I am Abha Srivastava 59 a new member I am diabetic for seven years and currantly taking Glycomet G P 1 Now a days my sugar is not under control I don’t want to take increased dose l eat sprouts or chila in morning and two chapati with dal and vegetable in lunch and same in dinner without dal occasionaly chicken Please help
Irregular sugar level: I am Abha Srivastava... - Diabetes India
Irregular sugar level

Welcome to the group. You have to provide more information about your blood sugar levels in order to get proper suggestions from the group members. Saying: 'Nowadays my sugar is not under control' is not enough. From your diet, it appears you are not eating enough.
Diabetics need not be hungry with the right food choices. As a non-vegetarian, you have an even wider choice for food selection. First, you should provide more information about your blood sugar levels.
Thanks My fasting sugar is 136 and pp 201 but it is very fluctuating when I eat rice it goes to 245 and after chapati lunch it reduces
To Mrs.Abha Srivatsa, If you are a diabetic patient the f.s and p.p. mentioned is not high .I think your sugar level will get reduced once you control your diet.Better to consult a diabetologist.
Thanks for the information. Diet has direct control of post-meal sugar level. I am not at all surprised to find that your pp goes to 245 after eating rice because it is like consuming simple sugar. It should be possible to limit the rise to about 20 points above pre-meal blood sugar level if you follow a revised diet plan. It will be non-veg based. Please let me know if you would like me to suggest? Your fasting level cannot be controlled directly by diet but by following the suggested diet, you may lose some weight which will lower the fasting blood sugar but that will be very gradual.What are your weight and height?
Thanks sir I would like your suggestions My night is 4 . 11 and weight 62 Ihad my hip replaced eight years ago Dr advised me to control weight but I am unable I am taking Thyrox 50 for eight years
Thank you very much for the information. The diet plan which I am suggesting is based on my personal experience and coincidently my blood sugar numbers were more or less like yours. I have been successful in controlling the blood sugar level to acceptable level and I hope so will you.
Broadly speaking you have to choose two groups of the food items.
1. Green Vegetables that are grown above ground- 500gms daily minimum. Examples are following:
Lettuce, Spinach, Cucumber, Green beans, Olives, Peppers, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brocolli, Okra(Bhindi), Bitter Gourd(Karella),
tomatoes etc.
2. Meats from the following; ( 500gm daily max)
Chicken, Mutton, Fatty fish ( Salmon), Eggs.
3. Cooking medium: Ghee/butter, Olive oil for salad not for hot cooking.
4. Snacks: Full fat Cheese, Nuts ( Walnuts and Almonds) No peanuts, please
5. Occasional treat: Dark Chocolate minimum 85% cocoa, Desiccated coconut cooked in full-fat milk without added sugar. One tablespoon max.
Example of a typical day menu:
Breakfast: two or three fried eggs +Cheese and selection of veg salad.
Salmon+ Spinach + veg Salad/curry
Tea or coffee without sugar but with full cream milk.
Lunch: Spicy chicken + Green Veg Salad
Dinner: Cauliflower rice + Mutton Curry, Side veg salad.
Eat till you are full without any guilt. Never eat if you are not hungry.
Snacks: As above
Supplement: Psyllium Husk( SatIsbgol) One tablespoon with buttermilk once/twice a day.
Ask your doctor for any vitamins supplement required.
No rice, bread, Chapati, Dal etc for the period of 8 - 12 weeks. After that, you can gradually add few chapatis depending on blood sugar numbers achieved. No fruits except a small quantity of strawberry.
The above diet will give you low carbohydrate 25 to 30 gms. It will also provide moderate protein 50 gm or so and rest will be fat.
It will promote weight loss and limit post-meal blood sugar level.
You may find after few days that after eating breakfast you do not have much appetite for lunch, in which case may you decide to go for two meals rather than three in a day. it is up to you.
If you have any question or need any clarifications, ask me.
Monitor your blood sugar levels frequently.
Monitor your weight once in a week at the same time e.g. just after waking up.
A well planned balanced diet will do the trick. No need to starve and load you with fat.
Composition for Glycomet-GP 1 Tablet is Glimepiride (1mg) and Metformin (500mg).
Glimepiride is used along with diet and exercise, and sometimes with other medications, to treat type 2 diabetes (condition in which the body does not use insulin normally and, therefore, cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood). Glimepiride lowers blood sugar by causing the pancreas to produce insulin (a natural substance that is needed to break down sugar in the body) and helping the body use insulin efficiently. This medication will only help lower blood sugar in people whose bodies produce insulin naturally.
Metformin is used alone or with other medications, including insulin, to treat type 2 diabetes (condition in which the body does not use insulin normally and, therefore, cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood). Metformin is in a class of drugs called biguanides. Metformin helps to control the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. It decreases the amount of glucose you absorb from your food and the amount of glucose made by your liver. Metformin also increases your body's response to insulin, a natural substance that controls the amount of glucose in the blood.
Glimepiride may cause frequent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). In order to avoid hypoglycemia, you may consume more food causing irregular high blood sugar level.
Walk for 15 minutes after every meal.

in view of divergent views expressed here on diet exercise and medicine it is wise to consult a doctor and take professional help
All the efforts above are to teach you to LIVE WITH DIABETES. I live WITHOUT Diabetes.
All the best wishes to you dear.
Diabetes can be controlled/managed by a proper regulated diet and exercise. and medicines prescribed by the doctor
1. Eat every Four hours mini meals. Don't eat big meals. Take more green vegetables/salads.
2. Eat whole grain food/grains like ragi, wheat, jowar instead of refined grains like maida/ sooji/ white bread etc
3. Reduce foods with high GI Index like potato, white rice, banana, mango.
4. Avoid all forms of simple sugars like Colas, juices, sweets, cakes, biscuits, pizzas, noodles etc.
5. Eat daily fruits with low/medium GI index like apple, guava, mosambi, orange.
6. Eat lot of proteins like dals, sprouts, egg, chicken etc with every minimeal.
7. Drink lot of water. One glass every hour.
8. Do at least 30-45 mins of exercise every day.
Thank you very much for this useful information
Thank you sir My hba1c is 7.2
Sir can I never eat normal food like dal chawal roti and any sweet ? I am a north Indian housewife and we are used to this type of food I can never imagin lunch with only soup Please suggest I also want to know if fat is good for us?
There is a diet regimen I followed. It allows a diabetic to eat three square meals daily (to satiety & satisfaction) and help to bring down Blood Sugar to normal values in due course. ARE YOU INTERESTED?
I am very much interested sir
To begin with, let us know the status of the illness.
Please get the latest values of
1. FBS
2. FSI
3. HbA1c
4. Lipid profile
5. Serum Creatinine
6. ESR
F s. 136. P p 201 hba1c 7.2 cholesterol 205 triglycerides 111 tsh1.66 uric acid 6.8 creatinine .9 esr not examined
George Sir I am waiting for your diet regimen
AbhaSrivastava I am waiting for Fasting Serum Insulin (FSI), HighDensity Lipoprotein (HDL Cholesterol) and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR) vslues.
Thank you sir Now what to do