Hi....my blood fasting sugar level are consistent 110 to 114through gloucometer but through blood samples they r 70to 85 ....my doc prescribed me insulin on d basis of glucometer reading .plz tell me which is more reliable .what should i do
Gestational diabetes: Hi....my blood fasting... - Diabetes India
Gestational diabetes

I have already done ogtt fasting value was 106 &pp was 217
I ate 2 brown bread with milk in mornig breakfast..then in lunch 2 chapati with a bowl ofcurd &salad&vegi..&in evening glass of milk with sprouts or 3 biscuits...in dinner its same as lunch
I want to know that after taking long standing insulin 4units after dinner my blood sugar level in glucometer is 110 to 114 but in venous sample its 64 to 84 ..what does ot indicate
...do i need to take more insulin as per my fasting reading in glucometer or i ll stick to it ....i m confused which reading should i consider

Glucometer readings are now a days corrected to give plasma glucose level.But glucometer readings are not meant for arriving at clinical decisions.They are meant for checking the trends in sugar levels.I would suggest that you go for a fresh laboratory testing before deciding on insulin.
Hi tanupriya, I am sailing in the same boat now.my glucometer reading for fasting is 98 but lab result shows 80