Hyponid tab for sugar: My HBa1c was 7.7 in... - Diabetes India

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Hyponid tab for sugar

Venkat-1810 profile image
39 Replies

My HBa1c was 7.7 in Jan 19 and repeated the same in Aug 19 and it’s the same

My fasting sugar was 113 and rest of my lipid cbc and urine are perfect

I have been having Tab Hyponid 4 tabs a day 2plus 2 for last 3 months

Want expert comments and advise from members


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Venkat-1810 profile image
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39 Replies
namaha profile image

Hyponid is an ayurvedic drug. No auyrvedic drug is known to lower blood glucose effectively and consistently. Even govt approved drugs also have failed

Some allopathy drugs could lower blood glucose effectively , but there are long term side effects

You can control blood glucose effectively by life style changes, dietary changes and by taking a Low carbohydrate diet. By physical exercise post meal.

You should be able to control and If required also Consult an allopathy doctor for your diabetes management

gangadharan_nair profile image

Hyponidd is an Ayurvedic tablet. hence I have no comments to offer. But BGR 34 tab is a popular herbal diabetic tablet launched by CSIR. The same may be used if you are interested.

Metformin is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, which lists the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. Metformin is the most widely used medication for diabetes taken by mouth.

Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise in initial stages.

HbA1c test may be done once in every 3 months.

More attention is needed in respect of low-carbohydrate diet and aerobic exercise to control blood sugar.

Over time, people who have diabetes and high blood sugar can develop serious or life-threatening complications, including heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, nerve damage, and eye problems. Taking medication(s), making lifestyle changes (e.g., diet, exercise, quitting smoking), and regularly checking your blood sugar may help to manage your diabetes and improve your health. This therapy may also decrease your chances of having a heart attack, stroke, or other diabetes-related complications such as kidney failure, nerve damage (numb, cold legs or feet; decreased sexual ability in men and women), eye problems, including changes or loss of vision, or gum disease. Your doctor and other healthcare providers will talk to you about the best way to manage your diabetes.

You have not stated your age, height and weight.








Venkat-1810 profile image
Venkat-1810 in reply to gangadharan_nair

Age 67 wgt 66 kg hgt 5.6

Venkat-1810 profile image
Venkat-1810 in reply to Venkat-1810

Thanks Gangadharan Bro but I am a strict vegetarian so lot of walking in the eve and even look at sugar .eat small qty of white rice or quinoa with lot of vegetables like okra

Dudhi Karela pumpkin ivy gourd carrot

Fruits elchi kela pear etc

Venkat-1810 profile image
Venkat-1810 in reply to Venkat-1810

Any other member has used Hyponid

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to Venkat-1810

Hyponid did not give you relief for 3 months !

I am not sure what made you to wait for 3 months??

You should come to know with in a week of experimenting with any treatment.

My suggestion is you should go for a glucometer which may cost you Rs1500-2000.

While many people with your kind of condition with Hba1c more than 7, check their blood glucose fasting and PP daily , you may check at least for 10 days to understand which food is raising your blood glucose and refrain from that food- seeing and believing -- Also physical exercise every post meal. There is no other short cut!

If you want to try any other ayurvedic drug ( I have tried many) , please do it at your own risk. Yes , perhaps you would be reinventing the wheel. Ayurvedic drugs are not tested and no large scale trial safety data is available . While some Ayruvedic herbs may have some glucose lowering property, but that property is not sustained over a long period of time due to degradation of soil nutrients and climate/ season and the place where it is grown.

If you want to try any ayurvedic herbs it would be a wise decision to check blood glucose fasting PP for one week . If it does not make a difference . .. don't waste time and allow your body to get damaged progressively...

If any drug does not lower blood glucose in a day or in a week ,... You should not wait for months to see results....because it would not work even if you wait for a year or two ...

For food tips, life style, you may please remain in touch with this forum. You would learn a lot.

Also visit your doctor and also undergo other check up such as ultrasound of abdomen, Treadmill/ 2d Ecko, liver/ kidney function, eye check up, podiatry , b12, Vitamin d, hsCRP etc which gradually develop as a deficiency in case of diabetes .

The process of diabete starts in a human body 10 years before actually it gets diagnosed and appear as symptoms .

More than 7 is not even Pre-diabetes. It is a full blown off Type-2.

You need to act fast.

in reply to Venkat-1810

It seems Hyponidd can lower androgens (male hormones) in wowed with PCOS. While it is said to lower blood sugar levels, I am not sure it should be taken by anyone not diagnosed with PCOS...? It does have some great online reviews, though, but they are all written by women with PCOS.

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply to


Thanks for the info. Lucky gals to have found a solution via ayurveda. It's Interesting that elsewhere it's been reported among PCOS folks about hair drop when they used metformin. Can someone piece together the connection between metformin and hair drop? What's the connection if any? Will the same happen to metformin users too? Not a nice thought!

It would be interesting if metformin users report back on this and share their experiences.

Haldin21 profile image

What matters ultimately is whether it satisfied your goals. If you're HAPPY, stick with the protocol. Hyponid did not affect my BG but whether it has any other positive effects on other health parameters, I know not. Many people are fearful of taking risks but the adage that 'no venture, no gain', 'no pain, no gain' continue to apply. I hear the latter a lot in the gym where body builders are willing to lift stacks of plates just to get some coveted muscles! Look, crossing the road can be dangerous, and so is standing under a tree. An ol' school teacher of mine once had a big $$$windfall. But she passed away the following morning! She did not even cross the street or stand under the tree. She died in HER OWN BED !! Probably from the EUPHORIA she had had on learning about the sudden windfall. So, let's live without fear! Folks who still has a vestige of fear can pray over their medicine, neutralize postential toxins with their mind, offer it to God, chant a mantra - hmm, I hear there's even a mantra for snakebite!

Venkat-1810 profile image

U mean to say Hyponid did not reduce the BG ? How long u had it ?


Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply to Venkat-1810


Sorry, can't remember. It was a long time ago. I wish it did work. I've tried numerous herbal preps - [Zigma] Madhumega, Diabecon, and other Ayurvedic herbal combos.

I even tried single herbs - Turmeric, Tulsi, Cinnamon (true & false), gurmar (more than six months), methi, ginger, coriander, Salacia reticulata, Pterocarpus marsupium, gokshura, gaduchi, gugul . . . the list is endless.

The only one that worked beautifully and brought the BG back to normal was the Indian lilac/Crepe Myrtle called in Hindi सावनी Saoni (Tamil : சீனப்பூ Chinappu, Pavalakkurinji) in the form of the extract called corosolic acid.

Unfortunately, it did not work consistently for when I ran out of supplies (there was a gap of at least a month) the BG level returned to the previous/pre-treated levels, when I resumed supplementation. Zero impact from then onwards even when I upped the dosage. It is such a mystery - perhaps @Namaha could throw some light on this?

My experiences above does lend suppport to what @Namaha said : "No auyrvedic drug is known to lower blood glucose effectively and consistently..."

in reply to Haldin21

What about berberine? Several scientific studies have shown it to be as effective as Metformin, without the side effects. It's usually taken with every main meal, 500 mg x 3.

Stuthi profile image
Stuthi in reply to

Do you take berberine after meal or before

in reply to Stuthi

Right before the meals.

Stuthi profile image
Stuthi in reply to


Venkat-1810 profile image
Venkat-1810 in reply to Stuthi

No is it effective ?

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply to

I was very excited when I read about berberine as I was hoping that it would replace Metformin which seems to become less and less effective. I took a bottle and did not notice the slightest BG lowering effect. Yes, I've read many glowing reports about this wonder botanical. I think the extract is very expensive and long term use can hit the pocket hard. Have you yourself tried it? Provide feedback if you have . . . go on, spill it all out - bravely!

in reply to Haldin21

Yes, I have, for quite some time. The first time I used it, I lost 28 kilograms in a few months (after being diagnosed with insulin resistance). I gained most of it back after being treated with high doses of cortisone during hospitalization. Went back on berberine but it was not as effective the second time around. That's why I've been looking into Diabecon as it contains many different herbs, not just one, and I'm interested in the synergistic effects of this herbal combination.

So, I'm not a type II diabetic (yet), I "only" have insulin resistance but many annoying symptoms such as easy weight gain and carb cravings. Berberine helped with those the first time around, but less the second. I want to stay off Metformin and other prescription drugs as long as possible, hopefully forever.

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply to

What I gather from reading literature on berberine is that it is not safe if taken for a long time because of its effect on the liver. See the stuff written below - a bit technical but you'll get the gist of it :

"Some studies published in quality journals suggest that berberine's positive effects may stem from the fact that it activates AMP-Kinase, which is what metformin does. If this is the case, you have to ask yourself, why not just take metformin, a safe, very well understood drug that has been in use since the 1950s and which must meet rigorous manufacturing standards before it is sold.

Several mainstream studies claims to have found that berberine inhibits DPP-4 and raises the concentration of the incretin hormone GLP-1 which is the mechanism used by the incretin drugs Januvia, Onglyza, and Trajenta. As discussed elsewhere, inhibiting DPP-4 can turn off a mechanism the immune system uses to kill cells that have become cancerous, which may make these a poor choice of drug. In addition, accumulating evidence is pointing to the possibility that artificially raising GLP-1 levels over a long period of time leads to the growth of abnormal cells in the pancreas which may grow into the ducts and cause pancreatitis or turn into precancerous tumors. (Details HERE)

Mainstream research also finds that berberine has a significant impact on your liver. Repeated use downregulates several important enzymes (P450 cytochromes ) that the body uses to eliminate drugs. You can read about that here: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/218....

This means that if you are taking berberine, other drugs you take may not be eliminated properly if they use those enzymes and may build up to toxic levels, while others, which require those enzymes to be working so that the drug can be broken down into the active form of the chemical they contain may not work as expected.

In particular you should not combine repaglinide (Prandin) with berberine as that combination may produce hypos since repaglinide is eliminated from the body by an enzyme that berberine inhibits. Since metformin also inhibits one of these enzymes to some extent, combining berberine and metformin is probably a bad idea, too. (Note I have blogged about the combined effect of metformin and prandin HERE)."

"NCTR(FDA-National Center for Toxicology Research) scientists in collaboration with the Shanghai Institute for Food and Drug Control (China) have shown that goldenseal and one of its major alkaloid constituents, Berberine, are potent inducers of DNA damage in in vitro human cell cultures ... "

Did you understand all that? Try to switch to stevia. It can be used as a sweetener and research has shown that it can do a lot of good for diabetics. If I can get enough info. I'll post it here.

in reply to Haldin21

Thanks a lot, interesting info:-)

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to



"Project summary

Insulin resistance is a key feature of Type 2 diabetes. It affects the ability of the body’s cells to take in glucose and causes high blood glucose levels.

Professor Bryant will explore whether proteins involved in this process don’t work properly in people with Type 2 diabetes. This research could improve our understanding of what causes Type 2 diabetes and how to treat it."

Have a read!!!!!

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to

Have you Goggled "Difference between diabetic and insulin resistance?"

Give it a try!

in reply to sandybrown

Sorry, not sure what you mean...?

Venkat-1810 profile image

Don’t know it’s is so confusing first with the diet and then with medicines

So much of contradictory views on diet if u goggle

God save

namaha profile image

Dear Venkat

If you are confused with diet or any medicines, don't believe any one. But should you not believe yourself?

I am sure you have some fundamental knowledge! 😀

We have seen that by reducing Carbs as much as you can tolerate and eating a high fat- high protein food and physical exercise every post meal the Glucose level comes down. The other point is don't overeat. Please remember carbs and protein gives you 4 Calori per gm of carbs where as fat would give you 9 Calori per gm.

Then see, how much blood sugar you are able to control by the above. You can after consulting with a doctor if required to start metformin. The dietician attached with the doctor may also give a diet plan.

My strong recommendation to you that please do have a Glucometer at home and check your blood glucose fasting and PP . You can also check BG pre and post lunch /dinner- What readings you are getting are the facts .... Seeing and believing !

Unfortunately there is no other short cuts available for diabetes. ...

It is a progressive disease ! I am sorry to say that it is not reversible .. ... Nobody seems to have successfully reversed permanently....

Yes, one can control it and still live for 100 years if you follow a discipline of life style changes , diet, exercise ....

Venkat-1810 profile image
Venkat-1810 in reply to namaha

Thank you so much

namaha profile image

Dear Still concerned

What all MUFA are you eating ?

Are you eating Oleic Acid omega-9 only or Palmitoleic Acid Omega-7 too!

sandybrown profile image

This is from the Internet!

"Is Diabetes Different From Insulin Resistance?"

"Insulin resistance is usually found in people who are overweight. The metabolic changes that are brought on by excess weight prevent cells in the liver and muscles from utilizing glucose, despite normal insulin levels in the body. Insulin is the hormone that helps our body metabolize, or burn, glucose. The body in effect becomes "resistant" to insulin. The body's response to this is to produce more insulin. Unlike some diabetics, whose bodies produce insufficient amount of insulin, individuals who have insulin resistance have high levels of insulin early on in the disease. This process is rather complex and genetic susceptibility to diabetes plays a big role, but suffice it to say that long-term insulin resistance eventually leads to diabetes."


namaha profile image

What nuts are you eating my dear StllConcerned !

And any seeds like Chia or Flax?

How are your lipid numbers - just for our learnings !

My recent numbers are :

HDL 71

LDL 130

TAG 95


in reply to namaha

Here is the latest (posted by someone on the BHF hub).


Foor for thought. . .

"What drives inflammation in type 2 diabetes? Not glucose, says new research


August 21, 2019


University of Kentucky


A new study challenges the conventional wisdom that glucose is the primary driver of chronic inflammation in type 2 diabetes. The research might change opinion of tight glycemic control as the optimal strategy for type 2 diabetes management."

I also noticed the HDL number may not translate how good they are.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to

Dear Autumnsonnet

I had also seen this post and was wondering if the study is reliable and whether the agency is reputed ?? Not sure.......

None the less ,if you see my recent post , I had emphasized measurement of hsCRP which is a sign of inflammation. Well if by virtue of some exercise , diet or medications , if hsCRP is fine then everything fine! Low Inflammation should be another norm.

Your blood sugar may be under control , but hsCRP would indicate whether you have inflammation in your body and which in turn is detrimental to type 2 and people with CV issues. Anyway, let us see what other members have to say on this topic !

in reply to namaha

There's another link on the topic:


namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to

Both the articles appear to be similar and from the same source

" Researchers from Kentucky University".

While it says Glucose is not the cause of inflammation, they are saying it is a combo of defects in Mitochondria and Some elevated lipid derivatives which causes inflammation in our body , which seems to be the root cause of àll evils ...

But it is not clear what are those lipid derivatives - is it SFA, MUFA or PUFA????

If it is partly because of mitochondria defect , then how come more and more people around the world day by day during last 2 decades are developing mitochondria defect and are developing metabolic syndrome , obesity, type -2???

If Lipid is also partly responsible, it is possible because during last 50 years, the vegetable oil PUFA consumption has gone up manifold world over.... Thanks to the strong oil seed industry lobby....

Even food grain processing / refined carbs production has gone up like never before...

So I would like to read the findings with a pinch of salt unless some UK based members confirm if the sources of the research is authentic!

You never know if the study was sponsored by some interested party.....

There always exists strong lobbies PRO & ANTI for each industry : Poultry federation, Anti Poultry, Pro Meat and Anti meat , Dairy and Anti Dairy, LCHF/Anti- LCHF.... then there are very strong lobbies such as Animal activist, on Global warming / climate change / Green house gases, ground water level depletion.... All these are now being linked to FOOD we eat.... It is going to play heavy on our health and nutrition...

So what do we do ??

We as individual depend heavily upon these inputs from such organisations / experts to enhance a better living...

Under this situations , each one of us need to be stronger in our approach and acquire knowledge on food and nutrition in order to live in this planet Earth ...

Thank God to day (1) there are laboratories , diagnostics available to determine everything what is going on in your body and it is (2) finally " how do you feel- do you feel energetic or you feel tired / exhausted ? Do you get 6-8 hours sound sleep daily? Do you have any abnormal symptoms??

Both the above would determine whether you need intervention in your current food / Diet habits and and other lifestyle conditions such as type of physical exercise whether it is cardio or resistance based upon our own fundamental knowledge....

And HU is a good platform to learn and share our practical experience on food and life style for our mutual benefit !

in reply to namaha

"And HU is a good platform to learn and share our practical experience on food and life style for our mutual benefit !"

Cannot agree more. . . namaha

This Hub is precious and posters, who contribute to help others !

The above link leads to this original publication as below.

The earlier links contained an "easy-to-read" version for the general public. I added the second link as it had the link to the original publication (if not fully) at the end.

Science Direct.

Available online 1 August 2019

Fatty Acid Metabolites Combine with Reduced β Oxidation to Activate Th17 Inflammation in Human Type 2 Diabetes



glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation

Metaflammation, immunometabolism

Thank you for your reply, would be busy reading what you kindly commented now. . . :) My impression is "it" always goes back to the "Fats", which are implicated in disease manifestations. . . . and Fats come from what we eat. . .

Thanks again. :)

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to

Did you purchase the full PDF document?

in reply to sandybrown

No, sandybrown.

It's too "high-level" to me.

I do get to hear that you can get it free if you know how,


Someone else may add further. :)

simanchalratha profile image

Sir,kindly give your age and the date since you have been a diabetic to respond properly .

Venkat-1810 profile image
Venkat-1810 in reply to simanchalratha

I have responded to ur question can u please

Venkat-1810 profile image

For last 4 years my fasting has been 113 to 120and post has been between 120 to 140

the last month was 113 and 144 my HB1 ac was 7.7

I am a vegetarian and my age is 67 was weighing 68.5 kg 3 months back now 65

Ate Hyponid for 3 months and the hb1ac is still 7.7

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