OMAD Diet - Lowered A1C from 6.1 to 5.3 - Diabetes India

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OMAD Diet - Lowered A1C from 6.1 to 5.3

healthwisehappy profile image
32 Replies

I following ONE MEAL A DAY for last 6 months and successfully brought down my A1C from 6.1 to 5.3 in a 3-4 months with much of control on CARB ..

I following One meal a day around 5-7 PM.

Now I feeling much energetic though out the day and my BG Levels never goes above 100 at any given time except brief 1-2 hours after food which it max can touch 150 -160's ( which used to be 180's before OAMD ,even for decent carb intake ).

My Meal Plan Goes likes


1. 2-3 Heavily Ghee maid Multigrain CHAPATHY ( 30 % Soya,30% Wheat 40% and 30% Rest of pulses and other grains

2. One Fruit Slices ( Papapya / Mango / etc )

3. Brown Rice / MIllet Rice / White Rice ( On Alternate days) with Veg Sambar - One Bowl

4. Curd + salads


1. Goes with Any Veg Thalis + panner items + veg salads .

any suggestion for improvement

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healthwisehappy profile image
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32 Replies
sandybrown profile image

It all depends on how low do you want your HbA1C is?

Enjoy one life!

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to sandybrown

Not concerned about A1C.. want to improve on food options for vegetarians and calorie intake with out compromising

ramana42 profile image

What is your daily routine?Job or business etc,.I am asking because ,suppose you are doing a 9 to 5 job involving daily commute etc,needs some energy.

ramana42 profile image

Very true.I was trying to figure out whether a working person can manage with one meal a day i e about 1000 cals.

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to ramana42

Working in software industry . Almost no physical activity .

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply to healthwisehappy

Please open the link below and try to correlate with what you are doing,

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to ramana42

Its coming around 1100 cal /day .. and as some one suggested my intake is around 800 . want to add another 300 cal . Any Suggestion on GOOD HIGH CALORIE Food

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply to healthwisehappy

You have to workout the BMR first and then add some more calories to meet the total metabolic rate.1100 cals to meet BMR appears to be on lower side.Nuts like almonds,walnuts,dairy products like cheese are good sources of calories,but you have to eat lot of vegetables and greens so that you will get lot of fiber and other essential nutrients.Why not consult an experienced dietician?

namaha profile image

It looks like your Calori intake would be approx 700-800 kcal.....max per day.

You maybe able to achieve the same objective if you can divide one meal a day to two meal a day with 400 kcal per meal and try with 8-16 IF.

It may be ok If your goal is to reduce weight along with blood sugar control.

One meal a day plan is not suitable for the underweight as per the experts on IDM.

Activity2004 profile image

Please consult your doctor to see if they agree with you being on the diet. No one wants anyone getting sick or worse.

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to Activity2004

Spoke to few they say 'its not possible to sustain for long time ' and I just want see how long I can carry with out losing much weight .. so far feeling great on my by lelvels

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to healthwisehappy

What is your, height, waist and weight ?

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to sandybrown

5.4'' , 65 , 32

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to healthwisehappy

Thank you.

Take care and enjoy one life.

healthwisehappy profile image

Thanks for your advise .. I am not sick or tired . I am exploring how to add more food ( high calorie food ) on my plate without compromising OMAD ..

skbhatia profile image

It’s amazing n pleased to note your miracle diet plan! Keep it up 👍

Praveen55 profile image


First of all CONGRATULATIONS! You have done quite well.

Indeed OMAD is very effective in resolving many of the metabolic disorders like diabetes and obesity. However it should be implemented in a healthy and sustainable way if one wants to make it a long term lifestyle.

I do not know what is your current weight/desirable weight and whether you are working towards weight loss goal also in combination with blood sugar control. But in my opinion, your current diet does not seem to be sustainable.

You must add more protein and healthy fat in your diet. It seems you eat paneer when out in hotels. Why not include this in your regular home meals. There are many protein rich healthy food which you should consider including in your diet. It is easy and good thing about this is that they will make your food more tasty and enjoyable.

Vegetarian sources of protein and healthy fat:

Nuts and seeds: Almond ( soaked in water for few hours/overnight), boiled peanuts, chia seeds, pecan, Cheese, paneer, full fat yoghurt such as hung curd that is used used to make Shrikhand.

Fat: Butter, Ghee, Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, Full fat fresh cream, Sour cream, peanut butter, almond butter.

You may consider removing Brown Rice / MIllet Rice / White Rice. You may replace with cauliflower rice. Just add some chia seeds in your sambar towards the end of cooking.

Eat lots of non-starchy green veg.

Praveen55 profile image

Personal contact details not allowed.

healthwisehappy profile image

Sorry I dont believe on these SCAM Products ..

Trinilady profile image

What about protein? Are you getting enough?

sandybrown profile image

I read in one of link posted, it mentioned if your weight is say 75kg, add zero to this number, then the number 750 in grams is what you need to eat as food to maintain a healthy life. The % numbers in your response, can this % be compared to 750 g.?

sandybrown profile image


Thank you for your response. I read in the papers a new born baby having a stroke!. My daughter just gave birth by C-section. A worrying time for all of us in family!!!

All OK now.

Cancer, stomach cancer, a family member had it and after two operations he is OK.

I am learning. Thanks for your response.

rnpath profile image

one meal a day is not recommended for diabetics,since it promotes insulin resistance and rebound release of glucagon from liver antagonistic to insulin may be necessary for advanced yogis with limited access to food

like forests and mountains,not applicable for the common mans lifestyle.

the best guide is not to worry about the numbers but keep hunger as the guiding force to decide when to eat for a diabetic.

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to rnpath

I dont agree sir, .. you said "OMAD is not recommended for diabetics" can you elobarte why ? its already proved that fasting is known to improve sensitivity but you are telling it promotes insulin resistance , can you quote me the source .. and "release of glucagon from liver " its nature gift for us to avoid hypoglycemia . why should we find wrong in that

rnpath profile image

fasting is ok for a diabetic not on drugs and for the obese

.its improvements can be seen only in those who feast in between fasts,and

not for those on regular balanced hunger driven simple vegetarian diet. and in yoga.

there is nothing wrong with glucagon,but dont get disappointed by raised sugar levels during and shortly after fasting.

insulin is released throughout the day and night in small pulses guided by your diet, activity ,and your brain function and so its impact on once a day diet is unpredictable and so difficult to control the diabetes

.some yogis are on one diet a day. but

on testing they have glucose intolerance

.they manage due to compensated mechanisms and so their diabetes remains controlled but not cured

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to rnpath

"some yogis are on one diet a day. but

on testing they have glucose intolerance " just for my curiosity ( not to insult you ) can give me any example ? any reference to this claim ? My grandmother followed strict one day meal for ages ( due to poverty in early stage, later due to habit in later stage ) , died at 98 with out any issues ,

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to healthwisehappy

My grandmother lived on one meal a day due to ration book for food.

My father lived on one meal a day because of ration book on food and working in the farm.

Both did not see a doctor, did not do any health check, getting fire wood for cooking was very difficult, bringing water for drinking and cooking was also difficult, oil lamps for lighting. They were happy, had 8 hours of sleep per night. Telling the time was the train on time or not!!!

If we can work on the life style they had in the modern living we can also have a healthy life.

I agree with you poverty played it's part in the village where I lived in my early days.

rnpath profile image

phsiologically you cannot expect the pancreas to secrete insulin once a day to suit the lifestyle.

there are several examples to the statements made by me.

you can test it yourself.

i cannot discose their identity for ethical reasons.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to rnpath

Over night the insulin levels are low and after each three meals the levels go up and then come down in levels.

If no meal is taken then the insulin will stay low!

If only one meal is taken during the time between 0600 to 2000 hours, then insulin will go up after that one meal.

rnpath profile image
rnpath in reply to sandybrown

agree with your observations. the issue is not this but whether our present lifestyles and energy requirements are compatible with one meal a day for an average DM2 on treatement.

healthwisehappy profile image
healthwisehappy in reply to rnpath

I am not advocating OAMD for DM2 on medication .. its very dangerous .. But People on No MEDICAL TREATMENT or Border Line / d Pre Diabetics this could help them.

rnpath profile image
rnpath in reply to healthwisehappy

agree totally

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