I am taking Dionil & glyciphage thrice a day. It bearly keep the sugar level okey. Suggest something else which is more affective
sugar level: I am taking Dionil & glyciphage... - Diabetes India
sugar level

Normally a doctor considers several factors such as age,body weight,lifestyle,food habits,physical condition,any damage to the body due to diabetes,your sugar levels on that day and in the past three months etc.This is possible only when you visit the doctor and undergo several tests. With the sketchy information that you have given,it is not safe to select a course of action.
Go for Naturopathy. Take 30 leaves Bhel (koovalam) leaves, 30 leaves tulsi, 20 gms durva grass (karuka in Malayalam), 30 leaves curry leaves and 2 awla - grind and take juice of these and take in empty stomach early morning. Take everyday basis. It will control blood sugar.
Krishnan, Mumbai.
Dear Friend,
Please take 2 time GlycaCare Tablet only 3-4 month along with your current medicine and see the unbelievable amazing results. To know more contact Email Id apana.health.nutrition@gmail.com
Follow this very basic food eating tips:
1. Eat only when ur hungry [don’t go eat lunch just bz its 1 pm...don’t eat time basis]
2. Chew 25 times [count literally each bite]
3. Don’t drink water before or during or after food for 1 hr minimum.
4. Stop when you get 1st Burp while eating. When you chew 25 time, you will get burp - its a signal that ur full.
5. Finish dinner on or before 7 pm
5. Then do walking daily 30 mins a day.
Duotrol table is good for diabetes