Hello dear community members, i need your suggestions on reducinb diabetes meds for my mother. She is 58 yrs old and right now taking diamicron 60 mg + istamet 50/500 in morning and diamicron 30 mg+ istamet 50/500 in evening. she has recently started taking paneer doda as advised by multiple friends for last 20 days. Her fasting blood sugar now is between 110 and 130 and pp is between 130 and 160. Kindly advise on how should we go ahout reducing her allopathic meds when the sugar level goes down more and which medicine to reduce in morning or in evening? I have also set up an appointment with our physician next week but would love to have feedback from this lovely community. Thanks and much regards for help.
Pls advice on Diabetes meds.: Hello dear... - Diabetes India
Pls advice on Diabetes meds.

Consult to doctor. Try to have walk in morning and evening
Thanks Sarveshji- she already does that. Wanted to know which allopathic meds we can reduce as paneer doda is helping reduce sugar levels.
Give more details about her. Height, weight, thyroid status, a1c etc.
Keep her carb intake low if thyroid profile is ok.
It may help to reduce fasting blood sugar. Allopathic medicine may not be reduced. It depends on diet and physical activity
As far as i know paneer dodi/doda/ Withania Coagulans works similar to drug sulfonylurea...whipping the beta cells to produce more insulin...similar to diamicron.
Best way is to reduce carbs...
Thank you for your advice. Cant she reduce allopathic meds by using paneer doda as my relatives said it decreases sugar level drastically when taken with oral diabetic medications?
Yes many have reported that Withania Coagulans reduces blood sugar...
But as I said is acts thru stimulating pancreas to produce more insulin...
Whipping already tired beta cells to produce more insulin is not advisable.
Best way is reduction in carbs....by that way you can reduce other medicines...
@anup suramo will be able to guide you further.
you may go thru my earlier post on my progress report
you may read more about same here...
Treatment of diabetic animals (MD and SD) with different doses of aqueous W. coagulans resulted in significantly decreased FPG, PPPG, and HbA1c (P<.01), whereas serum insulin increased significantly compared with that in diabetic-untreated rats
Hi bro.
The study is done on streptozotocin induced D. Str is an anticancer drug. I don't think it would be inducing ir in rats. I wouldn't pay much attention to such studies.
Only way to ward off ir in t2d humans is IDM. Exercise and drugs come next. Losing weight does reduces ir. IDM is the only perfect remedy which can work without the help of exercise and drugs.
what ever range you have given, it acceptable for diabetic person. I will also get same reading.
Diabetes can be controlled/managed by a proper regulated diet and exercise. and medicines prescribed by the doctor
1. Eat every Four hours mini meals. Don't eat big meals. Take more green vegetables/salads.
2. Eat whole grain food/grains like ragi, wheat, jowar instead of refined grains like maida/ sooji/ white bread etc
3. Reduce foods with high GI Index like potato, white rice, banana, mango.
4. Avoid all forms of simple sugars like Colas, juices, sweets, cakes, biscuits, pizzas, noodles etc.
5. Eat daily fruits with low/medium GI index like apple, guava, mosambi, orange.
6. Eat lot of proteins like dals, sprouts, egg, chicken etc with every minimeal.
7. Drink lot of water. One glass every hour.
8. Do at least 30-45 mins of exercise every day.
Thank you so much for the valuable advice. She follows this- i will definitely tell her to follow the missed out points
Well said. No to sugar, rice, potatoes, root veg and high gi gl foods.
She should take low carb hypocalorie diet to reduce weight. Add exercise if she can at 58. walking and yoga are enough. Add plenty of good fats. Carbs less than 100g per day.
Thanks much Suramo. Will definitely get her to follow it.
I have been on grain free hypocalorie diet for last few months and i have lost 10odd kg weight and 2" of my waist circumference. I have been taking plenty of pure ghee- homemade and cow . My food is cooked with extra quantity of coconut oil. I use evoo liberally as dressing. I have to remove all the oil in the plate by finger and eat. I'm not doing any exercise. I put evoo practically on everything. Even i dip pakodas - just two or three or four - in evoo and eat. I put extra evoo on my pickles and even on baked or fried rice flakes - poha. I have now started putting evoo 2tsf in acv + lemon + a teaspoonful honey mixture at night. I'm taking 2tsf evoo first thing in the morning empty stomach. In all i'm nowadays taking 8-10 tsf evoo daily. it's postulated that Evoo increases insulin sensitivity.
Also taking half a small katori - bowl pure ghee. This i'm telling how good fats can help you reduce your weight. Without exercise.
Mr Suramo, I am impressed with your experiment but wish to know what was your Hb A1C and fasting sugar before your experiment with EVoo and after the experiment.
That's not experiment but an act done with scientific knowledge.
My a1c was 9.3. It has come down to 7.3 but i had bad infection in the previous half - for one and half months. I'm going to post my reports very soon.
My fasting used to remain in 180 range. Now it's come down to 130 range. I'm still finding it difficult to control fbs but i'm trying hard and trying to understand my body responses.

I'm not taking rice for more than 15 years ever since i was diagnosed t2d.
Pakoda is made of Besan - bengal gram flour.
Evoo is extra virgin olive oil. I'm eggetarian but hardly eat eggs. Evoo has omega 3 fatty acid - an essential fa which our body can't produce. Good for brain. Evoo also has many useful substances like vit E. Please surf net.
I'm taking plenty of vegetables, yogurd and gujarati snacks made with fenugreek leaves, bottle gourd etc. You can find diabetic friendly foods on net. I don't know which part of india you belong to and what kind of food you are eating but you can always use net as i do to find out the nutritional value of the foods you are eating.
I take gluten free grains sometimes. So i'd rather call my diet gluten free. I'm now going to try long wheat sprouts made like lwmdr cooked together with other sprouts like green / black / bengal gram sprouts and urad. Also soya is the only legume that has protein content more than carbs unlike other legumes which have 2-3 times more carbs than protein in them. Not yet started but will soon.
I take lots of cheese and panir.
Her blood sugar is fairly good, however she is over weight she should try to reduce the weight slowly over months the best way is some walking and reduce the carb to 100 gms per day I mean cooked ie weigh the rice or chapatti once cooked no sugar in any for no sweets samosa etc. She can fill up her stomach with vegetables, salads and non diabetes fruits, after she comes down in weight the allopathy medicine will automatically reduce.
please continue with babul phali churan,and drink daily methi plus wheat water in morning. thanks