Diabetes India

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dharmendrapanchal profile image


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dharmendrapanchal profile image
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61 Replies
Activity2004 profile image

Great explanation!

suramo profile image


You are still modest talking to cut down carbs. A few people postulate zero carbs because 56% of protein and 10% fats get converted to carbs. Also drastic reduction in the carbs don't put stress on thyroid in their opinion. There should be trials on that track too. Obviously glucose is not our fuel howsoever good and freely available it might be. 😊😊

dharmendrapanchal profile image
dharmendrapanchal in reply to suramo

sorry but brain utilize as fuel only glucose, by the way 50% of total body required glucose is utilized by our brain.

in reply to dharmendrapanchal


You need to also learn a bit of whats not taught to you by the med school

While the basic physiology actually teaches the right thing it actually is twisted later on by the guidelines / recommendation

The world follows ADA for diabetes

ADA is influenced by food & pharma industry

So their recommendations are biased

Millions of diabetics the world over are rejecting this carb / glucose fuel based model to fat / ketone based model to have a good control of blood sugars & also reduce / eliminate costly patented pills / insulin analogues.

Suggest to visit various websites across to learn something new..

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to dharmendrapanchal


So what about ketones ? Do our brain utilize ketones as well ? Is ketone a more efficient fuel than carb or not ? Humans can use two fuels. Glucose and ketones. But since carb is freely easily and universally available we take carbs as our fuel. Fine. But we are misfit creatures. Can't use carbs effectively and high bs because of that damages our machinery. So we need to use ketones which is 100% safe efficiently utilized by our body. So we need to use that.

dharmendrapanchal profile image
dharmendrapanchal in reply to suramo

ketones are rescue fuel..

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to dharmendrapanchal

dharmendrapanchal 😁😁😁. You are absolutely right. They are to rescue us from complications of D. Jokes apart the days have gone when we would be starving extremely. On the contrary most of us are overfed. You know the key to reverse D is to lose abdominal fats. That's the key.

Also the people engaged in endurance exercises use keto diet. As @anup says shaina nehwal and all the disciples of Gopichand follow keto diet strictly to improve performance. So let's change the concept that ketones are rescue fuel. Ketones are better fuel for athletes and we - the D people. My car is diesel. I can't use petrol instead in part or whole even if petrol is a better fuel. My body as D is not fit for glucose i have to use the alternate fuel for me and that's ketones. I wish we all could pursue keto diet. If thyroid permits.

I'd love to here from you what you mean by " rescue fuel ". Rescue from what ? Starvation ?

Physiologically also we use ketones. Early morning after overnight starvation. 😊😊😊

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to dharmendrapanchal

Brain can not utilize FFA but ketones very well.

suramo profile image

There are still doctors who advise that some sugar and carbs are essential. Even half doctors- the dietitians- give absurd advice to eat rice, potato, little sugar etc. We have to review the advises and come out of the shadow of aha ama ada.

The whole world got badly exploited on lipid theory for more than 60 years and all kind of irrational things like cholesterolfree oils, nonstick cookwares and floods of antiatherotic oils are now available in the market and more and more people are using such oils to keep cholesterol in check. But the cholesterol theory is on the way to burst. Now ama aha ada saying only LPa particles are important and not the cholesterol.😊😊😊

Not ADA it's science. Physiology

in reply to dharmendrapanchal

Our brain / system is a hybrid model

Brain can use ketones as well

There are a few cells in brain and few more places which uses only Glucose & our liver is capable to providing this amount.

Nature has very well provided an organ which does not depend on what we eat. It can as well produce glucose from proteins / fats via gluconeogenesis.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to dharmendrapanchal

Can you please explain, dharmendrapanchal ?


Issue is even if fasting insulin is tested.. then what..?

How will this insulin be reduced. The main stream is ignorant about this.. Why..? Because still carbohydrate is the major macro recommended. This just will not reduce the secretion of excess insulin

I know a few Drs when i interacted mentioning that even if fasting insulin is measured what can we do about it

So its a vicious cycle & diff to get out unless the fat/ketone model is accepted by the mainstream

Cochin_ali123 profile image
Cochin_ali123 in reply to

My dear friends and Doctors will you please understand that diabetes is

Condition and not a disease. When less

Insulin is produced

You should eat less at

A time and the frequency

of eating

Should be


So, after

Bringing diebetes to

Nearer to borderline

One should star t

Eating at a time and the number

Of times

Should be


Take a special food medicine

as Fenugreek with each

Food. In 3 months

Time your Diebetes

Will be permanently be cured. All

The diebetologist world over please try this and let me know the resul.God


in reply to Cochin_ali123

Type 2 diabetes is a disorder of insulin resistance/ excess insulin secretion . Not less insulin secretion as u claim. Pl study more on this.

Also frequents meals will put load on the pancreas to keep releasing insulin.

Also frequent eating will not cure diabetes


Cochin_ali123 profile image
Cochin_ali123 in reply to

This is where the study went wrong. In fact the beta

Cells produce

Less insulin resistance in Type 2. that is why the glucose , instead

Of going to the cells directly goes to the blood stream.

That is why insuline

Is injected

To lower

Diebetes; it is hereidern medicinehas gone wrong. That is why I ask you to eat one serving of

Fenugreek whic stimulates the Beta cells and repairs the dried cells.I ask American Diebetic

Association to go forward

With related experiments; O.K?

in reply to Cochin_ali123

Please introduce yourself. Are you a diabetic? If so, what's the present status?Are you on any medicine and what are the BS levels? What are the hba1c levels?

Cochin_ali123 profile image
Cochin_ali123 in reply to

I am not a doctor nor am I a Diebetic

Patient. I am a person who gave this advice to numerous Diebetic friends

Who no longer suffer from this condition. If you like it you can follow and be benefitted or close this chapter here.Bye.

Cochin_ali123 profile image
Cochin_ali123 in reply to Cochin_ali123

I am not Diebetic nor am I a doctor.

I have successfully managed this condition of my friends

all of whom enjoy life . If you think it will benefit you try and tell me or else close this chapter.God bless. Good night.

dharmendrapanchal profile image
dharmendrapanchal in reply to

Thanks for the concern. I am not Diabetic. I am Dr Dharmendra Panchal MD. I am a Diabetologist.

in reply to dharmendrapanchal

I posted that for Cochin_ali123

in reply to

As long as the need for the amount of insulin is not much , pancreas does not get overloaded because the main duty of pancreas is that only.When insulin is demanded in large amounts the pancreas gets overloaded .So ir is a wrong notion that pancreas is penalised if small frequent meals are taken . We can see that in case of children . They take food several times with out any bad results . Of course this point does not validate excess carb orexcess calories in case of adults .

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Thank you for the explanation, Hidden .

dharmendrapanchal profile image
dharmendrapanchal in reply to Cochin_ali123

Please note that diabetes means not only insulin related defects.

Cochin_ali123 profile image
Cochin_ali123 in reply to dharmendrapanchal

What you are aiming to say is that it is

Auto immunedisease; you call

Hyperand hypothyroidism with this pet name. This is for confusing people.

My dear, please

Understand from me

that I am talking about type 2 and not type 1 or Gestational

dharmendrapanchal profile image
dharmendrapanchal in reply to Cochin_ali123

please go through my recent post

suramo profile image


Yes i agree and i being a doctor understand what i'm doing and talking. It's 100% science that we should not use carbs but fat/ ketones as a fuel. But as a vegetarian it's really very difficult to have keto diet.

suramo profile image


Why only fasting insulin? Why not 5 hour gtt with insulin measurements and plotting it on a chart initially when diagnosed as D and later on? This will give an idea about our ir and beta cell response to that. Higher the insulin response more is ir.

And one more thing about carbs and the vascular accidents. D or not if one takes high carb diet one is more likely to get cardiovascular accidents because carbs are the real culprit for inflammation in our body. These carbs also regulate lipids in our body. The lipids are mere firemen wrongly incriminated for atherosclerosis and chd cvd cva. People with familial hypercholesterolemia also if reduce their carb intake significantly the incidence of chd cva cvd will come down in them.

suramo profile image


This drugs - glitazones are the most disreputed not because they are bad but certain complications assigned to them. Weight gain, increased incidence of chd and dyslipidemia may not be because of them but wrong high carb diet. I have been taking pioglitazone for about 14 years because i'm allergic to sulfa which su drugs and acarbose group contain. I have maintained my weight almost constant with low carb diet except for last 7 month i have been on lchf and reduced about 10 kg. My lipid profile was good with statinsthen and now without statins for last 7 months. So if you give bad diet and assign complications to the medicines 🐒🐒🐒 Ye baat kuchh hazam nhi hui. Further most of the studies would quote the method and conclusions but don't explain the science of those particular complications. There should be cause effect relation explained scientifically and preferably with proof.

cure profile image

Sir.... as medical professional what you will suggest to survive out of this TSUNAMI ???

auarvindekar profile image

I have been reading the above discussion with interest. Just as body prepared its own cholesterol irrespective of whether we added it to the diet or not, we also synthesize glucose through gluconeogenesis. In fact almost 50% of our blood glucose comes through this. Certain tissues such as RBCs, brain need glucose for their functioning. Brain can switch over to ketones on prolonged fasting otherwise glucose is the preferred. So is it likely that with LCHF body will breakdown proteins for synthesis of glucose and then would there be a shortage of proteins?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to auarvindekar


1) most of carbs come from diet and if you take high carb diet gluconeogenesis is very less. Do you know ketones also can convert into glucose. (Pardon me if i'm wrong )

2) with extreme keto diet we can cure morbid obesity too. You have to have patience.

3) brain is better with keto diet. Just a few examples. Alzheimer's and epileptic convulsions in children are better cured with keto diet. The tremors of parkinson's too. Somebody please add more to the list.

4) cancer patients do better on keto diet. We as diabetics are more prone to have cancers. If we pursue keto diet perhaps cancerous growths can be nipped in the bud imho.

in reply to suramo

So the deduction is people on keto diet suffer less with diabetes or cancer , a point which needs research . But diabetes is a well thriving , prosperous business for a section of business community which never allows a serious effort in this area .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


It's already researched. What i'm saying is not postulations but science behind it and what researchers have found out.

"But diabetes is a well thriving , prosperous business for a section of business community which never allows a serious effort in this area ." I don't agree. The health care givers are wrongly trained, uninformed and misinformed. I wouldn't blame doctors for that. Black sheep are there but all sheep are not black .

The problem in india is apathy of leaders. In gujarat we have the health minister who doesn't know what is the meaning of trauma !! This kind of people are health caretakers. Yesterday i went to my local mla but he was not very much interested!! But i'm not gonna leave. What can the doctors do? Recently i had a hot debate in ob gy society meeting about the necessity of system improvement in the medical field. May be there are a few black sheep but we have to defeat them. In india every doctor creates or has to create one's own system. That's wrong. There should be a system created by the government or the health caretakers which give clear guideline as to how to treat a patient.

I have also sent a letter to our pm and his aide in person but no response yet. Don't know if they understand what i'm saying.

in reply to suramo

Each has it's own advantages as well as disadvantages . Keto diet is good according to many followers . But it is of recent origin . Even if it is good it should not be taken beyond a certain point .In the begining because of unused supply it could solve the problem . In the long run , taken in excess of the need it would fail .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


"Keto diet is good according to many followers . But it is of recent origin . Even if it is good it should not be taken beyond a certain point .In the begining because of unused supply it could solve the problem . In the long run , taken in excess of the need it would fail ."

Any proof ? Please explain why it should fail. I don't think that's true. It's not of recent origin.

in reply to suramo

A proof comes after an extensive usage and research . Proof of experiments on rats is totally a wrong approach because the endocrinal , immunity , circulatory , gastrointestinal systems of rats is not exactly the same as humans.In humans pitutory gland is very important in controlling many functions

in reply to suramo

The wide scale use of keto diet was not prevalent in the past . Even those who followed , the resultant problems were not clearly known . But as of now , it is agreed that it is fruitful inmost cases according to the reports . Since ,no other option is available right now , even with half the rate of success as keto is promising ,till such time another alternative is found , we may be compelled to follow that course.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


Just go through the link.


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


"The wide scale use of keto diet was not prevalent in the past . Even those who followed , the resultant problems were not clearly known "

The world have seen worst starvations in droughts. And the people lost fats during this time. That were keto periods but could anybody have done any research then?

in reply to suramo

not few black sheep , but 90% is of that category only .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to



Yes. You too joined the bandwagon that doctors in this country should be bashed insulted beaten and not trusted. They should sit at home if fear violence though the people who say this don't do their duty and remain under tight security. You get jail if just criticize them 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒. What a feudal mindset ? No swathy. I don't buy your views. Most anger against doctors comes from the fact that we have to pay them.

in reply to suramo

just as you are expressing your anger against some professionals . Do you know now plumbers are calling themselves technical experts .Just as doctors are indispensable , plumbers are also indispensable in modern society .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to



anup if you have seen the investigation list i advised to lady with 284 sugar included c peptide.. hope you know what is c peptide..

This concept is not known to many

suramo profile image


The values are recommended by ada. We always look at them for everything. We must have our data. Can only be done if we have data. In us they have separate hospitals for every disease. Hiv, eclampsia, diabetes and so on. Here our health system reaquires big rectification. We can have very large database.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to suramo

suramo , I will send you a PM in a minute. Don't worry! It's okay!😀

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to suramo

I sent you the PM now, suramo . Please check.

not only small babies even children up to the age of 18 come under the category of eating 6 to 7 times per day .Whether type 1D or type 11D ,eating several small meals does not cause any harm as long as total intake does not exceed the required calories. In fact their growing bodies constantly demand food . That ensures the limit of insulin supply and associated risks of insulin resistance or deficiency .

some types of foods do not need plates , spoons , forks tables and hours . Here the question is of energy , strength , and non spiking of insulin. If not 7 or 8 times , at least 6 meals ----- 3 small and 3 medium sized meals can be taken . This applies to diabetic or non diabetic people . Some 15 years back when I asked a doctor the diet plan for weight reduction , he advised me to take food 5 or 6 times saying ---- people who take food like that do not put on weight . This advice was given to a non diabetic .

School going kids have definitely three meals per day , which are medium sized , and one small in the mid morning session and another in the mid evening session , the last and final one before going to bed . These three small meals can be a dark chacolate , a small fruit and the last one a plantain .A plantain gives a very good sleep . Though it has sugar content , when compared with its' benefits the sugar contributing calories can be overlooked . This meal plan works very well to diabetics of T1 and T2 . Even this is good for non diabetics as well .I am not contesting your diet plan but just giving another view point since we are doing an extensive study on the etiology and pathology of diabetes . ultimately our goal is to see that all are free from diabetes .

cure profile image

Guess here we are missing one thing that kids are growing... demands and needs of growing body are different than grown up... and declining body...

in reply to cure

The discussion is about the overloading of pancreas . The reference to children's food habits is not directly connected to the diabetic state . What I want to impress upon is if pancreas gets so easily affected with overloading how come children take all the extra food . It is true that the needs of growing bodies are different . But still pancreas does never get overloaded on its own . But diabetic state is different .That is equally true . So a way has to be found out to remove that from the body .

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

is size on pancreas is also growing in growing up kids???

in reply to cure

It is given that pancreas volume increases up to 30 years . The size of Liver and lungs increases up to late teens . Thus it is established , that the children need more food up to 20 years . From the age 20 to 60 the pancreatic volume remains constant . However the size gets reduced with the onset of diabetes.Deficient insulin leads to the reduction in the size . Whatever may be the reason more food is not required after the age 20 , because the growth is over by that time . But the feeling of hunger haunts almost up to 60 .This haunt subsides with the distribution of intake in to 5 or 6 meals . The other option could be LCHF of which I don't have an idea .whether diabetic or non diabetic , reduction of calories is important .

cure profile image

as per the theory mentioned by dr dharmendrapanchal and explained by Dr suramo (Bhai) fat cells got lot to do with IR....

Also liver... Does size of liver is also important???

In kids size must be growing....so capacity to store must be increasing...

in reply to cure

As per my understanding liver does not grow beyond a point and after certain point . I may be wrong . Any doctor in the forum can clear that point .

cure profile image

even at Bhonsala Military School nasik we had two times meals and 2 times snacks...

Break fast use to be 'Usal'...

in reply to cure

Those days are different .Now all children get many treats . Of course with the latest trend of health conciousness most of the families are putting restrictions on junk food and are not allowing children to eat any thing out side .While packing the lunchboxes a seasonal fruit , a chacolate or any goody is being added for in between nibbling .It is not a big deal . when it comes to hostels I don't know exactly the situation .Next time when I go for a study trip , I would try to find out .

not three chacolates , once a chacolate , then a seasonal fruit and then a plantain in that order . All are nutrient and the growing childrens' bodies just need that extra food . Here my explanation does not pertain to kids alone , even adults can follow that program . Children can go for that with out any apprehension .

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