My blood sugar is 120 FPBS, & ppbs-167, jus... - Diabetes India
My blood sugar is 120 FPBS, & ppbs-167, just I am taking Amyril-1mg, is it correct medicine to take, further can I take watermelon, guava,

Even after taking 1 mg amyril your blood sugar is very high. If you are not following LCHF diet then immediately start it. For such high sugar don't eat any fresh fruits and strictly avoid dried fruits. You can replace fruits with almonds and pistachio.
I was also identified as a diabetic 2 months back with Fbs 123 and PPBS 200. Then, the doctor prescribed me Ziglim M-1 tablet. I took it for 1 week. But I thought that the dosage was heavy and stopped it. Now I do not take any medicine. But controlling with exercise and diet. Today my ppbs was 142 one hour after my breakfast. Is this ok? Can I continue with this? Should I take any other steps.. I am very much interested in LCHF. But my blood cholesterol level is little high than normal. Pls help me..
It is very good that you are controlling without medicine. Pl. check your fasting and two hour PPBS. After adopting LCHF diet don't bother about lipids. You will definitely improve you lipids. Mere cholesterol levels are not things to worry. There are many factor which are related to heart decease.
LathaM: Keeping a Lipid profile report will not hurt. However, keeping proper check of blood glucose level is necessary. According to one handout from a reliable US data reproducer, incidence of the five most feared cardiac and neurological outcomes including foot amputation was 2.5% @ HBA1C of 8.0 (at that time, pre-2012 it represented average blood glucose level of 205). By managing without medicine you may be giving your auto response system to get back in gear. Medical and research experts in Ireland, UK and Canada have now withdrawn their tough stance that TYPE II is not reversible. If you email me, I can mail back the report I referred to here.
Iam taking ameryl 2mg morning and evening. my blood sugar fasting is 89.