As a new experiment I checked FBS before and after a 5 KM morning walk. Surprisingly, before walk it was 125 and after it was 145. Googling says it happens as liver produces more glucose on exercising but enough insulin is not produced by my body. Thus the enhanced reading. What to do ??
FBS higher after morning walk !!: As a new... - Diabetes India
FBS higher after morning walk !!

Walking on empty stomach is not advisable.This is because as soon as you start intense physical activity,the liver senses that you need glucose to meet the increased metabolic activity and releases glucose from it's stored supplies.Since you do not have the requisite insulin,the BS level increases.Better to switch to evening walk.
What is the science behind you explanation?
Its like muscles need fuel to work, mainly glucose. Liver releases glucose into blood whenever the blood sugar goes below certain limit, to enable the body to perform that activity. Since diabetics have insufficient insulin it may rise noticeably. If you check the blood glucose right after, it will be raised but after a while it will come down. This is because exercise improves insulin sensitivity. Rightly said, that one should not exercise on empty stomach though, it may cause fluctuation in blood sugar levels.
Dear Vinn & Ramana
I also had the same experience. Yes, though exercise increases insulin sensitivity in the long run, but the immediate response after exercise is a spike in Glucose level in T2 diabetes due to the known game played by the liver ( it does not happen in case of a healthy non diabetic person)
Spike beyond a certain limit (more than 140) is not desirable at any cost.
So the lesson is do your walk regularly post meal wherein you get benefits of both exercise and avoiding spikes !
Check BS after less intense walking. Probably you are brisk walking.
Increase your sleep.
Rest well
Take victoza lirglipten pen and with that do exercise it will shed some pounds.
H1abc will reduce too
Glucose or sugar is stored in the liver as glycogen. Glycogen is mainly stored in the liver and the muscles and provides the body with a readily available source of energy if blood glucose levels decrease. So, when you exercise glucose level in your blood is consumed. To ensure you do not get hypoglycaemic liver releases sugar from the stored glycogen. Similar thing happens in the case of diabetic persons who are on insulin. At night while asleep the sugar level tends to go down. To prevent hypoglycaemia liver releases glucose from the stored glycogen. This then raises glucose level in the morning. So the fasting sugar is high. This is called Dawn Effect. To see whether the sugar level is high due to Dawn Effect or otherwise you should check sugar level at 2.00am or about. If sugar level is low and on fasting it turns out to be high it is due to Dawn Effect - extra sugar being released by the liver from the stored glycogen.
Yes I too did the similar experiment knowingly to know how much drop in sugar levels take place after my regular routine of 5 km walk. I was shocked to see that, it was slightly (2-3 mg/dl) higher than the starting level. My wife is doctor and she told similar explanation for this and advised to never measure your BS to assess the efficacy of the exercise best you can do is assess estimated calories burnt. However, you can compute the glucose utilized to burn this much calories, by using and unit convertor.