i am a diabetic type 2 patient. My BS levels are between 140-180 and I am taking glyciphage tab daily once and I want to take ayurvedic medicine madhumardan powder and diabecon tablet along with glyciphage tablet. Are there any side effects if i took both medicines? please tell me for which i am grateful to you sir.
can i take madhumardan powder and diabecon... - Diabetes India
can i take madhumardan powder and diabecon tablet along with glyciphage tablet

try one at a time and see the result. madhumardhan also is good. diabecon also is good. together awith allopathy you may have very low blood sugars.
Yes you can take. I am a regular user of MADHU MARDHAN since 6 and half years. I have advised this to more than 70 people and all are very happy by using this. My approach for new users - use MADHUMARDHAN along with current medicine for 30 days, then reduce current medicine for 50% for next 15 days, then reduce total current medicine for another 15 days. Then have a blood checkup. If everything goes well - you continue MADHUMARDHAN. My all friends done the same process and now they are very happy. Few were using insulin too, and the too stopped using insulin and continued to MADHUMARDHAN. You can contact me for any clarification on 9700327299. ok
Wish you good health my friend,
Best of luck
Can u please share your diabetic history
1 How much old diabeties u noticed.
2 What the FBS PPBS and HBA1C then and recentreport including lipid profiles and kidneyfunctions
3 What r the allopathy
medcine utaken
4 what is your age / since more than 45 or 50 yars mostly Ayurvedic powder or capsule may not good earlier it may take prolong period /

Hi Nataraj
I am at 55 now, 6 and half years back when I noticed Diabetis - went to known ayurvedic shop and took advise from them. They simply advised to use MADHUMARDHAN, since then I am using. I never consulted any doctor. 140 in fasting and 220 in post lunch my sugar levels, when I noticed. Recently 1 month before I have checked sugar levels in blood - 116 in fast and 166 in post lunch noticed. Many doctors advise to take blood sugar level test after taking medicine; but I never do this. I got above results without using MADHUMARDHAN before giving blood samples. I hope you can understand - what I said. Besides above - we used to keep to lady fingers (bendi) in nite time one tumble of water and morning I will take that water. Being bendi is cut and kept in water for 12 hours, the all glue will come into water. I will not take any other pre-cautions.
Basically I am very healthy person since 35 years, never visited any hospital or doctor. Hence, I don't know about "What the FBS PPBS and HBA1C then and recent report including lipid profiles and kidney functions"
Thank you
Thanks for respond Secureintact.
Generally FBS is70-100 and PPBS , 140 is normal range I think your number is little more try to normal level
For diabetics lipid profile kidney function and ECG and eye test is important if diabetic is more these problems or noticed and these are called diabetic complication Please consult Doctor and try to test in lab
Fasting and PP results are inaccurate projections of your glucose control . Because it gives you a moments picture of your bloedglucose I mean the moment the blood was drawn from the veins . As sugar level in the blood vary at different times influenced by many reasons viz. the type of your last meal,the exercise you made ,mental tension etc etc .it can not be relied upon to the fullest . HBA1c can to the fair extent give you a projection of last 3-4 months control over the disease as it is agnostic of the last meal,exercise or mental turmoil for the moment .
Now-a-days doctors have started asking HBA1c to almost all patients before making a plan for the medicine . Diabetes is a progressive disease and can be controlled chiefly by diet and exercise . Others are adjuvant in nature .
Best is to use them by trial and error.take care of your diet and do not overdo
Most don't realize that having more insulin in blood is not that great.
I am also a daily user of the medicines mentioned by you. There is no side effects as far as my doctor's advice.
Pl. consult Ayurvedic Doctor. I was using Glyciphage (two tablets a day). I reduced it to 1 tablet and took Ramdev's Madhunashni with Shilajit Rasayan. I checked my sugar levels in between. Slowly I have gone out of Glycipage and am now on Ramdev's medicines only. Sugar is under control. One must do regular brisk walk and some Yoga exercises as recommended with check on diet pl.
let me know your current status of diabetes F/PP. Then only I can adivise you
Pl tell me how to select homeopathic or bio chemic for diabetes
your bs.level is at a safe higher level.ayurvedic and homeopathy medicines have very poor result.can be tried along with elopathy,but glucose level must be checked every week or fortnightly.have brisk walkfor atleast 25 minuits every day.