For border line sugar
Can I take turmeric powder, jamun powder an... - Diabetes India
Can I take turmeric powder, jamun powder and amla powder together to lower my border line sugar?

What is you blood glucose daily reading?
Before looking at these powders, can you look at food intake and daily exercise.

Samzu , you can take any natural powder to add to your diet. But please note that none of these will reduce your blood sugar significantly.
Somebody told me tht remedy.If thr is no side effects thn I could take that

Hi Samzu ,
Have you had a talk to your doctor about trying the different powders? Are there any side effects? Are you on any medication/insulin? If the powders lower the blood sugars and you also take insulin, you may have the blood sugars go too low and that may cause severe hypoglycemia. Please call/talk to the doctor to be on the safe side of things so that you won't get sick or worse. We want everyone to be happy, healthy and safe on and off of HU/the group.
I have a borderline sugar.Just for a precaution I want to take that remedy.
Dear Samzu
Using turmeric powder alone will not help you.Mix Turmeric powder with Amla powder in equal portions and use It.It does help in controlling sugar.
Samzu , Please reduce your carbs intake and increase your physical activities. No powders can control your blood sugar on a longer run. That's my personal experience. Thanks
Pl add +1 Liv 52 DS tab in the morn & even.

Dear Samzu
I don't find any harm in taking these items such as turmeric , Jamun and Amla....start taking in small quantities...
whether your digestive system would tolerate is the question.....
Have you tried the following ?
(1) physical exercise at least twice daily??
(2) did you try reducing Carbohydrate rich food??? Avoid all processed food, refined Carbs, maida, white rice , potato, sugar...
(3)with Diet and exercise, you should be able to control your blood sugar , if you are not able to control, consult a diabetologist and get guided...
(4) If you want to try an ayurvedic drug , why not you try BGR34 govt approved or IME-9....See if you can tolerate without any stomach upset....
But just try for a month to see if it gives you any relief.. if you are not able to find any marked improvement , don't waste time and don't conduct sn6y experiment.... please consult a doctor and get guided...
If the powders you mention can help type 2 then (WHY?) there are so many type 2 in the world?
Asian spices have good quality to help people with health problems.
You need to get blood test done first to understand blood glucose levels.
How do you know this "My sugar is in borderline.?"
Can chilli powder clear the guts?
In turmeric power there is curcumin which has the property to reduce suger.Amla is reach in antioxidants and help in reducing free radicals from body.Jamun has the property to reduce blood suger.But remember if border line case it may work.But do not forget the culprit that is carb.Unless reduce carb no medicine will work.
Thank you.Already reduced my carb in take almost by 50%.
just be happy. active. do exercise, moderate speed walking. a good control on the diet. I mean reduce the excess food intakes. thats all. you will be alright.