resting habits apart from the air , sound , light ,and water pollution. I personally believe that it is not hereditary . Homeopathy medicine if selected properly, goes in search of the diseased ion and destroys it. The modern medicine aims at

suppression rather than elemination.

Dsouza33 profile image
Dsouza33 in reply to

I'd prefer homeopathy and ayurveda anytime over allopathy unless you really need a quick fix example in case of severe diarrhoea or something life threatening accidents.

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Dear MilindChatrabhuji,thanks for your participation!What do you mean by other type of treatment?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

So you are a Doctor!Is not it?Fine!Let me to know-In your knowledge,is there any case of permanent cure of diabetes?If yes then what was his treatment procedure?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Do you know,personally,any of them who are permanently cured?If yes then,please provide their contacts so that interested people may contact them for further guidance.

alwaysoptimistic profile image

OK!Thanks in advance!!

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Dear Anup Ji,please go through information provided by MilindChatrabhuji!What conclusion can be made on the basis of these information?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Eye opening!One more thing-He ( MilindChatrabhuji) has deleted all of his replies.It is not clear,why?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

hello sir

i did not delete my comments

i cant understand why my account is deleted from this website

it happened with me two times in last four days

alwaysoptimistic profile image


in reply toalwaysoptimistic

i want to know if there are rules in this website that doctors are not allowed to interact here

is it like that?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

And . . . . .now he has deleted his profile!

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

i did not delete my profile

i assume administrator or somebody else has deleted my account

The amount of money , patience & time spent on modern medicine if spent on alternative medicine definitely a cure can be found. Cure has to come from with in. First of all use of synthetic fertilisers & ckemicals have to be stopped .The pollution of water bodies have to be penalised heavily .With pure water , air and food the so called auto immune diseases disappear. It is a near impossible task unless and until Present youth take active and dedicated interest in the welfare of the humanity .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to


cicuta profile image

I have been a diabetic since 2001 and as time hos gone by I have gained a lot of background researching the subject. Although lots of articles can be found in the Internet about reversing diabetes I believe it is NOT. The diabetes disorder is due to two organs in the human body: Liver and Pancreas; if these two organs go bad the result is diabetes; hence, in order to reverse diabetes those two organs must be 100% healthy regardless of how severely the damage is and that I believe cannot be done unless a transplant is done of at least the pancreas, if a donor is available. Therefore, diabetes can only be controlled through medication, diet, and taking support supplements. The best advise I can give to anyone with diabetes is to have a good diet which includes the following: No sugar at all but instead use Stevia which is 100% a natural sweetener, control your intake of Carbohydrates (Carbs) and not to exceed 200 gr per day. Your intake of fiber should be between 40 - 60 gr per day or more if you can. An excellent source of fiber are all the green vegetables which all are at the low end of the glycemic Index (GI) and glycemic load (GL). Replace any grain, if you eat them, with Quinoa which has a GI of 53 which is not bad; however, taking into account all of the properties of Quinoa, it is worth having it in your recipe of foods for diabetics people. A cup of cooked Quinoa has 25g of carbohydrates with a glycemic load of 13. The quality of these Carbs makes this food a high quality energy source that does not spike blood sugar levels. Stay away from all pastas also. Get a list of GI and GL foods and follow it to the T and specially the GL.

Supplements: although there are some herbicides which are good to control diabetes, most of them interacts with diabetes medications and the user must be very careful taking them. Some of them are: Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, and Fenugreek. Among all of the supplements, which any one can take is CO Q10 which has excellent properties for just about everything including restoration of the health of human organs and specially the Heart and Liver and therefore diabetes.

Medications for Type 2 diabetes: Although there are quite a few the most popular ones are Metformin and Glipizide; however, with time their effect subsides and the medication dosage has to be increased and here is where diabetes management must be observed. One of the things most people, including doctors, are not familiar with is the Somogyi Effect and the Dawn Effect which play an important role in diabetes management. Both effects or phenomena has to do with diabetic people having an increase of glucose when they get up in the morning even if they take the medication as indicated by the physician; so, what can you do to find the cause and how to control it. Regardless of which effect takes place (Somogyi or Dawn) the bottom line is the increase of glucose levels at dawn and here is what people must do: at 3:00 am take the medication prescribed (in my case is Metformin 1000 mg and Glipizide 5 mg) and that will bring the glucose down; however, the danger to become hypoglycemic is there; therefor, take instead 500 mg of Metformin and 5 mg of Glipizide or just the Metformin or Glipizide depending the glucose level at 3:00 am.

The art of testing glucose levels: Although doctors tell you to test about 2 times per week I advise to test "EVERY DAY" and depending of the symptoms you feel and hence you might need to test even more than once every day as myself (you need to know the symptoms for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and that you can find it in the Internet). I test my glucose at 3:00 am before taking the medication and 6 hours after. Why 6 hours after? Because I split the medication so I can take it every 6 hours instead of twice a day with meals; by the way, Metformin can be taken without a meal after your body has become accustomed to it but you can have a little snack with it (no sugar) if you want to be on the sure side.

You have to do a lot of trial and error also with yourself and your glucose meter and that means testing, testing and more testing and see what works best for you as not all of us are created equal. Good Luck!

in reply tocicuta

cicuta Good information this is for your experience thanks a lot

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocicuta

Dear cicuta,thanks for sharing your experience!

dear anup please confirm before claiming to anyone

i want to have a gentle discussion here as i am still studying and want to know things want to share things

i am not having business plans

you are not interested in cure then its ok

nobody has problems if you dont want cure

respected anup and alwaysoptimistic

please reply

i never tried to trap you or anyone else ever.

please dont speak like these.

anup i didnt claim i am a doctor

i am a doctor

go to ahmedabad civil hospital and go to registrar's office open the first part of register and search for GB I 19753 number

you will see Dr Milind Chatrabhuji there

that is the registration number given by Govt of Gujarat to me after completing my graduation

now i am studying in M.D. that is post graduation college.

come to vadodara Parul University's Parul Institute of Ayurveda's PG dept of Rasa Shastra, you can meet me

alwaysoptimistic sir, you started a nice post and i and other people contributed some info like prognosis by me experience by cicuta

but now i see only blaming commments on a person here

i want to know who deleted my comments and who deleted my account two times

why i am prevented to log in to healthunlocked site?

i think these comments are also going to be deleted

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Dear Milind_Chatrabhuji,I do not know who has deleted your replies.But as par best of my knowledge and belief-either account holder or website authority can delete comments.May be-they are not satisfied with your account activities.

In this discussion,no body except you has claimed that diabetes is curable.They all are agree that it can be controlled only using diet control,excises and/or medicines.Let more people involved in this discussion.

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

thank you for your reply sir.

before insulin invention people told DM type1 is incurable.

before Ferdinand Magellan's travel people didn't believe earth is round.

before edward jenner people believed smallpox a deadly disease.

and before aryabhatt's discovery of zero you know better how people dealt with maths.

we will see a brighter future,sir, as DM2 doesn't need invention, it needs just discovery.

in reply to

and i got an experience here that truth is seen as claim and gets only blame just because it is not proven on the spot.

nice, isn't it!

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Dear Milind_Chatrabhuji,Since you have introduced as a doctor and a doctor is considered as a medical expert therefore,I have used the word-"claim".You can go through all replies.None except you is in the opinion that diabetes is curable.I am agree with logic quoted by you as given below-

"before insulin invention people told DM type1 is incurable.

before Ferdinand Magellan's travel people didn't believe earth is round.

before Edward Jenner people believed smallpox a deadly disease.

and before Aryabhatt's discovery of zero you know better how people dealt with maths"

But I would like to add that unless or otherwise,you do not produce any proof in support of your experience,no one will believe in it.And you already know many claims of cure of diabetes have been discarded so far.Also there are many people around the world who are engaged in cheating innocent diabetic patients.

I have started this discussion with optimistic approach to reach at the reality.Feel free to express your points here and let us see what conclusion is finally made.

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

yes sir, you are true.

i need to prove myself and i will.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

All the best!

Dsouza33 profile image
Dsouza33 in reply to

Pl check with the admin. It is bad to have somebody else delete your comments or attempts to log in.

respected ragivrao,

i will not repeat it, thank you sir

in reply to

Milind_ Chatrabhuji I am seen some comments from this discussion

I am learned above your comment u are Registered Doctor

I am DM from last 21 years i am now fully control and my BS and other parameter is like non diabetic ( For reference u may seen my profile discussions MY DIET PLAN and also MY BLOOD TEST RESULT AS ON 7/7 2015

In my opinion Diabetes is not curable but to be control by

1 proper diet plan

2 by doing exercise like yoga walking ups and downs from stair cases or using aerobic tread mill or push up totally any type of activity

3 Diabetes to be noticed for different reasons

a) hereditary aspects from fore parents through jeans

b) by sedentary life like eating more and more without break up

c) digestive capacity of the person

d) Insulin resistance and Insulin deficiency

! and 2 should be maintained by the persons Here Doctor cannot make any help

For other things the person must take some consultation with Doctors for drugs.

I Dm T2 should be come most of cases for Insulin resistance It must be avoided by proper diet plan and exercise for this some drugs maybe taken with diet according to Doctors advise

For Insulin dificency if it too much then Insulin must be taken if he avoid too much eating foods specially carbs he may used small quantity of dosage i not he may take larger quantity of insulin dosage

this is my experience i am not insulin user

In my opinion Ayurvedic medicine may not possible to control DM but it avoid the complications of diabetic damages

Please share your guidelines i am also a student of Ayurvedic and it is the time to learning some thing from U

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Dear agrhar,thanks for sharing your opinion and experience!

in reply to

thank you for sharing your experience, sir.

as per ayurvedic prognosis and line of treatment,

there are two causes to every disease.

1. sannikrusta i.e. cause which is nearer

in case of DM2, it is rasa dhatwagni kshaya (death of beta cells / insulin resistance / other subtypes)

2. viprakrusta i.e. cause which is far.

in case of DM2, it is unsuitable diet and sedentary lifestyle which causes unwanted blood sugar.

--for the complete cure of any disease, we must eliminate both of these.

we eliminate the second cause by,

1. suitable diet

2. practising yoga and/or exercises, .

3. by taking medicines like,

a) metformin or other modern medicines

b) herbal medicines which helps down blood sugar

4. by taking insulin

along with the four told above, for the elimination of first cause, we need some different line of treatment.

1. panchakarma

2. beta cell replacement (if problem with them)

3. rasa aushadhis (ayu. medicines prepared with metals and herbs)

the need to eliminate the first cause is to get rid from the lifetime dependency of those four.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Dear Milind_Chatrabhuji,last year,I went for Panchkarma by Ayurveda specialist.But I did not found much improvement in BS levels.However,there was change in my appearance.So,it was beneficial to some extent only.They told that if any body going for Panchkarma then he/she must repeat it for at least three times to get appreciable change in health.

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

this is a name given by 20th and 21st century doctors, actually it contains much more than five procedures.

panchakarma is intended for elimination of minute waste from whole body.

for cure, the follow up rasayan chikitsa is must.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to


Dsouza33 profile image

Once a disease is under control without any sign of recurrence, then one can say it is cured. Hence most of the time it is said it is dependent on the individual because there are so many factors involved besides the most important i.e genetics.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toDsouza33

Dear Dsouza33,Thank you very much for your participation!In your knowledge-Is there any case of permanent cure of diabetes so far?

Dsouza33 profile image
Dsouza33 in reply toalwaysoptimistic

I know of people suffering from diabetes and many who suffer from diabetes related disorders - hypertension, angina, stroke, etc. There are so many people in the world suffering from the disease. Some did not have diabetes when they died due to a heart attack eventually - so what do you attribute their death to - diabetes or heart attack - remember diabetes is the trigger.......

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toDsouza33

and according to you-this trigger is controllable but not curable.Is not it?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Dear bhaswathy,Thanks for opinion shared by you!Please elaborate your opinion!

Yes , by saying that homeopathy is better when it comes to some diseases , it does not mean to demngrate modern medicine . I

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Is there any case of permanent cure of diabetes so far using homeopathy?

in reply to

In case of epidemic diseases , in cases where surgery is needed , Allopathy is the only solution . But where the problem is with the system , Ayurved and homeopathy are the best options.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

How is the response of Ayurveda & Homeopathy in the case of diabetes?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

I am have no homeopathic knowledge. In Ayurvedic system some of several medicines available in which

Nishamalaki tablets madumardan churna or tablets and Hyponid tablets are main . Patanjali ayurvedic system has also releases as Madunasini vati These are oral drugs.

But My opinion these are herbal extracts it prevent damage of complication formed by Diabetes , but not possible to cure diabetes

Because Diabetes is not diseases but dis order in blood So the word curable why some of expert in Ayurvedic and homeopathic were used I do not know.

But if u used these medicine it may not side effect in any manner Together with proper diet and life style is important

These medicines may help for insulin resistance some extent For Insulin deficiency it may not help

systamatic diet will help for this Even proper diet the dosage of insulin may be decreased

in reply to

sir, nishamalaki, madhumardan churna, hyponid and madhunashini vati are the medicines intended only for controlling blood sugar levels and they have a very little ingredients which are for cure.

so better they are used for control only, they may help to some extent for insulin resistance because they have some of the ingredients which are more potent then herbs alone.

I cured a case of diabetes with homeopathy by giving medicines based on constitutional and genetic factors . Even after 5 years he is well without any problem .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

What do you mean by constitutional and genetic factors?How they influence the cure of diabetes?

Dsouza33 profile image
Dsouza33 in reply toalwaysoptimistic

I too am on homeopathy for psoriasis and recently for diabetes due to a sudden elevated blood sugar level but I would like to know more about constitutional and genetic factors because my Dr. didn't ask me any questions just looked at the psoriatic patches and started medication

A patient came to me with verdict of diabetes. It was a recent case . As usual I wanted to know the family history , his past illnesses , his food and sleep habits ,his likes and dislikes , his temperments etc all . When it came to the family history he point blankly refused when I asked him about the elders of the family having any veneral diseases . But his mother confided that her father in law had . some such problem . She also said that she consumed rat poison in a fit of anger before the boy was born . When the doctors gave a stomach wash and gave medicine for that , after a month or so she conceived this boy . I got the clue and gave medicines to him to wash out the remainants of veneral poison and rat poison . Without any further medication he got cured of the diabetes . This happened in 2010 and till to day he does not have the problem of diabetes . I do agree that it is rather difficult for non believers to accept this and probably they would dismiss it off as a case of trash . But I would like to ask a question , that is whether all advocates of modern medicine can say with certainity that all the cases taken by them are getting cured with 100% success .

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Is your treatment applicable for person

i)having genetic history of diabetes

ii)suffering from diabetes since more than 5 years ago and

iii)has not taken any allopathic medicine so far?

It is of no importance whether it is genetic or not , or any allopathic medicine is taken or not . It is only the causative factor which matters . But to tell you frankly it takes much effort and patience to find out the causative factor. homeopathic cure is highly individualistic . There are no SPECIFICS. A medicine can cure cancer or simple ulcer or simple fever . If there is a family history of TB or cancer or psoriasis or some such serious problem it helps in finding out the miasm..Diabetes is not exactly hereditary problem . It is a metabolic disorder.Of course there could be genetic tendency in some cases .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

What are pre-requisites for this treatment?

There are no prerequisites

When a medicine is given it brings out a particular symtom and throws out that . like that one by one the symtoms are thrown out . But disease is not the out come of a single factor . It is a culmination of many things . In the olden days a single remedy was selected and given . life in general was not much complicated in those days single well selected remedy used to give brilliant results . But with pollution every where &in everything, i.e , food , air water ,and psyche, now a days many complex diseases require a combination of many medicines. A good homeopath has to take a good study and make the the combination.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

What is expected duration and cost of the treatment?

Duration could be 6 months . I

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

and cost?

in reply to

In very complicated cases it could be one year . But since it is holistic cure , one gets rids of all ailments ,no coughs , no colds , no head aches , no fevers , no bp , no ailment . As far as cost goes I don't have an idea because I never consulted any doctor . I treat all cases in the family myself.

It is running in the family and my father , my uncles all did it and no one in the family ever went to an allopathic doctor in the past 60 years or so .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to


alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Do you have diabetes?

recently diagnoised and I am taking homeopathy my self . I wanted to experiment and had taken a wagon load of medicines myself to find a sure success formula for diabetes in case of old and helpless persons , since they can't go to the prohibitively costly modern medication which runs anywhere to 6000 to 8000 per month , with all the daily pricks and side effects . I know very well that it is holistic cure but nevertheless, I want to find out a formula which is going to give relief to many old people . In this process , I turned to be a proover and used many medicines including highly lethal snake poisons . I don't expect any punyam or any return for this . It is my mission in life . I invite suggestions of experienced in this endeaver

If I get success in this effort , I will definitely share it with all in the forum . I have been practicing for the past 40 years . But I had a couple of cases only in the family circles where I had given on the individual case histories. Now my interest is to find a cure on the basis of the defective spleen , liver and pancreas . But I had seen many cases where diabetes is triggered rather initiated in highly stressed conditions which again goes for an individual basis . So a comprehensive study involving spleen , liver , pancreas ,mind and central nervous has to be made .

central nervous system*

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Is there improvement in your health conditions?

YES . i

alwaysoptimistic profile image

What were your last FBS,PPBS and HbA1C?

FBS 125 and ppbs 160 . D octor said it is ok and need not worry . He said FBS could be up to 130 and PPBs up to 160 according to new set of parameters . He advised me to stop all homeopathic medication , if worried

The Bs levels of mine are given to him by me which I had taken by using Acu check . He got done random check which was 150. But I told him that I had taken homeopathy medicines in very high doses which could give wrong readings . Any way mine is experimental research and I go by the results . Even the Hospital I went is a Hospital as well as a research institution . Let me see for some time for the outcome of my experiment .What the doctor said is perfectly ok as per my deduction.

Here the experiment is being done by me after getting diagnoised with DM2 in May 2015. I started homeopathic medication from August 9th 2015. I had to wait that long for getting the medicines from the pharmacy after going through many case histories , medical books and opinions of many doctors .Of course all the doctors said that diabetes can't be reversed , but can only be controlled including homeopathic doctors .

alwaysoptimistic profile image


alwaysoptimistic profile image

OK.Thanks!If possible give link to his news letter!

alwaysoptimistic profile image


unfortunately however people go to Modern Medicine when they are

diagnised with diabetes because much hype is given to thatn system. No one is interested in alternative medicine. So one can't give statistical data.

HBP Heart diseases was not linked to diabetes I am seen one of my friend he was 67 age he was non diabetic But he was some Hypertension Except from Hypertension He was quite alright

So diabetes is not linked to H BP and heart problems similarly Obesity and over wt also not linked to Diabetes But for D M persons have more chances of H BP heart problems kidney damages And also obesity and over wt persons have more chances of diabetic comparing to other normal wt. persons

most welcome to vadodara, sir!

and i would like say 'no, thanks' for your offer.

you can conduct clinical trials as per your wish and need, not involving me.

you have your criterias, as per modern medical science of research methodology, i have different criterias.

i have also learnt about research criterias like clinical trials and others.

for my criterias, please refer to the book charaka samhita/sutrasthaan/11th chapter.

and if you find anything difficult to understand, please let me know, i am ready at anytime to elaborate.

i got my graduation degree from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. it is BAMS. and for my post graduate studies, i am now at parul univerity.

as per Govt of India's Central council of indian medicine, they offer MD and MS post graduation courses of 3 years. there are 22 departments of specialities all over india.

for more info please visit CCIM's website.


root cause of diabetes was shown in my previous comments which are now deleted by dont-know-whoever.

it is not proper functioning of rasa-dhatwagni i.e. inability / less ability of our body to absorb even simple carbohydrates.

you can classify this inability into types like insulin resistance, beta cell death and many more.


there is no ayurvedic 'herbal' medicine to eliminate the cause or cure diabetes. whichever medicines used for this, are metallic preparations and not herbal. they contain herbs along with metals, but are not 'only herbal'.

as i have told in previous replies, clinical trials are not my choice of research criterias. if you need clinical trials, you can have it with your resources; i am ready to provide interpretation of ayurvedic knowledge, my prognosis, and line of treatment. please have them and perform clinical trials or get my modern science counterpart doctors to perform them. i am with you every time.

yes, sure sir.


you are welcome I will be in Varanasi by the end of November 2015 Then I will give my number .

I would like to ask a question. Is diabetes curable under modern medicine?

Then why other systems of medicine are being dismissed as eye wash?

At least a trial should be given if it is not too costly or too difficult to experiment.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Thanks for your reply!Which medicine do you think can cure?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

You can try homeopathic preparation ---' pancreatinum , Insulinam , chionanthus , ceonathus , along with Arsenicum. If they are taken along with modern medicine the impact of homeopathic medicines gets much reduced .The other things being same like food , exercise and rest the result can be seen within 4 months .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

For the control of diabetes there are many options for the people like LCHF,LWMDR etc with/without medicines but the question is whether diabetes can be cured?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

YES and a big yes . But if insisted for the proof , it is a bit difficult to produce the same , since much hype is given by modern medicine regarding their efficacy and the insufficiency of alternate medicine. It is a racket where only their profits are counted .Alternate medicine never tries to supress the disease ,but rather tries to eradicate the same.Now the ball is in your court . You have to search for the avenues to get a solution for the problem in hand .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Are you a doctor?

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Waiting for your reply!

alwaysoptimistic profile image

OK!This is good that you are a retired doctor. So you are an experienced & knowledgeable person.

Low carb high fat food will produce some problems and complications after 10 years or so .A person of middle age or old age can indulge in that , rightfully so . But youth and adolacents can not afford that .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

So what is alternative of low carb and high fat diet?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Taking care to see that weight does not become too much , yoga and certain asanas like sarvangasanam , matsyasanam , halasanam ,pranayama etc , exposure to sunlight to get vitamin D , taking the life as it comes , listening to good music ,etc all go a long way in reducing the stress and ensure good blood circulation along with healthy body and mind. Definitely you can search a good homeopathic doctor who will help you .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Good advice!Thanks a lot!Have you treated any diabetic during your working era.

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Not many cases because people did not trust alternate medicine. Now the scenario changed , with the realisation of the possible side effects of modern medicine

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

So what were your findings?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Like all people say , diabetes , is a complex malady where the most important organ of human body gets dysfunctional due to many faulty practices and many medicines which play havoc with the economy.It takes a long time to set it correct . But a good homeopathic doctor who is not after money can set it in to correct mode . Thus I found out the correction is possible.There is no need for any surgery , because as long as the causative factor is present , the result would be same When we get in to some problem like a sour , we don't cut off the head if it were found in side the throat. we have to attend to the root cause and attend to that .Cutting off is the most common practice now a days in diseases like cancer.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Do you know any body whose diabetes is permanently cured?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

yes and no . If some body is free from any symptoms for a period of 5 or 6 years , do you mean that is cure or no cure

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

He is cured only when he has liberty of enjoying every food which gives him good taste without any fear in mind and harm to body and mind both.I mean-if there is no restriction on diet and there is no harmful effect then he is cured.

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

As far as my knowledge goes no cure which gives that guarantee is available right now .To a certain extent alternate medicine enables you to lead relatively relaxed life .Human body is like a machine and any machine is subject to wear and tear, if used properly. You can eat any thing and do whatever you want but it should be in optimum limit.

in reply to

Why don't you try any alternate medicine , whether it is Ayurveda , homeopathy or siddha or unani. None of these systoms are harmful if care and caution is exercised by the concerned Doctor.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

So we can conclude that diabetes can not be cured!Is not it?

The good thing is only that it can be controlled.

What do you think which way of controlling diabetes is safe?



in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Either Ayurveda or homeopathy with yoga and pranayama

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to


in reply toalwaysoptimistic

You can eat everything as long as weight is with in the limit .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

What should be the weight of a male having height 6'-1''?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

somewhere around 160 to 170 pounds

in reply to

Adult male can have up to 1800 to 2000calories assuming that he is diagnoised with diabetes. The diet should contain carbohydrates ,fats , proteins in the right proportions. It should contain roughage to avoid constipation, vitamins and salts to prevent any deficiencies. He can take bread , salt biscuits ,fresh fruits soups ,milk , butter ghee in moderation . Cheese ,eggs , fish vegetables any amount as he desires.The proportion of carbohydrates , proteins and fats is---50 ,30 20 .Where acetone is found in urine fats should be minimum. The amount of carbohydrates depends upon the age , weight physical activity and body build , type of diabetes , stress etc. 100 grams of rice or wheat gives 330 calories Any cereal for that matter gives almost same calories . It s a myth that chapathi gives less calories. Some vegetables like ladies' fingers to,atoes , Brinjal ,green gourd , bitterguord ,lettuce , etc do notgive more calories . So it is better to m-add them liberally in water milon ,grapes ,lemon ,mango ,papaya grape ,oranges can be taken without any hesitation . The overall rule is any thing having an eye on the total calories . the diet . Fruits like guava ,probably you know all these thin gs by now .So within these guide lines you can eat everything while you are on medication . After 4 to 6 months you can revert to normal diet . Then also it is better if you follow this routine .

lchf is not a drug but in the long term , definitely contributes to many complications which could be fatal.

long term is 10 to 12 years and complication is excess fat getting stored in the body which could be dangerous to heart , liver , kidneys etc.

in reply to

Now that , it is being advocated on war footing , we would see the results in another 10 years.One shower does not make a summer.

The parameters given are assuming that the patient is on alternate medicine .Actually body is made up of sapthadhathus and 6 rasas . Any imbalance in these things gives disease . Too much or too little of any rasa or dhathu leads to disease .

in reply to

calories counting could be a failed thery . But unless calorie counting is imposed , people eat like gluttons . In the days of yore , people were working very hard and hence there was no need of any food restrictions . Now there is no physical work , no walks , no pollution free air , water , food which all are depleting the shakthi. Any food taken is getting stored in the body in the form of fat in the absence of hardwork..

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

So,what is conclusion about ideal diet?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Please give information about your regular daily diet schedule.

alwaysoptimistic profile image

What were your findings with zeera-methi etc?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

In LCHF,HF includes saturated or unsaturated fats?Do you recommend Cheese (paneer)?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

OK.Got it! So far,I have enjoyed a lot VCO & coconut milk.These both appear as instant source of energy.

alwaysoptimistic profile image

I have got it!It seems very useful.I will read it,carefully,in the morning.

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Today's last question-Do you take sleep?If yes then when??

It was not expected by me that you will be available online at this time.

alwaysoptimistic profile image


Good night/good morning as par your suitability!

Time will prove the truth . Karela ,herbs , methi etc all are palliatives . A proper combination of homeopathic medicines depending upon the constitution , age , weight , height , type of disease , triggering factors , back ground ,past illnesses, will definitely attend to the problem

. There is no point in arguing without a solid proof of at least 500 cases as per you , which unfortunately is not possible because that many people do not come for homeopathy as of now . When everything fails they turn to homeopathy .

no way

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Then which diet plan is good for a diabetes?

in reply to

There is always the danger of Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis with high fat food . Some stray cases do not justify lchf food .

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Our country can become diabetes free only if there is cure of diabetes.Can it cure diabetes permanently?

syerrams profile image

I know it can be reversed with LCHF diet . but not get completely cured.

I am doing lot of researching on lot of things whether it can be curable. definitely, it can't be done with allopathy .Please dont use any allopathic medicine .it won't cure, moreover, you will get blocks in the heart after few years. (I observed this in 5 members of my family ).

Here are few of my observations:

LCHF with interment fasting can reverse diabetes. (read the obesity code of Dr joson fung)

Yoga for pancreas also working.

use vinegar when you are using is working

BGR 34 also can help but not sure all the ingredients are herbal are not. instead, you can try fenugreek, vijaysar, gudmar independently which works for you (it works but dont know side effect) .before all these you need to correct your root cause of diabetes (may be smoking , odd times eating , bad carbs (like refined sugar , refined rice,all refined foods) ...etc )

Diabetes is not a decease. it may be a pancreas problem or obesity problem or hyperthyroidism problem or lot many other things are there in the list .

you got this may be over a period. & its a hormonal imbalance.

need a lot of knowledge, time and effort(money also) to make it cure.

I only way to cure this is increase your glucose tolerance levels & hormonal balancing. I'm also looking for this .dont know whether can success or not.

many people who are suggesting like anup sir is correct from their side.

All the best be positive and try . if you find any result share with us.

best Regards,

Srinivasu Y

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tosyerrams

Thanks a lot for your views!

Curet2D profile image
Curet2D in reply tosyerrams

How are your sugar levels now?

Not what you're looking for?

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