HI I am Vaishali 40 years old suffering from diabetic from last 3 years, my fasting sugar is 100/mg but post lunch sugar is 190/mg. which is high. can you give me any suggestion to control it. I have started medicine for same, but I do not like to take medicine.
post lunch sugar high: HI I am Vaishali 4... - Diabetes India
post lunch sugar high

What is your diet & Medicines? Avoid all sugar, bakery items. Reduce Grains & Increase vegetables, salads. Increase good fats like nuts, coconut, coconut oil, olive oil, etc.
i have stopped sugar, eating sprouts and been drinking milk in the morning.
It’s not enough to do what you “think” is healthy, start learning the carb counts for the foods you’re eating. Milk is full of lactose, milk sugar, and high in carbs. Measured amounts of heavy cream in coffee is a better choice. Or the nut milks. Unsweetened. It’s great that you stopped sugar, but starches ( flours grains legumes) are also high in carbs. Stick to the vegetables that grow above the ground, they are lower in starch. Eat low carbs, moderate protein, fat to satiety. Try My fitness pal app to observe the nutrition in what you’re currently eating, and then start making the changes that seem possible at first. You can then graduallly improve your choices as you get used to your new lifestyle. Fat & protein are satisfying and stabilizing to blood sugar. You’ll probably drop weight too. Research LCHF diets for more info. Youtube has a million videos instructing the low carb lifestyle. Good luck!
Control your carbohydrate intake and you’ll see a difference. Diabetes (T2) is essentially carbohydrate toxicity. Switch to healthy fats and proteins.
So what do YOU think its telling you. Less something at dinner time ? You are talking about T2 diabetes which is on most times is controllable.
Even mine was somewhat same, I eat broken wheat ( bigger in size) which Does not get digested fast. And I have started taking smaller meals along with raw cucumber, carrots and some fruit. Eat something 2.5 to 3 hours once. Don't keep yourself hungry.
learn about glycemic index of various items you eat. Adjust your energy requirements with the needs of your body. Total intake must amount to a balanced food component wise.